The gray pupils seemed to be burning, turning into golden glazed pupils.

Scathach's expression became solemn, and she could also feel that something grand was being born from Connor's body.

This is his true nature.

That vague feeling I had when I first met him many years ago.

I originally thought it was because of the blood of the evil god Balor, but now it seems to be far more powerful than that!

"Then, I have to be serious. Goodbye, Connor Barr."

Scathach was not kidding, the big dog Cu Chulainn was also defeated by her shot.

But obviously for Connor, this level of attack was not enough to end the fight.

Although Scathach's magic spear and Cu Chulainn were both derived from the nine magic spears he made, the quality of Big Dog's Death Thorn Spear was hugely different from hers.

Because the spear that pierces through death is a unique skill that combines the "spear that pierces through death thorns" and "the spear that pierces through death" into one.

First, use the first magic gun to "nail the enemy to space" and take away his freedom, and then throw the second magic gun with all his strength to kill his life.


At this time, Connor has been nailed to space, and the second attack that will really cause death is coming.

Not one handle, not two handles.

But a whole nine handles.

The nine magic spears made by the beast that controls the waves are all embodied here.

They shine with a strong red glow, as if they are undergoing a final recharge.

"Spell: Pierce! Break through! "Piercing Death Spear" Gáe Bolg Alternative! "

Noble Phantasm Liberation!

Beyond the limit of what the magic eye can observe, it turns into a red meteor and shoots towards the target that has been locked.

boom boom boom boom-

The moment the magic spear transformed by magic power hits the enemy, it makes a loud noise like thunder.

The ground was turned over, and the huge basement shook violently due to the terrible vibration.

Even Scathach couldn't sense Connor's presence in the too hot magical glow, and couldn't help but wonder whether he was dead.

It's normal to have this idea, because this wave of output is really high, at least it is the strongest wave of offensive that Scathach can send out now.

"——Didn't he last until the end?"

Scathach, whose hair was blown by the magic storm, showed a trace of regret and pain. The child had been with her since birth, and she was not completely emotionless towards him. She even felt regretful.

"Scathach, the one who is really going to die is not me."

A calm voice sounded.

The next moment, the golden tree was born from the sky, symbolizing the radiance of life and symbolizing the darkness of the world, rapidly unfolding in this magical realm.

At that moment, the area where the golden tree was located completely severed the connection between Scathach and the Kingdom of Shadows.

This is no longer her kingdom of God, but has been forcibly taken away from her.

Those golden pupils looked directly at Scathach, and countless spirit sons turned into substantial power.

Heavy pressure was placed on her, making her unable to move. The air solidified, and heat and moisture escaped from her body. Any attempt to gain energy from the environment would be rejected. Even she herself was greatly suppressed and hated by the world.




In short, within the scope of the World Tree, the entire world is targeted at her.

But not enough!

Connor also used the Eye of Death on Scathach, gathering all the concepts of death. A true hero should kill people with his eyes.

Scathach was so consumed by death that she could no longer maintain her perfect state.

Using the double weakening of the World Tree and the Eye of Death, this God Killer finally had a flaw.

"Goodbye, Master."

Before the sound came out, all the power of death was poured into it, and the Death Realm Destruction Spear was liberated for the first time.

It has all of Connor's requirements, enough death to destroy everything, and it can fill up all its power compared to the Death Thorn Spear, which consumes very little.

At this moment, time seems to stop.

Everything in the world became blurry, and all the energy was focused on the purple-haired master.

This shot is all without reservation!

It cannot be observed, and death annihilates all concepts on the attack trajectory.

A ghostly flash.

Scathach was penetrated, dragged backwards, and finally nailed to the wall at the end.

"Death is the end of all things."

Connor performed the final chant, like the final key, activating the absolutely irreversible destined death.

The next moment, there was neither glow nor explosion.

【Things collapse】

With Scathach as the center, the surrounding area was completely eliminated in an instant.

It was a flat circle, not more than an inch, not less than a centimeter.

In that pit, Scathach's figure was completely missing, and his weapons also completely disappeared without a trace.

Connor could even see the outside through the big pit - the dark kingdom of shadows, with rugged terrain full of strange rocks. It could be said that it was very suitable for this country where only the inhabitants of the dead were.

"Is Master really dead?"

Connor can't feel a trace of Scathach's breath, but reason tells you that she shouldn't die so easily.

Even if he dies, it may only be a short-lived death.

"Is this... your full strength...!"

A familiar voice rang out.


Connor immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw countless blood-red crimson cracks appearing on the ground, and at the same time, the calm shadow aura turned into a violent vortex.

"Really, Master, are you going to transform into the second stage BOSS?"

"The long-lost pain is not bad..."

"My body was destroyed by you, completely annihilated..."

"So, I can only use the body I once had, the one that killed countless people and was stained red by the blood of my enemies and myself."

"You did a great job and my heart is beating fiercely for you again."

"You are exactly the man I expected."

"Come and make my wish come true, Connor."

7: Burn, Yggdrasil (1/6)

Lines like blood vessels were densely spread throughout the battlefield.

Surging, cold, scarlet, violent... these are Scathach's magical attributes.

Using the 'soul' of the god-killer as the material, this huge magic power was used to absorb the flesh, and finally recast the body.

Scathach has died countless times in previous battles and been resurrected countless times. She is neither a human nor an undead.

Although Connor's magic gun Destined Death is very powerful, in the final analysis, what is eliminated is just a mere body.

At this moment, this demonic realm becomes an altar, with the soul as the placenta, giving birth to miracles to shape it.

The blood rolled and became more and more agitated, as if it was like a whirlpool of life, gathering crazily in the center.

Suddenly, the central magic array glowed brightly.

With a strong red glow, the ceremony finally ended.

The blood-stained purple-haired girl stood there with her head lowered and a spear in her hand. The magic spear was particularly bright, as if it was sucking life. The crimson blood was stained on the close-fitting suit, and there were strange and evil demon patterns engraved on it.

Because countless people, gods, beasts, and monsters have been killed, even the magic power has been cursed by the dead. The whole body is filled with a terrifying and bloody aura, boiling, twisted, and daunting.

She finally opened her eyes, staring at Connor with her purple pupils, showing a healthy smile.

"Why don't you take action?" "Is that kind of death what you desire, Master?"

"What a good boy."


Suddenly, a woman's voice came.

Wearing black underwear that barely covered her body, and flesh-colored stockings on her lower body, a woman with little devil wings suddenly rushed out.

That woman was simply more succubus than a succubus.

"You used my shadow authority again!"


The green-haired woman glared at Scathach fiercely, then looked at Connor next to her with a look of joy.

"Have you become so strong? I have watched you grow up since I was a child!"

"Morrigan, don't stop me from fighting."

"Then, I'll stay."

Scathach gave an unceremonious blow, directly destroying her body composed of energy, and expelled the original master of the Shadow Realm.

"She is?"

"Revenge, Shadow (Death), Morrigan, Goddess of War."

Nemesis Morrigan.jpg

"Because I killed too many people, the entire country was sent to the outside, and the area I was in was Morrigan's Kingdom of Shadow."

"During my long career in the Kingdom of Shadows, I gradually mastered the shadows and shared the 'shadow' from her."

Scathach explained her grudges with Morrigan in the simplest terms.


Connor always felt that the goddess said she always felt like a slut when she grew up. She was right. Dressed like that, she was even more sentimental than a succubus.

Ireland has a population of berserkers for every male and a slut for every female. This place is hopeless.

Shaking his head slightly, he took back all his attention.

"The target I want to conquer now is the master craftsman."

Scathach backed away slowly, disappearing completely into the shadows in almost an instant.

Connor immediately stepped forward. Within a second, he could not find her figure at all, and even her breath was hidden.

Countless shadows began to cover the entire battlefield. If it was air before, the densest one was just fog.

Now it turns directly into the deep sea.

That's right, the shadow became a physical sea of ​​shadow, and he was the one who was submerged.

Is this the Kingdom of Shadows?A more advanced ability than the temple.

It's like an inherent barrier, but more real than a fixed barrier. It not only has multiple abilities, but also has very few restrictions.

After the shadow tide began, the glow of the golden tree was suppressed, and the magic power was continuously consumed.

Not good!

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