This intermediary can handle it. If you buy a house, you will give it to your girlfriend!

Chapter 46 Sell the humid and constant-temperature house to a wine merchant!

Lin Yuan looked at the girl's bewildered face, then looked at the phone in her hand, which was broadcasting the live scene. No wonder he could find this place.

Recalling what happened just now, a thought flashed through his mind, and he asked uncertainly: "Are you also going to buy a house?"

The girl was slightly surprised when she heard this: "You guessed this?"

Then he explained with a smile: "The news of the incident at Lingshan Funeral Home spread early this morning. There are too few undertakers now. Several funeral homes called me to go to work."

"I chose the most suitable one, Qingshan Funeral Home. It happens that I have nothing to do during the day. Can you recommend me a house close to work?"

After listening to the girl's explanation, everyone who was about to go out had a strange look on their faces, and all looked at Lin Yuan, their eyes full of admiration.

It is almost known to everyone that houses are difficult to sell these days.

Prices have been falling. Many people obviously have needs, but they try to delay buying, for fear that they will buy one foot and work for the bank the next.

Unless those who need to get married, etc., will buy a house in urgent need.

But it was different when it came to Lin Yuan.

Some of them might not be in a hurry, and some didn't even have much demand.

Most of them wanted to thank Lin Yuan and buy a house at the same time.

From here, it can be seen that Lin Yuan was not only selling a house, but also his favor.

Just like the three people who want to buy a house now, except for the girl, the other two owed a favor to the big guy.

The girl herself had a demand, and coupled with the special incident last night, it was understandable that she asked Lin Yuan to buy a house.

It was funny to say that these three people seemed to have not introduced the house from beginning to end, and even the house type was not mentioned.

Lin Yuan looked at the girl and was already very happy. He smiled and said, "That's great, it's just right for us to go together!"

"Yeah, okay!"

In this way, a group of people went to the real estate agency in a mighty manner.

When the boss saw Lin Yuan coming with a large group of people, his mouth was about to smile crookedly.

He hurried to the door to greet them: "Come on, come on, please come in, I'll pour you a cup of tea."

Before coming, he had already known through the live broadcast room that these people were all here to buy houses, and they were buying three houses.

In his eyes, Lin Yuan was now a gold nugget, a delicious bun, and a little ancestor.

Even if he was asked to help find customers now, he would not talk nonsense.

Since the needs of the three customers were different, Lin Yuan could not take the three of them to see houses at the same time.

He had to select several houses according to their situations, and then other colleagues would go to see houses on their behalf.

As for himself, of course he accompanied the girl to see houses.

It just so happened that one of the strange house types given to him by the boss before was next to the crematorium.

The big chimney was burning all day long, the smell was very bad, and the air was full of calcium.

For ordinary people, they couldn't stand the smell at all.

But for the girl, she had already gotten used to it.

And because the location was very remote, and no one bought it, the house price was outrageously low.

A 60-square-meter house was done for less than 200,000 yuan.

But remoteness does not mean that there are no people, because the funeral home business is always hot, and there are many businesses nearby, so life is still very convenient.

The girl is quite satisfied with this apartment.

She never thought that she could buy a house for less than 200,000 yuan.

Although it is a bit small, it is enough for her to live alone.

And from what she said, all funeral homes are now implementing a smoke-free policy.

It won't be long before the pollution problem will no longer exist.

After hearing this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but be amazed. Sure enough, there is no worst house, only suitable or unsuitable houses.

After a few hours of tossing, all three people signed the contract and paid for the house with satisfaction.

Before leaving, they specially greeted Lin Yuan and asked him to have tea with them when he was free, and to introduce them to their friends when they bought houses.

In response, Lin Yuan politely thanked them all.

Until the last person was sent away, all the people in the agency were exhausted.

The boss waved his hand: "Let's go, I'll treat you, have a big meal!"

After lunch, it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Yuan leaned back in the boss's chair, looking through the client and apartment information in his hand, thinking about how to sell next.

The previous wave of commissions earned more than 40,000 yuan, plus the previous more than 120,000 yuan, the assets reached 160,000 yuan.

After selling the house to the deaf-mute and the house near the crematorium to the undertaker, he understood a truth.

No matter how bad the house is, it has its special advantages.

If you can make good use of this, dig out its advantages, and find suitable customers, there is no house that cannot be sold.

For example, this villa in front of you.

In order to expand the basement, the owner spent money to find connections, approved the reconstruction documents, and found a designer to design before starting the excavation.

At the beginning, everything went smoothly. The basement was expanded from more than 100 square meters to more than 300 square meters, and the decoration was very beautiful. The whole family was very happy.

As a result, the good times did not last long. In less than a few months, the house was filled with a damp atmosphere.

The corners were covered with moss, the ground was wet, and some wooden furniture had begun to rot.

After testing, the humidity in the basement reached 80%.

Such high humidity will cause moisture in the air to condense on surfaces such as walls, floors, and furniture, making it easy for mold and bacteria to grow.

In addition, high humidity will also affect indoor air quality, making people feel stuffy and stuffy, which can easily cause respiratory diseases and allergic reactions.

What's even worse is that because this is a basement, there is no ventilation, and the moisture cannot escape at all, and the temperature is always between 12 and 15 degrees.

The only way to solve this problem is to use dehumidification equipment to dehumidify continuously throughout the day.

I thought it was because the waterproofing was not done well in the first place.

But after some inspection and maintenance, it was found that the waterproofing was very good and there was no problem.

The real reason turns out to be that the groundwater level of this generation is relatively high, and water in the soil will continue to seep into the basement, causing the basement to be damp all year round.

The only way is to tear down the entire basement and wrap it up with several thick layers of waterproofing.

That would be too costly and laborious, and it would be equivalent to rebuilding.

The homeowner thought about it for a while and decided to give up. Instead of spending so much effort to start over, it would be better to sell and buy a new house.

But who would buy a house with such high humidity?

Not to mention the basement, even the single-family villas above are uninhabitable.

Compared with other houses nearby, the walls of his villa have begun to fall off long ago.

The marks on the wall look like an old lady who has lost her teeth, and are incompatible with the nearby environment.

All the people who came to see the house basically took one look and ran away.

If they have money to buy a villa, isn't it just to save face and enjoy life? Only fools would buy this kind of house.

No matter how much the owner lowers the price, it is useless. Even the surrounding household owners are complaining about his home, which has lowered the overall housing price in the neighborhood.

In this regard, the homeowner has given up and has given up hope.

Before, Lin Yuan would have felt that this kind of house could not be sold at all.

But now, he discovered the advantages of this house.

Whether it is high humidity or constant temperature, it is very suitable for the storage of red wine.

Since he drew the Sommelier skill last time, he immediately thought of this.

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