Only the art of divination has a special liking and talent.

The old lynx spent the first 20 years running around in the mountains. Since then, he has been unable to leave this small ancestral hall and can only "gossip" about world affairs.

Catching wind and shadowing, deducing current events, her long life accumulated year by year, and she spent her time doing this for fun every day, and it actually taught her a lot of hidden things.

The "Yi Jing Xuan Yao" obtained by the ancestors of the Cheng family came from Yuan Tiangang.

Yuan Tiangang was an astronomer and numerologist in the Tang Dynasty. His most famous deed is that he teamed up with Li Chunfeng to write a strange book that cannot even be mentioned casually, claiming to cover 5000 years.

Lady Lynx is not good at studying and her predictions about the future are full of mistakes.

But we can always get some inside information about historical allusions and current affairs news that have happened.

Roland heard her nature and tested her:

"Er Xi, are you counting my heels?"

"Senior, I dare not offend you."

"How can it be considered an offense if I ask you to calculate? In this way, if you calculate accurately, I will teach you the method of sleepwalking. How about leaving this Xi Niang Temple in your sleep and exploring the famous mountains and rivers of the motherland?"

"Senior is a big shot, don't deceive a little cat like me!"

The Lynx Empress, who had been timid just now, suddenly became very interested.

Being a mountain god means you won't die, but you are trapped in space and cannot leave the mountain.

There are many complicated rules to follow.

In the past 30 years, the world has been in ruins. In order to avoid disaster, Erxi cruelly destroyed the statues of gods. She couldn't even get much incense, and her life was miserable.

It would be great if I could leave this little mountain and play all over the world even in my dreams!

The Taoist method of ghost sleepwalking is very famous, but unfortunately the inheritance has been lost.

After searching all over the world, I am afraid that only Roland has received a complete inheritance from Chen Tuan.

He is the only one who can confidently teach a cat demon who wanders in the Shinto way to learn this method.

[Er Xi asked you a few questions, and then used the secret method of self-improvement to deduce your past. 】

[She said that you once had a predestined relationship with the Buddha, but then you broke the precepts and returned to secular life. 】

[She also said that you had been greatly wronged, and you were determined to die to express your grievances, which alarmed the Emperor of Heaven. 】

[When she saw your expression of approval, she knew that she had guessed correctly, so she showed off even more and started the third hexagram again. 】

[The fortune-telling failed, and she suddenly shed tears of blood from her eyes, and her body transformed back into the lynx itself. 】

[You quickly check and find that her eyes have become blood holes and she is rolling on the ground in pain, but she cannot make any sound. 】

[You ponder for a moment, then go out of the ancestral hall and bring a round bluestone to the top of the statue. You set up an array to help gather the earth's energy, which stabilizes Er Xi's condition. 】

[After a long time, her eyes gradually healed and returned to human form. 】

"I guess you really saw something you shouldn't have seen." Roland looked at Er Xi in surprise.

Her eyes were full of resentment, but she didn't dare to settle the score with Roland.

You senior, your cultivation scares cats, your behavior scares cats, even your heels scare cats!

Just one look and I almost lost my life!

It's really aggrieved and aggrieved to be so angry and dare not speak out.

What's even more aggrieved is that it was clearly him who dug the hole for himself, yet he still had to thank him for saving his life...

I am really unlucky tonight!

Roland brought Er Xi's perspective and was amused by her endless thoughts, and asked her what exactly she saw.

Er Xi was a little scared, shaking her head and not daring to say more.

Roland knew that she believed in fate and often predicted good or bad luck, so she was overly cautious. At this time, she was afraid that the secret would be revealed and she would be unlucky again.

He asked her to draw it.

Er Xi is quite proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and it is simple enough to just use branches on the ground:

A cross with a man tied to it and wearing a crown of thorns.

What is this...the crucifixion?

Kyushu is a Chinese mythical world, how could something of this style appear...

Roland frowned in thought, then suddenly had an idea and asked, "Is the cross pure white?"

Er Xi nodded imperceptibly.

He suddenly understood...

This is the core tower of New Eden and the hero of the silver-haired Loli mentor...

Christ the Son!

She somehow snooped into New Eden's firewall and was almost burned to death!

Volume 42: Entering Kyushu for the first time: Chapter [-]: Where can I rely on?

From the previous exchanges, Roland had determined that the Lynx Empress was the type who had great deception ability and lied without blinking an eye.

In short, this is a standard stick.

She is good at being the Riddler, making you feel that whatever she says is right.

If she hadn't shown enough strength and had a "cat-eating ruthless person" setting, she wouldn't be as well-behaved as she is now.

Of course, this does not mean that Er Xi is dishonest now.

Roland smelled lies in many of her words.

The nearly [-]-year-old Jianghu divination master never overturned before someone smashed up his ancestral hall.

This business ability can be imagined.

As a test for her, Er Xi pointed out that Roland had experienced the first life of Jue Xin and the first life of Yu Qi.

But he didn't believe it directly, because the words she used were the trademark ambiguities of the divination masters.

There are no details, just a general guess, based on known information.

For example, when she saw that Roland had practiced Taoist techniques but could still use his merits, she guessed that he had entered Buddhism.

Another example is that Roland even dared to kill the prince, saying that he had grievances that only the Emperor of Heaven could resolve. This is something that can be considered possible with a serious mind.

Just like the words of the zodiac, no matter how you interpret them, you can get a sense of empathy.

But in the third stage, Er Xi Bu was counterattacked halfway through, almost destroying his century-old practice.

Because I saw the crucifixion of Jesus...

Even if there are factors such as self-providing clues and coincidence, it must be said:

This cat has some skills!

He was indeed in New Eden at this time, which was considered a mistake.

But it doesn’t stop there.New Eden deduces information from all realms, and is naturally always wary of being approached by mysterious connections.

A super powerful firewall was set up, and even if it was just snooping, it could still fight back on its own, causing this stupid cat to almost die.

However, if a divination master would be injured because of leaking secrets, that already shows the level of the divination master.

At least she could see Tianji, even if it was limited to the past.

This is the sacrifice's ability to perceive the future, a unilateral divination skill!

It took 300 years of crazy eating to develop this seriously unscientific but very practical skill!

Roland could allow her to deduce the hiding place of a certain monster based on the circulating news and related items.

Then you can easily kill the alchemy.

A strong man descends from the sky, you can't guard against it, let's have a great time!

[You recognized Er Xi’s ability and fulfilled your promise to teach her the method of ghost sleepwalking. 】

[Unfortunately, this method is complicated and not prepared for the mountain gods. Er Xi cannot master it immediately. 】

[You promise to give personal guidance, including teaching and training. 】

[Er Xi is overjoyed and will escort you back to Shanqian Village to unlock the restrictions on Cheng Lan’s body. 】

[You are back in a human body. 】

[Cheng Ming and his wife woke up from a dream. They saw their son woke up safely, his facial expressions were lively and normal, and they laughed and cried in surprise. Months of worry finally came to an end. 】

[Er Xi said that she can sacrifice the blood jade cricket you shed into a peerless sword. You agree to let her try it. 】

[A few days later, the leakage case from Prince Jing's Mansion spread throughout the northwest frontier, shocking both the Ming Dynasty and the public. 】

[When the people heard that the two kings and hundreds of civil and military officials were burned alive, they were first shocked and then delighted. 】

[Every family is dancing and eating noodles to celebrate that God has allowed the unscrupulous people to suffer this disaster. 】

[You wait indifferently for the court’s reaction. 】

[Having learned that new officials have been sent to the capital, you asked Erxi to calculate the route for the new chief envoy. 】

[You did this at the inn, and at night you entered the dream of the new chief minister, showing his muscular image, claiming to be the great witch from ancient times, Yu Qi. 】

[You said you would protect this recipe. If the new official dares to imitate the previous official after taking office, he will roast the meat, eat the meat and suck the marrow. 】

[You re-enact the fire in Prince Jing’s Mansion, and the new chief minister wakes up from his sleep, with the mattress soaked under him. 】

[After the new chief envoy took office, he loved the people as his sons and vigorously rectified the administration of officials. 】

[Er Xi, one of the officials who had been punished, colluded with the imperial censor to falsely accuse the new chief envoy. 】

[You find out the information. The chief culprit and the backbone of the 39 people are put on the city wall and roasted to ashes, and you get three Red Heart Pills. 】

[The tragedy shocked the officialdom of the Northwest, and the demon soul Yu Qi did evil again. The official style of the Northwest was clear for a while. 】

[The imperial court secretly sent Longhushan Taoist priests and Jinyiwei to investigate the matter, but the evil spirit Yu Qi was nowhere to be found, so the matter was left unresolved. 】

[Your soul is solidified and you have advanced to another level. However, when you try to practice again, there is no response from the Buddhist scriptures. 】

[Er Xi often brings game and delicious food, and points out unowned wealth for Cheng Ming to pick up, just to listen to your sermons. 】

[August [-]th, the full moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Erxi makes crabs stuffed with oranges. It is delicious and sweet, and you will forget your worries after eating it. 】

[You are drunk and feel lonely. You order Erxi to divine the news about the two green and white snakes and the green heart paperweight in the Song Dynasty. 】

[However, it has been a long time, the relationship is weak, nothing has been gained, and you feel as if you have lost it. 】

[Since there was no longer King Jing to promote the organization, the position of village chief was fought over by the squires, and Cheng Ming readily gave up his position. 】

[Cheng Ming repeatedly obtained foreign wealth, purchased land and managed it carefully, and his family gradually became prosperous. 】

[Six months later, Cheng Ming bought a house in the county. 】

[In the name of practicing Taoism, you kindly ask your parents for permission to stay in the old house. 】

[Cheng Ming knew that after you woke up, you were taught the Taoism by a god and you were no longer a human being. He readily agreed, but it was hard to hide his reluctance. Cheng's wife often shed tears. 】

[You send someone to deliver some aphrodisiac and conditioning elixirs, and encourage the couple to work hard to create a human being. 】

[Er Xi has mastered the method of ghost sleepwalking. 】

[She still often comes in and out of the old house, willing to work as a cook, cleaning the courtyard, planting flowers and plants, and the small courtyard is becoming more and more cozy. 】

Roland thought of the night when the old lynx first saw him, and avoided him, wanting only to pretend that he had never seen him before.

But now he has changed his mind and just turned his home into a shrine?

On this day, Er Xi went into the kitchen and was busy again, and within a moment the aroma was fragrant.

Roland usually studies Taoism and just starts eating later.

But today I smelled the fragrance and felt uneasy for no reason. I finally couldn't help but get up and curiously asked from across the kitchen:

"Er Xi, you have learned the longing method of ghost sleepwalking, why are you still here to show your courtesy to me?"

"My slave has planted some flowers and plants that are about to bloom. I'm afraid that my senior won't have the thought and they will be wasted."

Er Xi did not dare to meet his eyes, but the sound of chopping vegetables got louder and she raised her voice:

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