This Lich Needs More Money

Chapter 315: betray a kingdom

Chapter 315 Selling a Kingdom

  When Zariel turned around, both Umbershoe and Mr. Fortune felt a chill that penetrated them.

It would be really not good to be targeted by a **** lord.

 At this time, the Lich's advantage was seen. Amberxiu was calmer and faster than Mr. Fortune, and responded immediately.

 “Layla, help! Zariel is alive!”

 There is no doubt that this is the most effective response.

 Ms. Mist did not disappoint Amberxiu. Zariel, who had been staring at the two of them just now, became blurred and turned into a rough humanoid shape that looked like it was made of plaster.

Ms. Misty appeared in front of the two of them and said to Amberxiu: "It's too dangerous. Zariel almost came to this dream."

Mr. Fortune knew as soon as he looked at Ms. Misty that he was looking at a real deity.

Did the **** lich just call the **** by his name? Aren't you afraid of being punished for blasphemy?

Mr. Fortune didn't even think about how to salute the goddess. Amberxiu spoke first: "The image of Zariel is too real. It's like someone worked hard to carve out a perfect statue of the god. Zariel felt it. ”

The coming of gods must follow rules. For example, if Queen Rose Spider wanted to come, she had to choose her own idol instead of just appearing anywhere.

 Pious believers, idols, artifacts, and special summoning rituals can all bring the gods to come.

Zariel who was just transformed from the dream is exactly like the real god. There is no more lifelike "god statue" than this, so Zariel who is in **** has also sensed it and can use this phantom to come.

Amberxiu also heard of an even more outrageous thing. There was a bold lunatic who wrote an unofficial history of the gods. The result was that the writing was too vivid and spread widely. Later, the gods came directly to his book. Later, the author stopped More. I don’t know if he was taken to the Kingdom of God by the gods or sent to hell.

Mr. Fortune glanced at Amber Xiu. Is this kid blaming the gods?

Laila said a little embarrassedly: "I have been sleeping for too long, and I have forgotten many things. But it's okay, this is a dream after all. Even if Zariel locks this place, he only needs to change his dream. Hurry up, it's been too long. There will be problems.”

 After saying this, Laila disappeared, and the dream began to move again.

It’s just that Mr. Fortune is not in the mood to read the dream of his old lover now. Instead, he asked Amberxiu in surprise: "Is that person just now a god?"


 “Then how dare you be so rude?”

Mr. Doom feels that the world has changed. Mortals should respect even the weakest gods, unless your beliefs conflict. For example, when believers of the Lord of the Dawn see gods from the evil camp, they can rush over shouting Holy Light. , but in general, the necessary respect must be maintained.

 blasphemy is a grave sin, a crime worse than treason.

“I’ve told you, I know a lot of gods, and I know how to deal with them better than you. You are hundreds of years old, so don’t make a fuss, and pay attention to the plot, the key information is coming soon.”

The virtual Zarrell continued to play his role, grabbed Domino Lawley's neck, and threatened: "Betrayer, I can give you a chance to forgive your sins, find other betrayers, and hand them over to me. , I will consider mitigating your punishment.”

Domino Lawley agreed without thinking: "I am willing, I am willing to do anything."

Obviously, Domino Lawley no longer wants to endure the torture of hellfire, and it doesn't matter what he betrays others.

"Very well, as a little bug, you are considered smart, so there is a reason to live. Go and find those traitors, and I will temporarily stop punishing you. Remember, my kindness is there Within the limit, do what you should do!”

Zariel dissipated in flames, leaving Domino Lawley gasping for air.

 After a while, the environment of the dream changed from a red boudoir to a dark basement.

Domino Lawley put on heavy armor and whipped a **** tiefling hard with a whip.

Domino Lawley asked angrily: "Bring them out and you will suffer less!"

The dying tiefling said weakly: "Domino... do you think... you can escape... Zariel will not... let all of us go..."

Domino Lawley's face was distorted, and the whip in his hand ignited with blazing flames, and he whipped the tiefling fiercely.

The tiefling howled in the flames of **** until it was reduced to ashes.

Domino Lawley was silent for a long time in front of the ashes, and finally whispered: "Go to hell, we deserve it!"

Mr. Fortune looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but said: "She was forced to do it, and she didn't want to do it."

Amberxiu looked at him expressionlessly. This old guy was quite affectionate.

But the dream soon changed again. This time, Domino Lawley knelt in front of Zariel again, and the fire of **** burned her skin to black.

Domino Lawley seemed to have lost the strength to move, and could only say with difficulty: "Please give me another chance, please... I will send them to hell... please..."

But Zariel was not a tolerant god. He kicked her more than ten meters away and mocked: "What else can you do? All the betrayers know that you are betraying them, and they will no longer believe in you. ”

Domino Lawley said with his last strength: "I can... sacrifice the entire kingdom... to you..."

 Seeing this, Mr. Fortune couldn't help but widen his eyes. He originally thought that Domino Lawley was forced by Zariel to cooperate with Hell, but he didn't expect that she actually offered to use the entire kingdom in exchange. Zarrell continued to say to Domino Lawley disdainfully: "You are not qualified. This kingdom does not belong to you."

 "I can...I can make them all sign the contract...I can..."

Mr. Fortune clenched his fists, wishing to kill Domino Lawley now, but he knew that there was no point in doing so, so he could only endure and continue watching.

 They are very close to the secret.

Zarrell listened and made a very interested voice: "Oh, you can really do it?"

"I can…"

Domino Lawley's voice was almost inaudible.

“Okay, then I’ll give you one last chance.” A flame flashed on Zarrell’s hand, and a magic contract appeared.

Mr. Fortune tried hard to get closer, trying to read the words clearly, but found that the content was blurry.

"How could this happen? This is the most important thing!" Mr. Fortune said excitedly.

Amberxiu also came over to take a look, and then said: "I'm afraid, Domino Lawley herself didn't know the contents of the contract. She was almost dead at that time, so she signed the contract without seeing it clearly. The dream is her memory. If it reappears, it will naturally be unclear if she doesn’t remember it.”

Mr. Fortune retorted: "But she said she would let others sign this contract. If she doesn't know now, she should know later, right?"

Amberxiu shook his head and said: "Not necessarily. If Zarrell sets a shielding magic on the contract, then only the person who signed it can see the content, and... these contents are probably written in devil's language. I don't think so. There are a few members of the Righteous Council who can understand."

 The devil's language and writings contain powerful magic, and it is this magic that makes the contract powerfully binding. And if a mortal wants to learn this language, his soul will easily be contaminated by the power of hell, and he will fall into **** without the devil taking action.

 Amber Xiu is a lich and belongs to the evil camp. He has strong resistance to these hellish forces, so he went to study it.

"If you can't read it, how can anyone else sign it?" Mr. Fortune asked with a frown.

Amberxiu chuckled and said: "That's too simple. Drunk, unconscious, charmed, or caught... You must know that this is hundreds of years ago, Domino Lawley has enough time to set up All kinds of traps. It’s just twelve Tieflings. If you want to trick them, it’s not that difficult.”

Mr. Fortune gritted his teeth and said: "Then there is nothing we can do? All our efforts have been in vain!"

The future of the Unholy Canticles cannot be divined, and fate does not allow them to peek into this secret. Now even Domino Lawley doesn't know what the content of the contract is. Who else can they find the answer from? They can't go to **** to ask Zariel.

Amberxiu said: "Don't worry, things can still turn around. I have done some research on devil's contracts. These patterns... I can probably guess a little bit."

Mr. Fortune said in surprise: "You still understand the devil's writing?"

"I have no choice. I don't have any aristocratic background. If I want to survive, I have to read more books. Isn't it the same for you?" Amberxiu asked.

Mr. Fortune said helplessly: "I have read a lot of books, but I really can't compare with you."

Tieflings have the blood of devils in their bodies. Once exposed to the power of hell, they will be more susceptible to corruption than other races. Therefore, he did not dare to study the devil's writings for fear of accidentally corrupting them.

Amberxiu raised his head and said to the outside of the dream: "Okay, that's almost it. It will probably be all kinds of frame-up and coercion to force other unclean people to sign the contract. The dream can end, don't let Zariel really find us. "

The dream quickly shattered, Domino Lawley also disappeared, and the Misty Lady Lyra reappeared in front of the two of them.

Layla said to Amberxiu: "Zariel is difficult to deal with. Don't be impulsive. If you encounter trouble, come back to me. I can protect you now."

Amberxiu said gratefully: "Thank you, but it's not a big problem. Isn't it just a **** lord? If he wants to cause trouble for me, he has to queue up."

Layla smiled and said: "I have never seen a mortal like you. Take care of yourself. I will be here for you at any time."

Lyla turned into starlight and disappeared, and Amberxiu and Mr. Fortune also woke up from their dreams.

Mr. Fortune opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. Should he first ask how to solve the problem of unclean chants, or ask about his relationship with the goddess? Or, ask what Amberxiu meant by what he said. What does it mean that the lord of **** has to queue up even if he troubles him?

 Hundreds of years since we last met, what has happened to this bastard?

Amberxiu didn't think much about it and said directly to Mr. Fortune: "Brother, help me complete a divination."

Mr. Fortune said strangely: "Didn't you listen to me? It's impossible to predict the future of this kingdom. Even all the relevant details are hazy. Forced divination will only make us abandoned by fate."

"That's because I'm not here. Senior brother, is there anything in this world worthy of two legendary prophetic mages divining together? With the combined power of you and me, even the gods will be trapped by our intertwined web of fate. of."

Amberxiu summoned his golden throne, and countless dice of fate appeared in front of him. He said to Mr. Fortune: "Didn't you say that I am the goddess of fate's favorite person? I believe that the goddess will give me this Face-saving.”

 “Okay, let me, this old bone, go crazy with you again.”

Mr. Fortune chuckled, and countless threads of fate emerged in front of him.

 Dots and lines intertwined in the air, and strange pictures began to appear in front of the two of them.

 (End of this chapter)

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