Rumlow’s jokes aside, Madame Viper’s side looks radiant.

“This is Norman’s autopsy report, and apparently your guess is justified. Osborne did develop a very powerful super serum, and Osborne’s information was also brought over. But this serum was specially made by the old guy Norman, and the information available was not complete. If you want to recover, it is very difficult.

The dialogue between Viper and Pierce is not once or twice, and Hydra often acts independently. Only in rare cases will they cooperate with each other.

“Then, Norman’s serum replica research will be handed over to you, and after the fact, I don’t think you will refuse to share the results with me, right?”

Alexander Pierce toasted in the holographic projection, seemingly celebrating the smooth cooperation between the two.

“Who knows? If the research is really successful,” Lady Viper stuck out her forked tongue at this, “I want a lot of benefits!”

Pierce smiled lightly, “Don’t worry, I won’t lose you.” Long live Hydra!

When Coulson delivers Norman’s body to Osborne’s house, Harry refuses to believe it. The day before yesterday, his father Norman Osborne was fine, but when he saw him again today, he turned into a corpse.

Madame Viper even had time to repair Norman’s body after the pleasure, after all, she collected a lot of body tissue, and she didn’t want to have an accident because of the corpse.

Heartbroken, Harry did not examine his father’s body carefully, and the moment he saw Norman’s face, Harry almost fainted in tears.

Not surprisingly, the news of Norman Osborne’s death soon spread throughout New York, and the stock price of Osborne fell sharply again. This is the third time that Osborne’s share price has plummeted today, and the second time is when the board members die.

This news is a huge positive news for Uchiha Akira, who intends to officially control the Osgroup Group.

On the wide asphalt road, all kinds of luxury cars are like a lot of traffic, almost blocking the gate of Greenwood Cemetery. The Greenwood Gate with the Gothic spire is crowded. The

dripping rain is in line with the temperament of Greenwood Cemetery, and every time people come here to mourn their relatives and friends, it is difficult to forget the death and silence here.

Norman Osborne’s death was undoubtedly the biggest blow to Harry. Dressed in a black suit and holding a white bouquet of flowers, Harry let the rain beat on his immature face.

Suddenly, a large black umbrella appeared above his head, and Harry turned to see that the visitor handed him a white handkerchief embroidered with the blue and white family emblem.

“Cry, cry maybe it’s better. But I don’t think your father, Norman Osborne, wants to see you so sad all the time.

Uchiha handed over the handkerchief and comforted.

Harry, who was already on the verge of collapse, could no longer hold back the sadness in his heart, and tears flowed down like a. Dozens of political and business figures who came to attend Norman’s funeral stood in front of the tombstones without saying a word.

Harry couldn’t tell whether it was his own tears or the relentless rain on his face.

Three days later, the adjusted Harry has temporarily accepted the death of his father Norman Osborne, and Peter’s comfort is also an important factor in addition to the greetings of New York political and business leaders. And, of

course, Akira Uchiha, the largest shareholder of the existing Oss Group.

“Harry, I will directly explain my intentions, I intend to buy your shares in Ossborne, of course, given that your father, Mr. Norman, has just passed away, don’t worry that I will deliberately lower your price. I will give you a matching price.

Uchiha Ming explained his intentions straight to the point, completely acquiring the Oss Group, and then controlling the Oss Group is Uchiha Ming’s plan for this period of time, and now as long as the last bit of the share problem is solved, the purpose will be achieved.

“I’m Harry Osborne, just like my last name, Osbourne is an inseparable part of me, and I’m sorry, I don’t want to sell my shares.” The

pale-faced Harry rejected Uchiha’s offer without thinking. And Peter Parker on Harry’s side did not speak, on the one hand was a more familiar acquaintance Mr. Uchiha, on the other hand, his friend Harry Osborne, Peter chose not to help each other.

What’s more, Peter has no experience at all in this kind of thing, Peter’s ordinary life for more than ten years has nothing to do with this kind of thing, and Peter has no meaningful suggestions on the issue of shares in the Oss Group.

Uchiha frowned, not surprised by Harry’s words. Harry Osborne’s reactions had been envisioned in his mind, and now Harry’s thoughts were also expected.

“I can understand your feelings, but I have to say, Harry, you are still a high school student, and apart from the wealth left to you by Mr. Norman, you yourself have neither the ability to control the Osgroup nor the time and energy to develop the Ossbo.”

“In addition, I am the largest shareholder of the Oss Group, if I really want to squeeze you out, spend some time, continue to inject capital to dilute your shares, and eventually your shares will continue to depreciate.” I can even elevate your power in Osset until I finally cannibalize everything you have.

“You?!” Harry didn’t expect that Uchiha, who had handed himself a white handkerchief at the funeral, would show his fangs at this moment.

“Mr. Uchiha, how can you do this!” The simple Peter also stood up with a snort, seemingly disbelieving Uchiha’s words.

“What are you two surprised about? Sit me down. That’s why I said that you just inherited the wealth of your father Norman, and did not have Norman’s ability to stand alone. What I’m talking about are normal commercial means, all legal and reasonable.

“Harry, have you really seriously considered the reason why the two political and business parties at the funeral shush you and ask for warmth? There is no conflict between the superficial respect and the knife behind the scenes. The wealth you control is like a child walking through a busy market with gold. Next, you’ll face all sorts of challenges, and as for whether I’m being alarmist or not, I think you know better than me.

“Of course I will leave you a part of the shares, and I will not change the name of the Oss Group.” What I want is a brand new Osbourne, and I would like to leave you a viewing position on this big ship.

“You don’t need to make a decision now, after all, I’m not a demon either. Think about it. After Uchiha finished speaking, he ended the conversation and left Norman’s house.

“Peter, what should I do?”

“I don’t know… I’m just a high school student…”

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