at the guest seat.

"Principal Wang, you Yuqi High School has produced a lot of good seedlings this year!"

Yun Zhenlong said with a smile.

Although from the perspective of his Heavenly King trainer, the battle between elves in the field below is no different from that of a play house.

But for a rookie trainer, it is already very good to have such a performance.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the future is promising.

"You are too good! These students are still too young."

"With such little strength, it is difficult to be admitted to 211 Elven University, and you need to sharpen it."

"Your daughter Yun Zhixi is really outstanding."

Principal Wang, who was on the sidelines, said quite modestly.

"That's right! I've also paid attention to that child Yun Zhixi. Although his temper is a bit cold, he is kind-hearted, smart and eager to learn, and his future achievements may be higher than yours..."

The teaching director Liu Guanting was also at the guest table, he nodded and praised.

"Principal Wang, Director Liu, you two, stop flattering the little girl."

"It's still early for her to become the king of heaven."

"Who knows what the future holds."

However, having said that, Yun Zhenlong couldn't help showing a bright smile on his face.

As a parent, who would not like to hear good things about their children.

Even if he is a Heavenly King trainer, he is no exception.

Just as a few people were exchanging pleasantries, half of the official match schedule was over.

After several rounds of fierce competition, eight contestants successfully advanced to the top 8 and "joined forces" with the other eight top contestants in the qualifiers.

According to the computer match, Luo Yu will face Luo Zhichao in the first game of the top sixteen.

Hearing Luo Yu's name, Principal Wang who was chatting suddenly regained his spirits.

"Old Liu, this kid is the civilian genius who rose to fame yesterday, right? I heard that even that kid Liu Haocheng was defeated by him?"

Principal Wang asked with great interest.

"Hmm! That's him. He came from an ordinary family. It only took a few months to cultivate the carp king elf eggs he received from our school's breeding house into a professional-level tyrannosaurus. His strength can at least rank among the students in this year. The first three..."

Director Liu nodded and briefly introduced Luo Yu's information.

He was very impressed with Luo Yu.

Because Luo Yu was the first rookie trainer to choose Carp King as the initial elf from the school's training house.

It goes without saying that the cultivation of King Carp is extremely difficult.

At that time, he thought that this student just wanted to give it a go and bet on the evolution of the Carp King.

Who would have thought that this student would be able to do this.

"Director Liu, are you joking? Are you talking about a newcomer trainer from an ordinary family?"

Hearing this, Yun Tianwang couldn't help showing a hint of shock on his face.

A trainer from an ordinary family trained a carp king known for its difficulty in breeding into a professional-level Gyarados in just a few months.

This is too outrageous!

Even if he goes out in person, he dare not say that he will be able to do it.

"There's nothing wrong with that. The parents of this student are ordinary teachers, and their family conditions can only be considered average!" Director Liu said.

After receiving Director Liu's affirmative answer, the Heavenly King trainer immediately became very interested in Luo Yu.

"A monstrous trainer from a commoner background? Interesting!"

I don't know the school leaders and King Yuntian pay attention to me.

After hearing the broadcast, Luo Yu went straight to the arena in the middle of the stadium.

Standing on the command seat, the deafening sound of cheering continued to echo in my ears.

Luo Yu, who was originally in a calm mood, suddenly couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Speaking of which, it was the first time for him to be on such a big stage.

The previous qualifiers were not considered regular matches at all.

Just a small arena and a referee.

There are at most a hundred or so spectators on the sidelines, which is not much different from ordinary street fighting games.

But the official game is different.

All specifications are consistent with the regular competition of the league.

Professional broadcasting equipment is installed in all directions of the arena.

It can not only display player information and sprites, but also capture zoomed-in battle scenes, close-ups of battles, slow motion, etc. in real time.

The command seats are all equipped with dedicated battle microphones to ensure that the players can send commands to their elves' ears and avoid the noise from the audience seats from interfering with the game.

Not to mention the number of viewers.

The audience seats in the entire stadium were filled.

Crowds of people.

In such a big scene, ordinary people have long been so nervous that their brains have gone blank.

But Luo Yu is different.

In addition to being nervous, his beating heart made him feel a kind of blood and excitement.

He can't wait to shine on this big stage.

As if feeling the master's gradually agitated emotions, the Poké Ball where the Gyarados was located was also vibrating non-stop.

Full of fighting spirit.

At this moment, the moods of one person and one elf are completely synchronized.

Chapter 38 Unresolved Yang Mou 【Seeking Flowers, Seeking All Data】

On the commentary stage.

"The ones coming up now are contestant Luo Yu from Senior Three (Class Three) and Contestant Luo Zhichao from Senior Three (Class One)..."

Before the start of the match, the host routinely introduces the basic information of the players on both sides to the audience.

"Contestant Luo Yu's main elf is an extremely rare flashing Gyarados. In the qualifiers, Luo Yu commanded the Gyarados to sweep the C competition area with overwhelming strength, and finally defeated our richest son in Yunhai City. The result of No.1 has advanced to the stage, and he is a very strong dark horse player...."

"As for player Luo Zhichao and his Nido King, their records are not inferior. They also had a hard time meeting opponents in the qualifiers, and they advanced to the official competition with No. 1 ranking..."

"Let us look forward to the duel between the two players! I believe it will be a very exciting fight."

I have to say that this host is still a bit of a level.

When introducing the player information, by the way, he also raised the sense of anticipation for this game.

The audience's response was also quite enthusiastic.

After all, the duel between the two top players in the division.

The level is definitely not comparable to the previous battles.

Following the referee's order, Luo Yu and Luo Zhichao threw the poke ball at the same time.

White light flashed.

Two elves appeared on the field at the same time.

"This Tiangou rich second generation has two brushes!"

After observing the opponent's Nido King, Luo Yu thought to himself.

The average height of a wild Nidowang will not exceed two meters.

But this Nido King was at least three meters tall by visual inspection, and it was extremely well developed.

The purple skin all over the body and the one horn on the top of the head exude a steel-like luster.

The limbs and tail are several times thicker than normal Nido Kings.

It appears to be extremely powerful and destructive.

Obviously, this is a Nido King who has been specially trained in strength and defense.

Just when Luo Yu was observing King Nido.

"I didn't expect that I would run into you in the first game of the top sixteen."

"Ready to get the shit out of me?"

Luo Zhichao looked at Luo Yu with a beating smile and said.

"Just relying on Tim Dog like you? It's 100 years too early to defeat me."

Luo Yu was expressionless, his eyes full of contempt.

"You are Tim Gou, your whole family is Tim Gou!!"

Hearing this, Luo Zhichao understood in an instant, the smile on his face disappeared, and his face suddenly became so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

Doesn't he just want to get in touch with the goddess he likes more?

How did it become Tim Dog?

Will you speak?

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Luo Zhichao's defense-breaking appearance, Luo Yu just chuckled, showing an expression of 'you are right'.

Luo Zhichao didn't wait for Luo Zhichao to curse out of frustration.

The referee at the side waved down the flag representing the start of the battle.

Seeing this, Luo Zhichao didn't care about arguing with Luo Yu, and immediately issued a combat order.

"King Nido, use poison attack!"

King Nido, who had been ready to go, immediately turned the poisonous energy into entities and covered his hands, and strode towards the Gyarados.

"Water Tail Attack."

The power of Poison Strike is just so-so, but it comes with a 30% chance of being poisoned, which is disgusting.

If it is used by Nido King with the stinger characteristic, it can almost 100% poison the target.

Aware of the other party's purpose, Luo Yu will naturally not let the other party do what he wants.

After all, the actual poisoning state is not only as simple as deducting physical strength, but also accompanied by negative states such as dizziness and nausea.

Maybe it's really going to capsize in the gutter.

The voice fell.

The thick tail of the tyrannosaurus condensed a majestic azure water flow, and slammed towards the rushing King Nido.

boom! ~

The two elves collided with each other with astonishing momentum.

After a moment of stalemate, in the end the Gyarados was the stronger and directly pushed Nido King back more than ten meters away.

"how can that be?"

Seeing this scene, Luo Zhichao's face was full of disbelief.

Is that Gyarados a monster?

One must know that the race of King Nido is known for its strength.

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