Having gained Artoria's trust, he who lurks in the darkness can gain the greatest benefit from this series of events.

But let her grow.

Let her become a knight king who can understand people's hearts and be recognized by everyone!

Because the knight king who liberates his own nature and continues to grow is obviously the real you.

"But if I choose the Holy Spear, I will reveal my true gender, and Britain will fall into huge chaos!"

"Then you continue to pretend like this. You are not even as good as the fake king. The fake king is an upright king after all. What about you? You hide your nature and your gender. What qualifications do you have for a king like you? "Nidhogg looked at her seriously, "Don't you want to be a real king? Your so-called king is just Merlin's nightmare that doesn't understand people's hearts. He just imitates the information he got from books or observations, and there is no way to truly govern the country. Absolute rule!"

"Listen to me, Arturia, hold Lungominiad in your hands, and accept yourself bravely. It's time for you to grow up. I will stand by your side, just like I am standing here now."

Everyone is looking forward to or fearing King Arthur.

Longing is far away, and fear makes us dare not get close.

The king is strong and the king is correct.

King Arthur always makes the right choice, and since it is the right choice, there is nothing to say.

The king is powerful and right, and she is the symbol of the kingdom's laws.

But the world is not made of being right. On the contrary, most humans hate being right.

The adoring gazes of the Knights of the Round Table and the country getting back on track made her feel that she was right.

Now someone finally questioned Wang's so-called correctness and asked her to move forward in a farther direction.

Artoria has no self-confidence, so she always chooses the option that won't go wrong.

If you choose Lungominiad, your gender will be revealed, and you will also step into a future full of waves.

If this person was not Nidhogg, she would still stubbornly choose the Holy Sword.

It was as if she stubbornly carried the fate of Britain's demise on herself.

Vivian didn't expect that there would be such a drama.

Her eyes showed a happy look. In a peaceful life, there must be fun. Don't really think that the goblins are all good people.

They are just more pure, so the purity of good is also the purity of evil.

Vivian had a dark side. She looked at Merlin and saw that Merlin also covered his mouth with a look of surprise on his face.

Looking at the man again, the man who fascinated Morgan was indeed very interesting, but it was better not to get too close to him.

Morgan has been in a very bad mood recently.

I don't know how long I waited.

Stop and move forward again.

"Are you ready? Which weapon have you decided to choose?"


Arturia took a deep breath, her white hands hovering.

No one said anything, including Nidhogg.

But Artoria turned around, her green eyes deeply imprinting his appearance.

“I choose Lungominyade.”

She held the shining holy spear, and then the surging spirit surged like a tidal wave.

Arturia's body was filled to the brim, capable of transforming humans into gods, and the highest level of spiritual beings surged impatiently.

——I made a choice.

You will always stand by my side, right?




"Doctor, the transfer of the spirit son has caused the human psychology to fluctuate even more severely. The period of time we can observe is becoming increasingly blurry. If we don't take action, it will be irreversible!"

"Really, I have been crazy busy recently. Based on the information given by Emiya, I speculated that a new singularity will be born here. The enemy is very strong, so I have been preparing for so long. However, due to the time in that area The line is getting more and more confusing, and I can't make you accurately jump the spirit. The time range may span several years. Anyway, I leave it to you this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka, I am very optimistic about you!"

"No, it won't work, doctor, I'm just a newbie who has just joined the job!"

"Come on, although you are indeed a complete novice, neither the basics of magic nor the related knowledge are good at all. But you also have an incredible advantage, and that is your bond with them. Besides, everyone Servants are all heroes of all ages, and you can completely rely on their abilities to act. I have also prepared a special team for you for this operation. Matthew is a descendant of the British Knights of the Round Table. As a former Master, she will I helped you with this operation, and I also prepared King Arthur for you. If you do well, I will help you apply for the bonus."

Fujimaru Ritsuka turned around and saw the man's smile as if nothing could affect him. The doctor had indeed arranged everything. As for whether he could protect people, he could only rely on the on-site command of the competent person (Master). .

But the doctor's eyes have long seen the future from the past, just as when disaster strikes, someone is always chosen and destined to become a hero, and Fujimaru Ritsuka is the chosen one.

"ready to go!"

59: Queen, Tyrant and Witch, make different choices

[A few years have passed since Artoria drew the Holy Spear]

[The king’s rule becomes more and more stable]

[Under your suggestion, the Kingdom attaches great importance to people’s livelihood, opens off-the-beaten-track roads, and improves productivity]

[With your continuous supply of food, potatoes and other products brought from the New World, coupled with the offshore fisheries brought from Northern Europe, the British people can taste the British national dish - fish and chips thousands of years in advance. It's really not possible, just look up at the stars. Famous dishes]

[You helped Artoria solve the food crisis]

[And King Arthur, who is holding the Holy Spear, is no longer imprisoned by the so-called 'king' like before. Her heart is like a seed that is beginning to take root and sprout.]

[Today's King Arthur will smile and know the importance of encouragement and rewards. She will build a royal monument and give generous pensions to every victim. She will no longer let her soldiers bleed and shed tears, and will also sacrifice for her own benefit. Fight against the nobles and trade with the emerging 'Norman Empire']

[With more materials and higher productivity, the country will truly prosper]

[You have always believed that you can’t govern the country well just by being noble]

[King Arthur holding the Sword in the Stone is too right, just like nobility is right, contribution is right, sacrifice is right, and protection is right]

[But, as Confucius said]


[King Arthur, you are noble, you are noble, you are amazing, but what about the people below]

[Seemingly protecting and leading the kingdom to glory?But he was easily usurped by the illegitimate son Mordred, and the war lasted for seven days and seven nights. How many people were on Mordred's side? It was only then that Arturia understood that she thought she was governing the country wisely, but in fact It’s just using the Holy Sword and the prestige brought by victory to forcefully suppress this country]

[All the kings and chefs think that King Arthur is the best king, but if that is really the case, why did the rebellion happen? A king who is truly recognized by everyone, even if someone rebels, he will be annihilated by other forces without the king taking action]

[Since the coronation of King Arthur, after the white dragon was destroyed, through twelve victories, large and small, the British Saxons were completely defeated]

[Even in order to put an end to the Saxon invasion, King Arthur secretly joined forces with the Norman Empire]

[Britain crossed the sea and marched south, attacking the Saxon stronghold in the opposite direction, that is, Western Europe, while the Norman Empire marched westward, fighting all the way from Eastern Europe to Western Europe]

[The two sides have a tacit understanding with each other and divide their power. The big country bullies the small country, just like a father beating his son]

[The Knights who originated from the remnants of the Age of Gods have become unstoppable at a very low cost, and Britain has received extremely generous rewards]

[However, the advantages are also disadvantages]

[The ancient Celts were residents of the Age of Gods, so they were like fish that couldn’t leave the water]

[They were unable to adapt to the world outside Britain and had a series of negative reactions]

[King Arthur returned to Britain with hundreds of captive tribal leaders. After this battle, the Saxons will not invade Britain on a large scale for at least ten years]

[King Arthur ended the Saxon invasion]

[The white dragon was destroyed, the invasion was prevented, the kingdom became prosperous, and Britain moved towards glory]

[Merlin’s prophecies are being realized one by one in a few years]

[King Arthur invited nobles to watch the ceremony and held a grand ceremony]

[In the huge square newly built by King Arthur, the left and right sides are filled with citizens watching the ceremony. Of course, the noble lords have their own exclusive areas]

[Various trophies, from tribal flags to gold and silver through trade (Americas), from time to time there will also be dejected tribal leaders, etc.]

[Victory is just victory, nothing is more impactful than this kind of directness, just like Rome used to use the loser as the glory of victory to celebrate the triumph of the winner]

"King Arthur is becoming more and more powerful." "No matter how strong the army is, as long as we unite, will he still dare to use our troops?" "King Arthur is becoming more and more difficult to deal with. Earl of Tars was deprived of one-third of his territory just because of a trivial matter. This is simply a mad king!" "Without our support, he cannot be the king." "Your Yuri family had better be I really think so and not half-heartedly.”]

[The shocked nobles showed gloomy expressions in the face of the increasingly powerful royal power]

[King Arthur, appears on the tower]

[She is dressed in military uniform, holding the Holy Spear of Stars that is constantly rotating and rippling, and the Crown of Stars adds majesty to her]

[Origined from the day and night strengthening of the spirit child in the holy spear, although she has not yet become a god, as a king, she has become her ideal self]



[She is more calm and rational, and retains her humanity. As she continues to grow, she can make more calm choices]

[The aura originating from Artoria is obviously just flowing quietly, but it is unusually grand]

[The subjects of Camelot are already at the end of the age of gods and have never seen gods in their lives]

[But when they look at the king, they will immediately understand in their hearts that this is the superior one]

[Compared to mortals, they have a higher status]

[She is a king when holding the Sword in the Stone, so holding the "Pillar of Light" that can fix the surface of the world, she is more noble than anyone else in the world]

[The knights of the Round Table are neatly arranged behind them. No matter how different they usually are, their faces are solemn at this time, standing beside the king]

[Of course, there are also careful people]

[All the Knights of the Round Table were divided on both sides, revealing obvious gaps, but Nidhogg, known as the Last Knight, was very close to King Arthur, standing on the left hand of the King who was deliberately left empty]

[According to common sense, if you can be so close to the king, usually, if you are not the queen, then you are... the prince]

[However, compared to that kind of thing]

[At this time, all citizens participating in the ceremony showed shocked expressions]

[Because of the towering human heart, graceful figure, and gentle face standing there]

[——King Arthur is the Queen]

[Although similar rumors have indeed spread in Britain, the king's majesty cannot be provoked, so everyone just listens to it as fun]

[I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it]

[If King Arthur is the queen, and she is not married yet, then it does not mean——]

[Some people were immediately attracted to the king and turned into licking dogs. They looked at the man standing next to the queen with vicious eyes]

[After all, if the breasts are not huge, how can they attract people's attention]

[The king declares, I am Artoria Pandoragon, the sole monarch of Britain.From now on, I will never marry or have any descendants, and I will devote the rest of my life to Britain]

[But a short announcement of more than [-] words will greatly affect the future of Britain]

【This is the best time】

[Even though she has not yet grown to her strongest level, Artoria’s femininity has become more and more obvious]

[So she decided to minimize the impact of this matter during her victory ceremony when King Arthur's prestige was at its highest]

[The incident of King Arthur becoming queen caused huge shocks within the kingdom]

[Some knights chose to leave, including the Knights of the Round Table—as if by fate, it was still Tristan who said that the king did not understand people’s hearts]

[There was also a low-level noble who raised a rebel flag and was quickly annihilated]

[The turmoil caused by the fact that King Arthur was the queen was quickly calmed down]

[Everyone silently understands and accepts this fact. After all, Her Majesty the Queen has publicly announced that she will never marry and will devote the rest of her life to Britain]

[The king who made such a great oath, no one dared to question her publicly]

[Even those nobles who were hostile to King Arthur only dared to express their feelings in secret places]

[The external troubles in the Kingdom of Camelot have been eliminated, and now only internal troubles remain]

[If Artoria had not married, there would have been no Queen Guinevere, and without Guinevere, she would not have been seduced by Lancelot, which would eventually detonate the entire Round Table's civil strife]

[As long as there is no civil strife in the Round Table, even if the entire British aristocracy raises the flag of rebellion, it can still be suppressed with absolute force]

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