The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 445 Stars Can’t Hold Tears

Six men set up camp and prepared three tents.

The three girls lived in one room, Tops lived in another room, and Linde lived in the same room with his roommate Dong Niel. Dong Niel not only recognized the bed, but also recognized the person. He said that sleeping next to Linde felt very good.

Millicent changed out of her magician robe and wore a simple, close-fitting shirt. When she found Lind, she said without hesitation that she wanted to live with him.

He pretended to be surprised and asked: "Are we progressing so fast? Is it time for a fight next?"

Although she heard that Lind was joking again, the red-haired girl's cheeks still turned red as expected. She was not shy, but she felt trembling all over, and the blood pumped by her heart filled every capillary. Her bright eyes looked directly at Linde, without any restraint at all.

A gentle woman who dares to love and hate is always very direct.

All she hit were straight shots.

"I just feel light and airy when I think of you next to me. Linde, when I close my eyes, all the waves in my holy sea are related to you. I want to curl up next to you and sleep, and I want to smell you. The smell of your body.”

"Then I have to take a good bath and try to smell better." He laughed.

After Linde's smile subsided, he looked up at the stars in the night sky and raised his left arm. Millicent stood in his arms very considerately and let him hold her. She also raised her head to look at the sky, blowing the night volcanoes together side by side. The wind smells of sour sulfur.

"What did you see?" Linde asked softly.

"Those stars are not as powerful as you. I am always honored to have someone who shines brighter than the stars, standing next to me, Lynd." Millicent's every word trembled slightly, Lynd's forearm pressed against her She could feel the scalding heat on her back, like holding a non-scorching fire or a soft, heavy hot water bottle.

Linde shook his head.

"Then what did you see?" Millicent asked softly. She seemed to be melting, her cheek was pressed against his shoulder, and she breathed in the smell of his clothes almost infatuatedly. The air blowing from her nose passed through the warp and weft gaps in her shirt and brushed against Lind's shoulders and chest, like a downward cold current.

"my childhood."

"The starry sky at the junction is different from that on Earth."

“But it’s the same person looking at the stars.”

"Would you mind telling me about the past?"

"Of course I don't mind. In fact, I quite envy Michaela's ability to create childhood sweethearts. If I had a good girl like you accompanying me in my childhood, I would have been heartbroken because of missing you."

Millicent rested her forehead on his shoulder, hiding her smiling face, but she still let out a small laugh, like the wind blowing through the corridor and ringing a silver bell. Linde had seen ten thousand of her moods in the prophecy, but every one of them made him feel happy and like her.

"My childhood was not what Mr. Gorky wrote. My childhood was quite happy. Although the economic conditions were not good, I had enough food and clothing. Later, when my old house was demolished, the conditions became more generous and I was able to send me abroad. I studied abroad. The only regret I had at that time was that I could not spend more time with my mother when I was a child. If there are four seasons in life, before my mother died, my life was all spring."

Millicent's smile completely disappeared. She raised her head in surprise and saw Lind's smiling face as he told the story.

His smile was not the familiar mischievous smile, nor was it the friendly and warm smile of greeting.

But a chuckle of reconciliation with life.

"Are you surprised? In fact, I was born to my mother, not someone who jumped out of a rock."

"Lind, you don't have to tell me this."

"It's not a touching comedy, sorry."

"No, I want to hear it, but I don't want you to be sad. If you frown, I will have insomnia for the next two months."

Lind deliberately made a mask of pain and frowned. He succeeded in making Millicent laugh.

"Go on."

"My mother...well, how can I say that I talked about her during my childhood. In short, she was a very amateur astronomy enthusiast. I know a few stars, including Cowherd and Weaver Girl, Deneb, Arcturus, and Sirius. These are all She told me. When I was a kid, every summer vacation, she would take me back to the village to live for a few days, and then return to the city to work."

Lind's memory unknowingly spread in the air, and Millicent not only heard his story, but also saw the scene in the memory with her own eyes.

It was a simple and simple era, and Linde was still a man with a runny nose. Although he did not wear crotchless pants, he still liked to drink AD calcium and Li Ziyuan. He followed his mother on a rickety bus to his grandparents' house, where he spent every summer in the village.

The night sky in the village is clear and the stars are brighter than those in the city, making it suitable for pointing with your fingers. When Linde was a child, he was impatient to look at the stars because there were so many mosquitoes at night in summer that the mosquito bites all over his body made him look like a toad turning into sperm.

None of this shows what kind of person Linde will be in the future. The past of a time traveler is often very ordinary and can be summarized with just a few keywords, because most people who can understand it have experienced the same life.

"When I was in sixth grade, the summer vacation after I took the exam was the most relaxing. My mother stayed with me for a few more days. I didn't know she had cancer at that time. I just remember that she went out early and came back late in those days. Later. She asked me if I wanted to eat ice cream. There was no such good product in the village, and the only tuck shop there closed down due to poor management. You can imagine how tempting this is for a teenager. Sigh... I don’t want to talk anymore, let’s stop it here, okay?”

Millicent put her arms around his waist, patted his back gently, and hummed a lullaby.

"What are you doing?" Linde asked helplessly.

"Comfort you, baby Linde."

"I don't need a second mother. But you are a very good girl and will be a very good mother in the future."

Her body, which had cooled with grief, was boiling hot again.

Lind buried his nose in her hair and hummed softly.

"What's the name of the song?"

"No name, some fragmented melody. Millicent."


"I just called you."

"All right."



"Check again."


"Am I a little bored?"

"That's it. That's it."

"I don't like things that are destined. Sometimes I think about... do you like ice cream?"


"It's a shame, the ice cream is delicious, but we didn't get any ice cream that day. Mom forgot her wallet."

Millicent didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What on earth do you want to say?"

"I'm sorry to be a spoiler. I've always been a spoiler."

"No, not at all. On the contrary, I am happy to see your past. You are no longer a ghost floating in the air. I no longer work hard to catch a little thread. I want to have you, so to speak. Will it violate the gods?"

"Let me think about it...well, it is indeed transgression, but I choose to forgive you. From now to forever, Millicent, no matter what choices you make in the future, you don't have to consider my opinion."

"Now, I want to sleep."

"Turn out the lights immediately."

Linde lifted Millicent up in his arms. She was gentler than Toba.

After they left the hillside, the robed Melina walked to where they had stopped under the stars. She didn't look at the miserable stars, but stared deeply at their footprints. Her empty heart was more desolate than a volcano. She closed her eyes and blew the wind for a while until her nostrils were clogged. Before she could shed tears like a child, she was awakened by the call of little apprentice Jasmine.

"Melina, sister, where are you?"

The former fire girl turned around and left in a hurry, her footprints too shallow to hold a single tear.

Everyone be happy.

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