This Lich Needs More Money

Chapter 60: intimidate

Chapter 60 Intimidation

 The stars were not waiting for the return of the two brothers outside Amberxiu's castle.

 In his opinion, as long as the two of them come back alive after entering the castle, they will definitely come back to him for the balance. So they only needed to confirm that the two of them had entered Amberxiu's castle, and there was no need to wait foolishly outside.

 The stars have more important things to do.

Fanxing led his teammates to the territory of Porcupine Knight Aldrich Jaais.

The paladins wore silver armor and rode celestial horses, which formed a sharp contrast with the ragged serfs along the way.

  When these poor peasants saw the appearance of the holy warriors, they couldn't help but kneel on the ground and kowtow to these unknown nobles.

The stars raised their hands high, and a layer of white-gold halo spread out, shrouding the nearby serfs in holy light.

These serfs suddenly felt their strength doubled, and the pain and hunger on their bodies quickly dissipated.

 Under the dazzling light, the stars were like gods descending to earth, making these serfs remember his name deeply.

This is also the most commonly used missionary method in the Lion Empire. A vitality halo can allow these low-level people to experience the power of the Holy Light for themselves. If we preach to them now, it is estimated that they can easily become pan-believers of the Lord of the Dawn. When the troops of the Lane Empire regain this land, the resistance will be reduced by half.

 It’s just that the stars are not here to preach today.

"Praise the Lord of the Dawn, and may the Holy Light dispel suffering for you. I am the paladin Stars of the Lion Empire. I am here to visit your lord today. Who can lead the way for me?"

Under Fanxing's inquiry, a well-dressed middle-aged man soon came out, bent down and said respectfully to Fanxing: "Dear paladin, I am the peace officer of this area, I can guide you. ”

When Fanxing saw the man's chubby figure and the whip in his hand, he immediately understood that he was a criminal who was called a peace officer but was actually a slave owner.

Even though the people of the Lane Empire are abominable existences among other races and are extreme humanists, they treat their fellow humans really well. There are hundreds of millions of people in the Lane Empire. Except for the newly recovered territory, there are no human slaves in the other cities that have completely surrendered.

Well, slaves of other races don’t count.

Fanxing resisted the thought of giving the slave owner a lesson and said in a deep voice, "Then please lead the way."

The Sheriff quickly mounted his pony and accompanied Fanxing and others with laughter to guide them.

The territory of the Porcupine Rider is not large. After passing through this large farmland, he quickly saw the manor belonging to the lord.

 Compared with Amberxiu's castle, the Porcupine Knight's manor is a bit small and looks shabby.

This is the real life of a small lord. There is not so much extravagance and luxury. In some special cases, you have to worry about hunger.

However, after the last war, the food crisis was temporarily over. The main reason was that too many people died in the war and a lot of food was saved.

And after the war, the Porcupine Riders directly launched justice and accountability against the "neighbors" who had lost their lords. The reason is that the dead lords underestimated the enemy and advanced rashly, leading to the complete failure of the entire battle, and they need to bear the main responsibility.

The other living lords all recognized this crime, so they united to raid the three territories, which just made up for the losses in the war. As for how the people in those three territories would live... they could escape, and the nearby lords couldn't. Are they all recruiting outsiders enthusiastically?

Although this move slightly delayed the economic crisis in the territory, the Porcupine Knight also completely gave up the idea of ​​fighting Ambrose. At that time, he was too inflated and thought that the so-called undead were skeletons that trembled when they walked. He could crush dozens of them by charging on horseback.

 But Amberxiu told him what magic is. It’s not magic that requires you to recite a spell for a long time just to light a cigarette, but a terrifying thing that covers the sky and covers the sky as soon as you light a cigarette, like a meteor shower.

Countless soldiers were turned into bones without any resistance at all.

The peasant troops who had not experienced strict training would instantly lose morale after seeing such a tragic death. After returning, many of them were frightened into lunatics and had to hang them all.

The Porcupine Knight now only hopes that Amber Xiu will not hold him responsible, but he does not dare to take the initiative to provoke him again.

Therefore, when the paladins like Fanxing appeared, the Porcupine Knight felt quite uneasy. He did not want to be involved in the battle between the paladins and the undead.

However, what surprised the Porcupine Knight was that the first thing the paladin said was: "May the Holy Light protect you, Knight Jais. I am very sorry. I am the paladin Stars of the Lion Empire. I came to the Alchemy City to rescue you." Our fellow paladin Alan Watson. I heard that he was once hired by you to attack a lich's territory, right?"

 “There is actually a misunderstanding in this…”

The Porcupine Knight didn't know whether he should answer the call. Alan Watson was nominally hired by him to attack the Lich's territory. This paladin seemed to be captured by the Lich. I'm afraid the group of Lane people in front of him were not here. Looking for trouble.

Porcupine Knight did not owe Alan Watson mercenary fees. The mercenary failed in the battle and was captured. Logically speaking, his employer was not to blame. But the Lion Empire seems to be notoriously unreasonable. If these paladins really come to cause trouble, they can find any excuse to destroy the Porcupine Knight family.

They are not from the Alchemy City. They ran away immediately after the trouble. The Alchemy City may not do anything to a group of paladins for the sake of the little lord Porcupine Knight.

It’s true that whatever you’re afraid of comes, Fanxing didn’t wait for Porcupine Knight to find an excuse and interrupted directly: “Knight Jais, I heard that you hired Alan Watson at a very low price. This price is definitely not worth it. The identity of the last paladin and light priest, right?"

“The price was negotiated at the beginning...”

The Porcupine Knight felt a little unjust. Of course, he spent very little money, because the paladin himself had a grudge against the lich, so he worked almost for nothing to participate in the battle.

At that time, the Porcupine Knight felt that he had taken advantage, but he did not expect that it would now become an excuse for the other party to find trouble.

Fanxing pressed forward step by step and said: "Because you hired my companions at a very low price, I have reason to believe that you used some less bright methods, maybe coercion, maybe deception. In short, you are right Alan Watson has some responsibility for being captured, don’t you think so?”

  While saying this, a hazy light and shadow appeared behind the stars, like a majestic god, making an angry expression towards the porcupine knight.

 Intimidation and thaumaturgy can enhance the threat and reduce the opponent's will.

The porcupine knight felt his legs were weak. He was not so scared when he faced the gryphon.

  The porcupine knight hesitated and said: "You...I...I didn't mean it...please give me a chance to make amends..."

The stars then smiled and said to the porcupine knight: "Don't worry, we are not here to cause trouble for our compatriots. We are here to completely eradicate the lich, but we need a little help from you."

 (End of this chapter)

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