The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 444 Not loving is doomed

The academy mage expelled the origin magician Yazler, but did not allow this dangerous great magician to escape. Instead, he imprisoned him in a demihuman village at the eastern foot of the Gmir volcano. The mage guards.

There are many difficulties and obstacles on the road to the demihuman village. The road to Gmir Volcano is a gradually rising spiral. You need to walk counterclockwise around the perimeter of the volcano to finally reach the volcano official residence. The demihuman village is also on this road. Final paragraph.

There are too many monsters and monsters along the way.

Not long after entering the volcano from the east foot, the group met the Rodel soldiers who were wandering on the battlefield.

They lacked food and water for more than a year and survived by eating the corpses of their comrades.

At first, they ate the dead on the battlefield.

After the dead people finished eating, they began to draw lots to select the deceased. The winner drank the essential oil extracted from Torina water lily and fell asleep, and then slaughtered and shared the food.

Later, when no one wanted to draw lots, they took advantage of their comrades not paying attention to sneak attack and assassinate them.

Even so, these soldiers still retained their will to fight, and even reorganized the remnants many times to attack the defense line of the Volcano Mansion.

A considerable number of them fell into despair under inhuman torture and were infected by the mysterious epilepsy.

Lin De and his party brought news of the king's army marching westward. Upon hearing the news, the remnants of the battlefield sent a team of scouts to find out the authenticity of the news. They also sent troops to contact more troops scattered in the volcano.

There were many suspicious bones buried in the camp fire of these soldiers, and their expressions flickered, which showed that they were all guilty of cannibalism.

Melina tells the soldiers that all epilepsy patients must be killed, and an old knight looks at her deeply.

"Do you know that these people are our comrades? We swore to protect each other's backs. Although we are no longer qualified to say such things, they cannot die in the hands of an outsider like you."

"No matter what your identity is, once you are infected with epilepsy, you become the enemy of life."

The so-called epileptic fire is the annihilating fire of desperate creatures, and the flame of revenge is the pure negation of the existence of all things. It wants to eliminate the barriers between all lives and return the universe to its original state of chaos.

It sounds like a middle-grade statement of "it's not me, it's the world that's wrong", but the history of epilepsy is by no means the vent of ignorant teenagers. The truth is very violent and cruel.

The groups blessed by the epileptic fire in the border areas are extremely miserable. The wandering merchants were buried alive by their entire clan, the slave trolls had their bellies ripped out, and the remnant soldiers killed each other.

Encountering this kind of horrific trauma that completely destroyed the value of his past life, he contracted epilepsy. This power itself is also a curse for patients, and normal people are simply not willing to accept it.

Melina is well aware of the dangers of epileptic fire, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a border nuclear weapon. If epileptic fire spreads, there will be no life in this world.

The Golden Tree is the original capital system used by the Supreme Will to harvest souls, and the epileptic fire is the tool used by the Supreme Will to shuffle the cards. Those who know the power of nuclear explosions are the most afraid.

Seeing that the two sides were in a stalemate, Linde came forward to smooth things over, "If you don't mind, I can try to cure the disease. I can use amulets to isolate the influence of epileptic fire, but there is no guarantee that they will return to their original state. It requires a strong will and a new Only by living a healthy life can you survive the trauma of war. Live well when you go back, your Lord Godfrey is ready to make the border area war-free."

Melina pursed her lips. She didn't agree with this approach, but she didn't say anything to stop Linde.

The trust in Linde is even greater than the fear of epilepsy.

The madness subsided and the king's army was approaching. The remnant soldiers who had no tears finally began to cry. They were going home.

After solving the problem of the fallen soldiers, they continued on their way, and it was almost dusk.

Along the way, they also encountered a lava earth dragon entrenched in a magma lake. This kind of dragon is said to have been human, but after eating too many dragon hearts, it turned into a dragon. They can only crawl on the ground and have no ability to fly.

Millicent sighed with emotion: "I have killed a lot of earth dragons."

Nowadays, it is a trivial matter for her to kill an earth dragon. The Sword of the Holy Sea can switch between force field and psychic damage, or both. It can be said to kill both the body and the soul. It is worthy of being a legendary power system.

The body of the earth dragon is powerful, but its soul is very weak. Millicent pierced the top of the earth dragon's skull with her sword, and it turned into a lifelike corpse.

For this passing tour group, this was just a minor episode, but in the lava earth dragon's lair, they also met a familiar figure.

Warrior Pot Alexander is bathing in lava.

", it's you, we meet again, hahaha, as you can see, I am using the magma to practice!" Alexander always gives people the impression of being a very optimistic and silly guy. , he is indeed a bit stupid.

Linde and others all noticed the cracked shell of the warrior pot.

"Haha," Alexander forced a smile, "I can't hide it from you. I am a useless pot. Without you, Lady Malenia and Lady Lani, the battle with General Broken Star would have been impossible to win. Just one blow. , I was beaten so hard that my whole body cracked and I almost died.

"But fortunately, I have collected the corpses of many warriors. They are worthy of being heroes in the Shard War. They will all become my more powerful force! So I came here to use the heat of magma to repair the body of the pot, but it is a pity. The heat here is not very high. I heard that there are extremely hot flames on the top of the Giant Snow Mountain. Maybe I should go there and try."

In fact, there is no way to repair a cracked jar, no matter how high the temperature is. Alexander was now critically ill.

It is said that if the earthen jar is not broken outside the well, the general will inevitably die in battle. The warrior pot is both an earthen jar and a general. His death seems to be a double destiny.

What troubles Linde the most is destiny. He learns magic not for destiny, but for miracles. Since he can save the tragedy, he should try his best to save it. As a god, he is different from mortals. He has nothing to lose.

So Linde stretched out his hand towards Alexander, "The giant flame can't repair you. Besides, I can [repair you as before] without going so far away."

As he finished speaking, Alexander felt a breeze blowing through his body from the man's hand. He felt itchy all over and couldn't help laughing. After he finished laughing, he knocked on the body of the pot and found that the sound was crisp and clear, and all the cracks were closed. .

"This! This! Malika, come on! Are you a pottery master?!"

"No, no matter how good the pot master is, he can't do it. This is magic and a miracle that changes destiny." Linde smiled.

"Thank you so much! Why did you save me? Oh, if you don't want to say it, you don't have to tell me. But I, Iron Fist Alexander, will always remember you, friend!"

"It's simple, because I don't like tragedy, and I have this ability. I forgot to mention it last time we met, but you are actually a character I like very much. Never give up fighting, my friend. We are destined to meet again, warrior Pot Alexander."

They continued on until it was completely dark, then camped on an open hillside, ready to end the day.

Lind prepared camp supplies, and before spending the night, a teammate approached him to strike up a conversation.

It's Millicent.

"Lind, shall we sleep in a tent tonight?"

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