Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 307 Voldemort is reborn

London, near a church in the suburbs.

The sunlight shines through the colorful glass, projecting a dazzling array of colors on the ground.


A huge cross removed from under the roof floated in the air of the church, and the church pastor was hung upside down on it, groaning in pain.

Where the lectern originally stood there was only a huge armchair covered with red cushions.

Voldemort was lying in a chair, surrounded by several hooded Death Eaters, who completely ignored the cross above their heads.

Instead, they knelt around him in fear:

"Master, do you really want to be reborn with the humble blood of Muggles?

This. This will contaminate your”

Voldemort lazily opened his eyes a little, and his scarlet eyes shone with a heart-stopping color in the sunlight.

"Bella. Do you think so too?"

Bellatrix let out a harsh laugh and stared sarcastically at her 'companions' lying on the ground:

"Master, your power has surpassed any bloodline. Your will is the supreme law, and what you use depends only on you.

Even the blood of Muggles will be noble because of your choice! "

"Bella, you are still so loyal. I like your answer very much."

Voldemort smiled with satisfaction. He closed his eyes again. His voice was very soft, but it was clearly audible in the chapel with a special structure:

"Go, my servants. Prepare the things for the ceremony."

The Death Eaters bowed and exited the auditorium. With a heavy closing sound, the heavy wooden door shook, and the sunlight penetrated the dust in the air to reveal a clear beam of light.

A giant snake snaked out from the shadow in the corner, coiled along the back of the chair, and enjoyed the warmth of the sun with its owner.

"Nagini, yes, you smell the disgusting smell on them, disloyal. That's right."

Voldemort stretched out his deformed fingers with difficulty, and Nagini brought her head closer to facilitate the master's touch.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

"Of course, there are loyal servants, Bella Barty and others, but none of them are loyal to me because of the so-called pure-blood supremacy.

It's because of my strength! "

Voldemort let out a hoarse and unpleasant laugh:

"Although I never admit my past, don't they know? Of course they know, but so what?

If a weak person holds the flag of pure-blood supremacy, will these cunning pure-blood families treat them the same way they treat me?

If they want pure blood, I will give them pure blood supremacy.”

Nagini swallowed the red letter and looked at the cross floating in the sky. It raised its upper body curiously, and the letter became more and more frequent.

"Want to try it? Go ahead. Go ahead, my baby, you are different"

As if she had received some order, Nagini stretched her neck and shot out like an arrow. The snake's snout opened 180 degrees, revealing its smelly hook-like fangs, and bit the priest's neck fiercely. superior.


The priest was twisting in pain, but the tear in his trachea could only make him scream weirdly. Large streams of blood spurted out from his blood vessels, and the pastor's struggle became weaker and weaker.

Perhaps the priest's blood was not to her taste, so Nagini was like a blood snake, meekly crawling beside Voldemort again.

"So, Nagini, only power is eternal!"

It was like a bloody rain fell in the chapel. Under this bloody feast, Voldemort used up the last strength of his frail body.

He let out an extremely harsh and arrogant laugh:

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

Amidst this laughter, the door of the auditorium was opened again.

The Death Eaters looked at the hell-like scene in front of them and silently moved in the things used for the ceremony.

Petunia and Dudley struggled desperately, but the two people bound by the spell could only blink their eyes even if they used all their strength. Dudley's fat face was full of fear, and he didn't understand what happened. What.

I don’t know who is in front of me.

Tears silently dripped down Penny's cheeks. She didn't know what was waiting for her.

The Death Eaters set up a huge cauldron, erected a pillar, and tied Petunia to it. As for Dudley, after the Death Eaters gave him a Cruciatus Curse as a greeting gift, they left as they pleased. and left him aside.

If the great Dark Lord hadn't ordered them to wait for that idiot Harry Potter to come and torture him in front of him, this disgusting, despicable fat kid would have been killed long ago.

Perhaps the guy who released the binding spell had a little wet hands, and with Penny's desperate struggle, the spell was lifted just like that.

Petunia looked at Dudley silently and motionless on the ground, with only an expression of extreme pain on his face.

Her heart felt like someone had stabbed it with a knife, twisting violently.

"Don't touch my baby! You freaks!"

The Death Eaters stopped for a moment, raised their heads and glanced at Penny, who looked crazy. One of them suddenly raised his hand to untie Dudley's restraints, and then added another Cruciatus Curse.


In Petunia's blurred tearful eyes, Dudley let out an unprecedented scream. He was like a caterpillar cut off in the middle, making all kinds of weird postures that he couldn't usually do.

Dudley felt that his internal organs were burning and his bones were turning into powder. His eyeballs were turning crazily in his head. He hoped to stop quickly... he hoped to pass out... and die...

Under the extreme pain, Dudley's tears, saliva and snot gushed out, covering his entire face. He banged his head against the wooden chair desperately, as if this could relieve his pain.

"Mom, mom! Mom——"

Dudley cried out Petunia's name, still contorting.

Penny felt that the blood all over her body was boiling, her body was shaking, her eyes were bursting with anger, and tears mixed with blood were dripping down her cheeks.

She was like a lioness protecting her cubs, her hair disheveled and roaring:

"********, you despicable maggots, cockroaches who can only hide in the dark, Vernon will definitely come to save us——"

Bella added another petrification spell to Penny in disgust, as if she had heard the funniest joke:

"Vernon, the Muggle?"

The Death Eaters roared with laughter, but soon they shut their mouths and bent over in fear, because the feared Dark Lord raised his hands;

"let's start--"

Bella got busy, and the liquid in the crucible seemed to heat up very quickly.

Not only did the surface begin to boil, but sparks shot out, as if it were on fire.

The steam became thicker and thicker, and even a light mist began to spread throughout the church.

After a while, the entire water surface was flashing with sparks, as if studded with diamonds.

Bella carefully turned the armchair, and Penny showed a horrified expression, which looked like a curled-up baby.

Petunia could have sworn she had never seen anything uglier!

It has no hair, and its body seems to have scales. Its skin is dark and red, like injured tender meat. Its arms and legs are thin and soft. Its face - no living child has such a face. Face - a flat snake face with a pair of sparkling red eyes.

Bella held it as if she were holding some rare treasure that she loved, and carefully put the thing into the crucible. With a hissing sound, it sank.

Petunia thought that if a normal person threw it in like this, it would be like boiled chicken breast, but she knew what these were. In the eyes of ordinary people - oh, by the way, they are called Muggles. In the eyes of Muggles, they are nothing. The wizard who can't.

Bella was talking with endless enthusiasm, as if hosting this ceremony was the honor of her life!

She raised her wand and said, "My father's bones, accidentally donated, can regenerate your son!"

I saw a piece of bone placed on the communion table that was moved from the depths of the church, floating like a feather and falling into the crucible.

The diamond-like surface of the liquid burst, hissing, sparks flying, and the liquid turned a bright red-blue color that was clearly poisonous at a glance.

Bella pulled out a long, thin, shining silver dagger, and her expression became more and more fanatical: "The servant's flesh is voluntarily donated, so that your master can be reborn. "

She stretched out her right hand - without a trace of hesitation, she held the dagger tightly with her left hand and swung it towards her right hand.

Bella let out a muffled groan, followed by a disgusting thump. She looked in pain, but she bit her lip and said nothing.

The potion turned fiery red, and the strong light even overshadowed the sun...

Penny immediately became frightened, because she found that Bella had already arrived in front of her:

"The blood of your enemies...forced to be given...can bring your enemies...back to life."

Petunia struggled desperately, trying to break away from the rope that bound her. When the silver dagger trembled in the woman's hand, Petunia thought for a time that her target was her own heart.

But she soon discovered that she had guessed wrong. Even though her face was covered in pain and sweat, the woman still showed a vicious smile and used the knife to slash Penny's face one after another until half of Penny's face was covered. It became messy and bloody.

She shivered and took out a small glass bottle from her pocket and placed it next to the wound. A small amount of blood flowed into the bottle.

Bella staggered over to the cauldron and poured it into it. The liquid in the crucible immediately turned dazzling white.

She completed her task, knelt down by the cauldron, and waited silently.

The crucible was about to boil, and diamond-like sparks splashed out in all directions, so bright and dazzling that everything around them turned the color of black velvet.

The water surface of the crucible rotated rapidly, a strong wind spurted out from the crucible, and the huge pipe organ in the church suddenly sounded on its own.

The solemn pipe organ sounded irregularly, and the priest hanging upside down on the cross was blown by the wind, and the remaining blood flowed gurglingly.

Blood flowed on the holy white marble floor and snaked down the steps.

On the huge stained glass behind the pulpit, the statue of the Virgin lowered her eyes and watched everything in front of her quietly.

Suddenly, the spark on the crucible went out. A stream of white steam rose from the crucible.

Then a man's figure slowly stood up from the crucible, tall and thin, like a skeleton.

He raised his head, turned his back to everyone, and opened his arms.

The bleeding cross, the pool of blood on the ground, the giant snake that seemed to tempt Eve and Adam to eat the fruit of wisdom, the statue of the Virgin, and the sound of the organ.

It forms a bizarre and extremely impactful picture.


Penny's whole body was trembling with fear. In her opinion, it was like the devil of hell had come to the world, and he wanted to turn the whole world into that burning hell!

The Death Eaters slowly knelt down on the ground with awe-inspiring eyes, pressing their foreheads to the ground, not daring to make the slightest move.

"Great Dark Lord. Congratulations on your return!"

Bella stood up and put clothes on the figure clumsily with one hand, her eyes blurred.

The thin man stepped out of the crucible and narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was enjoying everything.

What kind of face is this? It's paler than a skeleton, with two big red eyes, a nose as flat as a snake's nose, and two slits for the nostrils...

Voldemort lowered his arms, seeming to admire his 'perfect' body. His hands were like big pale spiders, and his slender pale fingers were touching his chest, arms, and face; his red eyes looked brighter in the darkness, and their pupils were two slits, like a cat's eyes.

He raised his hands, flexed his fingers with an expression of ecstasy, reached into a deep pocket with his surprisingly long fingers, and pulled out a wand.

"Bella. My most loyal servant. Voldemort will never treat a loyal servant badly."

Bella shook her head crazily, with only admiration and fanaticism in her eyes: "No, Master, I don't need anything in return. I am only willing to follow you and I can sacrifice my life for you at any time!"

"I know, of course I know." Voldemort helped Bella up in an extremely rare move, raised his wand, and danced in the air, drawing a strip of light like molten silver on the head of the wand.

It had no shape at first, then the band of light twisted and turned into a gleaming human hand, as bright as moonlight, but even brighter than moonlight.

It flew down on its own and settled on Bella's bleeding wrist, but turned into something like a black glove, except that the glove seemed to have dots of starlight, which was extremely beautiful.

Bella burst into tears again. She sobbed as she admired her newbie and murmured: "Thank you, Master, this is so beautiful, so beautiful."

Voldemort glanced contemptuously at the Death Eaters who were kneeling in front of him, not daring to move.

Ever since Bella and the others escaped from prison, those cunning Death Eaters had guessed something. They acted secretly and gathered together again to avoid their punishment.

But so what?

As long as he remains this powerful, the Death Eaters will always be loyal!

He sat lazily on the huge armchair, with Nagini surrounding him obediently:

"Bella, my servant, go. Go complete our plan and bring Harry Potter to me!"


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

Keep it up, dear readers, please open an automatic subscription! ! The child was so stupid that he continued to subscribe. Of course I knew that this kind of plot had to be completed in one go. I really didn’t have time. I was so busy.

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