Myths are everywhere, but legends are not as good as dogs.

The saints competed with each other on the Kyushu continent, which was a hundred times wider.

Unfortunately, they fought hard and the world of Kyushu was shattered and split into the main world of Kyushu and a series of small worlds.

The mystery naturally weakens and enters the ancient times.

The time span spans from the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties.

In this era, the human race rises, and the gods gradually fade into the background.

It became difficult to communicate between the immortal and mortal worlds.

Then the Middle Ages lasted from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period to the Jin Dynasty.

In this era, the ancient gods gradually lost their dominance, and the immortals began to dominate the tide of the times.

But the road to becoming an immortal is also gradually becoming difficult.

It started from the Wuhu Rebellion and ended with the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, which is called the modern era.

The path to immortality is almost completely cut off, and the mysterious decline is even more severe.

This was also an era that Roland had experienced, when even someone as powerful as Chen Tuan could not become an immortal.

Those strong men may fall into the realm at least, or fall directly into the air...

The vast majority of people are unable to intervene in the secular world and try their best to survive and maintain mystery...

"It seems that I still underestimated the impact of the mysterious decline, which will actually lead to the direct fall of the strong..."

"Yes, environmental changes have the greatest impact on organisms at the top of the food chain. After a meteorite hits, the large dominant dinosaurs are the first to fall,"

"Those who are at the top of the current era are mysterious and wealthy, and are naturally the most sensitive to decline."

"This seems to remind me that Lanruo Temple may not be as bad as I thought. There must be fewer strong people than I expected. Even if you are alive, you will be in a severely weak state after being hungry for hundreds of years, and you will also have a poisoned buff..."

"Is it really possible for me to conquer Lanruo Temple alone?"

Roland was already feeling a little tired of the continuous fighting.

But suddenly, the fighting spirit came back!

Knowing that your best efforts will inevitably lead to failure, your best efforts are just the inertia developed in the past...

As a result, I suddenly found that the AD of Liu Shen on the opposite side was disconnected?

Instant morale +100, chicken health status is activated!

He briefly scanned the definitions of the two eras of "criticality" and "doomsday". Due to lack of information, Testi could only make vague speculations.

It's just that this speculation is very bold and outrageous.

Completely different from Roland's previous judgment...

"If the little tutor guesses correctly, then I will immediately see the completely opposite result to what I expected..."

"It's useless to think too much. I'm standing at the crossroads of this drastic change."

"As long as we break out of Lanruo Temple, we will have a chance to see where the future of the Kyushu world will go today!"

Roland’s old tactics:


Backed by the Continent of Heroes, the pinnacle of combat power in the multiverse, the untold secrets of many worlds are cheap information resources here.

Use them all!

He also sent a message to Professor Huang, who taught him swordsmanship.

Ask him what tips he has for group battles and get some on-the-spot coaching!

He also used his authority to check the library of Faith College.

Combined with the key information that Testi mentioned, rethink the composition of Lanruo Temple, and then think about ways to break the situation...

Hey, I seem to be okay again?

As soon as it was completely dark, Roland finally had several feasible plans.

Although the probability of success is not high...

But if you win and earn blood, the output will start all over again tomorrow!

Who is afraid of who!

I can be resurrected!

He finished five more nutritious meals in a row. After eating and drinking enough, he sat back on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Clear your mind, adjust your state, and mobilize all your senses...

Summoning the Heroes of Kyushu...

At its peak, cut into Cheng Lan's body!

In an instant, what he saw before his eyes changed from the peaceful New Eden to the madness and chaos of Lanruo Temple.

Because his eyes were injured, his entire field of vision was covered with blood.

The mortal world, along with the Great Freedom Water, has begun to break out in the bodies of Buddhist cultivators.

The figure of the cultivator at the Arhat level became ferocious, black energy surged in his eyes, and the impulse of destruction surged in his heart.

They looked like crazy people and started fighting madly with the people around them.

The level of Bodhisattva is much better, and the state of mind has not been broken by the world of mortals.

However, in order to prevent further deterioration, I cannot move around for the time being and sit cross-legged on the floor to adjust my breathing.

Try your best to suppress the most extreme emotions that surge in your heart.

The spiritual platform is originally filled with dust, and the world of mortals is the straw that may break the camel's back at any time.

The only one who immediately attacked him was the golden Buddha at the top.

Roland originally thought that he was the founder of the Pure Land of the West, the most mysterious person at the time, the master of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, Sakyamuni Buddha.

That is, the Tathagata Buddha of the Kyushu world!

We can re-understand the serious impact of the mysterious decline and the difficulty of maintaining Lanruo Temple...

Roland began to suspect that although the golden Buddha was sitting in the Buddha's position, it was no longer the Buddha himself.

The simplest judgment is...

Can the world of mortals cause problems with the operation of Buddha's power?

Probably not.

However, the speed of the giant palm of the Golden Buddha was slower than expected, and the power covered by it also had loopholes...

Of course, the Golden Buddha itself is the mysterious core of Lanruo Temple. The majesty spread in him made Roland pay a heavy price for just facing him.

Both eyes are now temporarily blind due to excessive bleeding.

"Miss Nie, show me the way!"

Roland closed his eyes and used Taoism to drive a jade pendant to absorb Nie Xiaoqian, whose soul was almost collapsed.

"Okay...go to the left, Master!"

The Nie Xiaoqian of this world is also considered to have rich combat experience.

Without hesitation, he guided Roland in the most likely direction of escape.

When the golden Buddha's giant palm fell, Roland had already used his sword energy to break the blockade and avoid the core area of ​​the attack.

He can also accelerate again according to the wind of his palm, and his body is as fast as lightning!

These steps were all deduced and planned countless times when he paused outside the world of Kyushu, and he could use them even with his eyes closed!

Grandma Ye Xiao was in the direction pointed by Nie Xiaoqian.

She was also a Bodhisattva. When she saw Roland rushing towards her, she immediately stood up forcefully, waved her wings and released her feathers.

Roland was enveloped like a rain of arrows.

But hundreds of Nie Xiaoqian's incarnations flew out to block those feathers,

However, Grandma Ye Xiao's cultivation level is far superior to Nie Xiaoqian's. Her incarnations are shattered one by one, and each individual can't resist for more than a second...

But she was only there to cover and interfere.

After Nie Xiaoqian's incarnation was defeated, Bai Hong attacked from five directions at the same time.

They intertwined and combined in the air, condensing some mysterious formation, and enveloped Grandma Ye Xiao:

"Evil-Suppressing Sword Formation"

This is the creation of a third-level awakener who has mastered the Taoist inheritance, and requires master-level swordsmanship and grandmaster-level Taoism.

Roland happened to be satisfied.

Although his proficiency is not high, he has only mastered the skills, and the effect in group battles is better than what he originally learned.

The Evil-Suppressing Sword Formation uses sword moves to break through defenses, sending magical damage similar to talismans into the enemy's body, which explodes instantly!


Granny Ye Xiao's body exploded into bloody fireworks in the air, and was cut into more than a dozen pieces by the sword energy of the pentagram, before falling in mid-air.

The extremely unpleasant screams echoed throughout the entire palace.

Nie Xiaoqian comes into contact with Grandma Ye Xiao every day, so she naturally has a weakness for observing her.

These days, I have made it clear to Roland that the two of them will work together to eliminate his combat effectiveness with one blow!

Because Granny Ye Xiao is not dead.

If the mystery of Lanruo Temple is immortal, she will not die.

The pieces of corpses on the ground were desperately moving closer to each other, trying to piece themselves together.

The crazy Arhat and the Bodhisattva who had barely suppressed his poisonous power were all surrounding Roland.

There was also a golden Buddha with angry eyes like a bright king, with blood lotus flying from under his body, also chasing after Roland.

Roland took out a large stack of talismans, threw them at his feet, and at the same time lit up the sword formation again.


"Flame Stream Burns Mountains and Kills Evil Continuous Formation"

The condensed sword lights collided with each other at high pressure, making the ground loose.

Then he directly detonated the talisman with Taoist magic, and combined with the special runes, it condensed into the most blazing, ferocious flames that contained the power of purification.

Destroy the ground and prevent evil from approaching!

Those crazy Arhats already had to devoure the flesh and blood of practitioners to purify themselves in order to maintain themselves.

Being demonized by the world of mortals, what they fear most is the evil-killing and purifying flames.

Roland saw Fa Hai rushing to the front.

His golden body has been transformed into a black jade body, which is invulnerable and his defensive power alone is three points better than before.

It's a pity that the flame of evil-killing and purification only burns the desires in the heart.

This great monk was already paranoid when he was in the mortal world. At this time, in order to let his fruition status defeat time, he was full of greed, anger and ignorance.

The silver flame touched his body, like a gangrene attached to his bones, entangled him tightly, causing him to roll on the ground in pain.

Roland's eyes were inevitably a little complicated.

After all, Fahai was the master who guided him on the path of spiritual practice.

Because of the disagreement in ideas, he had an affair and forced Fahai to return to the Pure Land of the West in advance.

But there is still a trace of respect in my heart.

Who would have thought that with a mysterious decline and an impure land, he would end up in such a situation, showing such an ugly and pitiful appearance.

Roland inexplicably remembered a line from a science fiction novel and sighed:

“Give years to practice, or give years to practice?”

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