Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 306 The dark secret gradually revealed

Finding Incense and Asking for Directions is a very basic technique. The most important thing is to match it with the tracking charm.

Because it is too basic, many souls who have not entered the Taoist sect but have entered the Taoist sect can use it freely.

By the way, those Taoist sects in the secular world like to calculate the horoscope when recruiting disciples to see if there is a fate. This fate is to calculate whether the disciple is a spiritual son.

Zhang Xiao turned his fingers and pointed his sword finger at the three incense sticks. The incense burned out very quickly, but the ashes did not move at all in the biting cold wind.

Zhang Xiao tapped the ground with his toes and made three soft sounds. Zhang Xiao clasped his hands and pushed hard. Dust suddenly rose in the circle drawn by his feet on the dirt floor.

The gray-white ash fell down in response, as if someone was using the ash as a pen in the void, drawing thin ash lines in the circle in a winding and twisted manner.

Zhang Xiao turned over his hand and took out the compass. He didn't know how to use it in such complicated ways, but it was no problem to use the tracking technique to see the direction.

You said that a good Taoist priest could not use a compass, right? Zhang Xiao?

On the compass, Zi, Wu, Mao and You are used to represent the four directions, and together with the other eight characters, the twelve mountains are formed.

That is to say, it was divided into twelve directions, and later generations added twelve more directions, making it the Twenty-Four Mountains.

Each direction of the Twenty-Four Mountains has 15 degrees, and the three directions have a total of 45 degrees. Each three directions belongs to one of the eight directions and is represented by a Bagua.

Zhang Xiao stared at the incense ashes, silently calculating the direction in his heart.

"Zhen Xun. Dui."

The incense ash slowly drew lines on the ground, which represented the path and direction that Harry had just walked. If there were only talismans, without the cooperation of compass and magic, it would actually be useless.

Only the combination of the three can work wonders.

At this moment, the incense ash suddenly rushed towards the "hill" position at an extremely fast speed, and in just a blink of an eye, it reached the circle Zhang Xiao had drawn before.

what's the situation? Without thinking too much, Zhang Xiao held down the compass with one hand and stomped his foot on the ground: "Expand!"

The circles drawn by the toes on the soil were actually slowly expanding outward.

The violent incense ash finally stopped slowly.

Zhang Xiao wiped away the cold sweat and let out a sigh of relief. The ashes leaving the circle meant that the technique was broken. If the technique was broken, it was not just a matter of drawing a larger circle and trying it again.

The magic is broken, and it will be difficult to find Harry's location.

Then he looked at the circle with a radius of two meters in amazement. Inside the circle, a winding and twisted line was drawn with incense ash of different thicknesses.

It's just that the thickness of the incense ash line is also different. It was a thick line at the beginning. One inch of this thick line represents 10 meters, but at the moment of the rush, it suddenly turned into an extremely thin line.

At this time, one inch is 10 miles. Zhang Xiao looked at the messy thin lines and calculated the distance briefly, and then he was stunned.

Because according to the ash line, Harry was seven or eight hundred miles away in almost an instant!

Zhang Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he cast the Illusion Charm on himself again, still adding the invisibility charm as insurance, and quietly slipped back to the vicinity of the square, even with one leap, relying on the blessing of the Floating Charm.

He jumped lightly onto the roof of Honeydukes, holding the pointed roof pillars with one hand, and compared the nearby terrain with the terrain displayed by the tracking technique in his mind.

I quickly locked onto a place, if I remember correctly.

Zhang Xiao was silent for a while, then landed lightly on the ground and ran towards the Pig Head Bar.

The Pig's Head Bar is completely different from the Three Broomsticks Bar. The big bar there always makes people feel bright, clean and warm.

There is only a small, dark, and very dirty room here, which exudes a strong smell of mutton.

The bay windows were covered with thick dirt, barely letting in any light, and some candle stubs were burning on the rough wooden tables.

The ground looked like compacted mud, but when you stepped on it, you discovered that centuries of dirt had accumulated on the stone paved ground.

But this small shabby bar was Aberforth's territory. When Zhang Xiao rushed in, Aberforth was standing in front of the bar, wiping it with a dirty rag that seemed to never be able to be wiped clean. cup.

He was a grumpy-looking old man with a lot of long gray hair and a beard.

The bar was empty, perhaps because the patrons had been distracted by the dazzling show in the square, which was convenient.

"I want to contact Dumbledore urgently!" Zhang Xiao's voice was urgent but his words were very clear.

Aberforth's movements stopped, and he frowned, as if he wanted to lose his temper, but Zhang Xiao did not give him a chance, but used one sentence to make him realize the seriousness of the matter.

"The Death Eaters kidnapped hundreds of young wizards, and Harry Potter was taken to another place."

Aberforth looked at him steadily and finally spoke:

"You better tell the truth - Arianna, please."

His last words were spoken to a huge portrait behind him. The calm expression of the girl in it seemed to have a hint of worry. She had two long braids. She was none other than their sister, Deng Bu. The scar that Lido dared not touch.

The girl nodded lightly and quickly disappeared from the picture frame. Not long after, a portrait of a much younger looking Dumbledore appeared in the picture frame. He nodded to Zhang Xiao with a serious look on his face:

"I've heard Arianna tell you the general thing. Tell me something specific, Zhang."

"There is a problem with Arkanus Circus." Zhang Xiao quickly recounted what happened in the venue, paused, and then continued:

"The most important thing is that Harry was taken away by them and used the Imperius Curse."

Dumbledore's face in the picture frame became more and more serious, and he sighed softly:

"Trouble, Zhang, this is indeed a troublesome problem - there are many young wizards. I think Tom just wants me to throw a weapon at him, but he will not really hurt the young wizards, but Harry is different."

Aberforth showed a disdainful smile and smiled rudely: "You are always like this. You always wait until things become irreversible before you think about how to make up for it. But no matter how much you do, what should happen will happen." It's all happened.

You can't save anything!

If you had simply killed Voldemort when he was young, when you first became aware of his ambitions, nothing would have happened, Albus!

You are so cowardly! "

Arianna in the portrait glanced at her brother angrily. She seemed unable to speak, but looked at Dumbledore with worried eyes.

Aberforth immediately closed his mouth angrily and muttered something softly.

"Yes, you are right, Aberforth. I have made constant mistakes in my life, constantly repented, and constantly wanted to make amends. But the most important thing right now is to solve the trouble caused by Voldemort.

Crucially, we don’t know where Harry was taken. "

"No, professor, we know-" Zhang Xiao took a deep breath, which is why he had to seize the time to track down Harry's traces.

Because basic things like tracking symbols are too easy to be interfered with and blocked.

And when encountering a problem, it is always ten thousand times better to find out the ideas and methods to solve it as soon as possible than to go to someone in a panic!

"London! Harry is in London now!"

"London? How do you know that? No—good job, Zhang!"

Dumbledore's portrait stopped his doubts. This was not the time to get to the bottom of things. He made a decision almost immediately:

"Zhang, let's go to London first. I will notify the Ministry of Magic and ask the Order of the Phoenix to assist the young wizard -"

At this moment, Dumbledore's portrait suddenly showed a puzzled expression, and then disappeared.

Only Aberforth and Zhang Xiao were left equally confused.

When he appeared again, Zhang Xiao felt that the face of Dumbledore's portrait was full of uncontrollable anger. He was silent for a while, calmed himself down, and said slowly:

"The main body has just sent news that things have become even worse. I'm afraid our plan must change.


Time goes back to a while ago.

Leng. Penny opened her eyes, and there was darkness everywhere, with only water dripping from the cracked corners of the wall.

She looked around blankly, where am I?

Petunia felt like her head was about to split open. She clearly remembered that she took Dudley to the venue by car first, because according to the letter she received, there was a sumptuous banquet waiting for her at the venue.

It’s a momentous occasion where the best ‘turf experts’ from across Greater London come together.

Penny also wanted to share her lawn maintenance experience with everyone, and warned herself not to be too proud, even though she was the best and most powerful one.

Dudley was still shouting that he would surpass himself today and eat more than usual, but as soon as he entered the door, he seemed to faint?

By the way Dudley!

Petunia hurriedly searched for Dudley, but thankfully, Dudley was in another corner of the room, huddled up and shivering.

She staggered over and lay on her son's body, shaking gently:

"Dudley, Dudley?"

Codley showed no reaction, like a body without a soul. Penny panicked and whimpered softly.

She didn't understand what was going on, and she didn't know that she and her son had just come to receive a prize, but were locked up in this dark dungeon.

Is he a perverted murderer?

Fear and worry about Dudley came up together. Petunia covered her mouth, tears streaming down her cheeks. She didn't dare to cry out for fear of attracting the person who would catch her.

Vernon Petunia held Dudley in her arms, and the feeling of despair and powerlessness was like the sea, submerging her deeply.

Vernon where are you?

Vernon Dursley closed the black leather notebook in his hand, pinned the Montblanc pen to the notebook, and stood up unsteadily with his fat body.

His boss, Mr. Groning, the general manager of the Groning drilling rig, frowned:

"Vernon, the meeting isn't over yet!"

Vernon's beard was trembling, and he had a happy and determined smile on his face. Because he was so fat, the movement of his smile almost squeezed out his eyes.

Pointing to the watch on his wrist:

"Sir, I'm afraid I have to go. In two hours it will be my wife's award time. I'm sorry, but I have to be there to witness her moment of glory.

She has sacrificed so much for our family—"

"Award?" Mr. Granning asked doubtfully. He had met Vernon's wife. In his impression, the woman named Petunia was more like a good paparazzi.

What award did she win? Is it the best paparazzi award? Grapevine Award? Or - long neck award?

"Yes, actually that award is not important, and it is not famous, but what is important is that Penny won the award on her own. Can you understand, she did it on her own!"

The expression on Vernon's face became more and more happy and proud, and he spread his hands towards Mr. Graning:

"Sir, work is for a better life. Nothing is more important than family, right?"

Groning thought of the lovely children and pet dogs at home, as well as his loving wife, and a smile of approval appeared on his face:

"Yes, nothing is more important than family. Come on, Vernon. If you are not here at that moment, she will remember you forever, haha!"

Vernon nodded and walked towards the door of the conference room with his fat body. At this moment, Graning's voice reminded him again behind him:


Vernon turned around and saw Graning waving to him:

"Congratulations to your wife for winning the award! Congratulations to you too, for having an outstanding wife!"


Groening swore that for all the years he had known Vernon, it was the first time he had seen such a bright and happy smile on his face.

Vernon hummed a tune and used the rearview mirror to adjust his hair and tie while waiting for the traffic light. Although the expensive suit was tightly stretched around his body, the excellent fabric and workmanship could still be seen. The suit is extraordinary.

"Perfect, Vernon! You look so radiant today! When you appear at the award ceremony, you and Petunia will definitely be the focus of the crowd!"

Vernon murmured encouragement to himself. He was in a good mood and even showed rare courtesy to an old woman holding a puppy. He rolled down the window and asked them to leave first with a smile on his face.

This is incredible! You must know that even if a dog runs beside your car, you will be insulted by Mr. Vernon.

The old woman probably didn't expect that Vernon, who didn't seem like a good person, would do such a thing. She was quite surprised, but she still bowed to Vernon gracefully:

"Aha, does this feel good?"

Vernon carefully used his left hand to maintain his thickly waxed hairstyle, wondering if he should give way to someone every day?

The weather is so nice today - even the colors are much brighter.

Vernon put a smile on everyone he met.

Until he arrived at the venue - it was empty.

The person at the front desk told him that someone was indeed doing something in the previous hall, but they quickly left.

After having a big fight with the front desk, I was finally kicked out by the security guard with a bad look on his face.

Vernon looked at the building blankly, then picked up the letter in his hand and confirmed it again.

The address was correct—but where was Penny?

Where did Penny go?


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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