How to make money? Kakuzu is thinking about this.

Killing and stealing? This is the Country of Fire, so it's better not to do such a thing. Moreover, he had finally established a good relationship with the top echelon of the Fire Country, the shy Princess Tsunade. He knew very well that Konoha was taboo now, so he would not use such things to destroy the relationship that he had finally built.


He looked at the reward notice not far away.

Stick it on the wall or some telephone poles.

After all, in this society that masters the extraordinary power of ninjutsu, there are always some people who, after mastering this power, are not willing to be content with this peaceful and stable society, and insist on doing things that challenge the order.

And sometimes the ninjas in Konoha are busy with many things, and there really aren't that many manpower to pursue them... So they simply post these fugitives in the form of bounties among the people, so that those who don't like to do engineering can make money. Yes, go and put a reward on his capture. Or maybe some ninjas doing engineering happened to stumble upon it and got the idea to make some extra money.

After seeing these reward orders, everyone immediately became interested.

This is his old profession.

‘Sure enough, I’m still used to making money with this. ’

He tore off a reward notice and grinned under the mask...

Bounty hunters, this group still exists in the currently peaceful and stable society of the Fire Country. As mentioned before, there are always some people who master the extraordinary power of ninjutsu who are unwilling to be lonely, and there are also some people who are unwilling to be lonely and prefer to make a living and make money by catching these fugitives with bounties on their heads.

Moreover, the money earned was a legitimate business. After making money on weekdays, living in a quiet and stable environment in the security zone, there was no need to be so worried.

Generally speaking, these bounty hunters still feel that their life is pretty good, but they must abide by the rules and not violate some taboos of Konoha and joint security.

Those who don't follow the rules... basically become fugitives.

Anyone who can safely work as a bounty hunter is considered a relatively well-behaved guy.

And such a group will naturally have a circle where they gather on weekdays. Just like any industry group, there will be specialized circles that instinctively gather together.

There is a gathering place for these people in Hamaru City. After all, Hamaru is a place well-informed about international news. In addition, it is a security zone that Konoha pays close attention to. It is also an international and prosperous metropolis. Those who make money by catching fugitives with bounties on them. Those who have a lot of money are also willing to come here to consume entertainment and inquire about news.

After a little exploration, Kakuzu found this relatively remote bar in Binliu.

After he came here, he smelled a little bit of chaos... It was normal. Although these people who could work as bounty hunters safely were already relatively rule-abiding people, those who were willing to eat this bowl of rice meant that they were unhappy. Willing to be bound by the current rules of society.

This type of person definitely has some chaotic characteristics.

There was a bit of black and gray in the chaos, and Kakuzu had already noticed that someone followed the waitress to the back room... It seemed that there was a bit of colorful service here.

Of course, the waitresses here should be more or less willing to work in this industry.

After all, those who want to make money easily are indispensable...

After sitting here, Jiaodu listened intently... Some people did not hide it when chatting and revealed some information they knew. Maybe they thought the information was not precious. Of course, it was possible that they thought so. Just because you don’t think it’s valuable news doesn’t mean that others don’t think it’s valuable.

So everyone reveals something, and when others hear it, they may find it valuable.

Of course, there are also people who deliberately cover up when chatting with others. Some cover their mouths, and some are more clever and use crude barrier techniques to confuse the sounds they make.

There are also people who use various methods to spy on those who are covering up, wanting to see what information they are hiding.

Through ninjutsu, through psychic beasts, or by deciphering this superficial barrier that confuses sounds...

Some people may know that their cover will be broken, and deliberately use this method to let those who are qualified to hear hear...perhaps to screen those who are qualified to act together.

There is a big business, and I can't handle it alone, so I select capable people to act together as partners.

Kakuzu listened here for a while and cracked some cover. After listening for a while, he soon discovered that most of the bounty hunters here were complaining about one thing.

"The closest prey is always caught quickly."

"Yes, King Kong with a Bounty was caught shortly after he was released. Also, I had been eyeing a prey for a while, and just when I was about to take action, he suddenly disappeared! Later I heard that he was captured to collect the reward. What happened? Who is so fast? And in such a vast geographical area, many places were captured at very short intervals, so the transfer speed is too fast, right?"

"Is it a group operation? A large-scale bounty hunting group?"

"It's impossible for such a large group not to inquire about the information. In fact, I inquired about it from the joint security department that distributes bounties, and the answer I got was that it is related to the secrets of Konoha headquarters and no explanation will be given."

"So, Konoha swallowed the bounty itself?"

"Konoha must be sick! He paid the bounty and swallowed it quickly."

"No, no, no, Konoha's bounty is mainly due to its own lack of manpower. After all, many ninjas have to work on their construction projects. Some fugitives are not so easy to find and capture with the security forces in various places, especially if they have to To ensure local security and safety, they should not be allowed to easily cross the border, leaving the security force guarding the local area lacking, so the bounty was released as a supplement. Therefore, it should not be that Konoha released a bounty and at the same time launched a large-scale force to hunt down these bounty criminals. , that’s just taking off your pants and farting, and we’ve known about such a big move for a long time.”

"Then what exactly is going on?"

"...I think some big boss in Konoha is short of money and is catching bounty criminals in exchange for money."

"But will Konoha bosses of this level be very strapped for money? With their treatment, are they worried about lack of money?"

"Who knows? Maybe you want a lot of money for something? For example, starting a business?"

These people were speculating and discussing.

Kakuzu touched his chin covered by his mask with his hand.

Will catching a criminal with a bounty on his head still face such a competitor?

But Kakuzu didn't care.

Who do you think he is?

The leader among bounty hunters.

He didn't think anyone could compete with him.

No matter who it is, compete with him and wait to eat ashes from his behind!

Thinking of this, Kakuzu raised his fingers, snapped his fingers, and ordered a glass of...the cheapest beer.

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