This intermediary can handle it. If you buy a house, you will give it to your girlfriend!

Chapter 40 There are so many bones, this is not a funeral parlor!

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked over with doubts.

Director Yang looked at Lin Yuan, the wrinkles on his brows relaxed a little, and asked curiously: "Have you guessed the location?"

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, pointed at the cremation staff and replied, "Do you still remember what he said just now?"

Everyone looked stunned when they heard this, and couldn't help but recall the previous scene.

Captain Chen recalled with a thoughtful look on his face: "He seemed to have said that the body would be buried... and then it was gone."


As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan immediately corrected him: "He said the body was buried there, not where the body was buried!"

"Ah? What's the difference?" Team Chen looked confused, with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

"There is a difference, and it's huge!"

Lin Yuan explained seriously: "First of all, from his words, we can analyze that the body must be buried somewhere."

"That's true!" Captain Chen and others nodded in agreement: "But the question is where to bury it. The West Sea is so big, you can't dig three feet into the ground."

"Don't worry, listen to my analysis first." Lin Yuan smiled lightly.

"Let me first explain to you the difference between burying the body and burying it."

"According to the meaning in our Chinese dictionary, where the body is buried is a neutral description."

"To put it bluntly, it is very broad, uncertain, and has no specific description. It may be buried in a crematorium or by a river or seaside. In short, its expression is very vague and it can be anywhere."

"But buried in is an adverb of degree. To a certain extent, it has clear instructions."

Seeing everyone's confused expressions, Lin Yuan smiled and explained: "Let me give you an example."

"If you caught a big fish far away and a friend saw it when you brought it back, they would ask you where you caught it. How would you answer?"

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but fell into deep thought again.

The photographer was the first to answer: "I would say I fished in such and such a place."

Lin Yuan then asked: "What if I fished downstairs in your house, how should you answer?"

"Uh," the photographer hesitated for half a second and replied, "I would say I fished it right downstairs at my house!"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone at the scene looked condensed and their eyes lit up, as if they had caught something.

The photographer also suddenly realized, and exclaimed on the spot: "Oh~~ I know, "by" means that the distance is very close, so use it!! Then "by" means that he is buried near the crematorium. Is it right?"

Lin Yuan smiled and nodded: "The entire crematorium is almost made of cement floor, only the green belt is soil. It would be too easy to be exposed if buried there, so it is basically impossible."

"Behind the funeral parlor is a big mountain. It's in the wilderness. I think it's likely that he will be buried there."

After saying that, he turned to look at the bald man, wanting to observe his reaction after hearing this.

At this moment, the bald man's face had long lost the previous indifference, and the panic in his eyes was obvious and could not be concealed at all.

Although he tried his best to appear calm and not show any emotion.

But the panicked expressions of the two employees on the ground directly betrayed his inner thoughts.

Everyone present also understood it instantly, with expressions of surprise on their faces, and their morale increased greatly.

Captain Chen patted his thigh excitedly and said excitedly: "Why didn't I think of that? It has to be you, Lin Yuan!"

Director Yang also smiled and nodded: "It's really another village where everything is bright and clear!"

Then he lowered his head and looked at the two employees on the ground, and said in a deep voice without anger: "I will give you one last chance, don't waste my time, tell me the specific location, otherwise I won't mind digging up the ground nearby! Wait for me to dig it out.”

Before they finished speaking, the two employees exclaimed in unison: "It's on the back mountain. I know the location. I'll take you there!!"

As soon as these words came out, the bald man instantly felt as if all his energy had been drained out, and his whole body collapsed.

He knew that once it was dug out, it would be irrefutable evidence, and no matter how connected he was, he would not be able to be saved.

As for threatening these two employees, is there any point?

Everyone guessed that it was nearby and would be dug up sooner or later.

Until now, he still hasn't figured out why someone discovered the concrete in the urn.

What's more, I didn't expect that what I did was secret enough to be exposed.

All of this is thanks to this humble young man in front of me.

He couldn't help but want to ask, what is Lin Yuan's job? Is he a criminal investigation expert?

Just because there is an extra word "ji" in a sentence, you can guess where the body is buried. It's incredible.

If he knew that Lin Yuan was just an agent selling houses, he was just here to sell houses tonight.

He was probably so angry that he could spit out a pound of blood on the spot!

Netizens in the live broadcast room witnessed the scene of Lin Yuan solving the case, and they all cried out.



——[However, my cultural level is not high, so I can only express my current inner thoughts in one sentence. No, is it really that difficult to sell a house these days? I can guarantee that if you ask him about his professional knowledge of houses, he will most likely not be able to answer you. But they even take away the job of criminal investigation, how can you say that he is not good at it? 】

——[Do you know what Lin Yuanhui’s criminal investigation means? 】

——[The number one scholar in the profession reminds me that carrying corpses in the crematorium can easily earn 300,000 yuan a year. I worked as a corpse bearer for a year, and I wasn’t very tired, but the sequelae were a bit severe. Now when I see people sleeping, I want to carry them and burn them. 】

——[This is nothing, practice makes perfect, just like I have never seen what an asshole looks like in my 20-plus years of going to the toilet, but I can always wipe the right spot accurately. 】

Although it is already past 2 o'clock in the morning at night, none of the police officers are tired at this moment, and they are full of energy.

Under the leadership of the cremation employees, dozens of police officers carried tools and headed to the burial site.

It was obviously dark, but the lights on the uphill slope were bright.

Everyone held a searchlight, illuminating this large mountain forest.

After more than ten minutes of walking, we arrived halfway up the mountain.

The cremation employee pointed to the pit not far away and said, "It's right here. We didn't participate. We just saw them burying it."

Director Yang snorted coldly: "Whether you participated or not will be investigated later."

Then he waved his hand and ordered on the spot: "dig!!"

Everyone: "Yes!"

Hang Chi Hang Chi~~~

Hang Chi Hang Chi~~~


Dozens of policemen were digging with shovels in the hard mountain soil.

Even Team Yang and Chen personally participated in the excavation work.

I don’t know how long I dug, but a foul smell filled the air.

Mixed in the soil are white bones that fill the soil.

It looks even more eerie under the illumination of searchlights at night.

Everyone's expressions changed when they saw this, and everyone's face was filled with various emotions.

There is nervousness, excitement, fear and excitement.

But as they dug deeper and deeper, the piles of white bones criss-crossed appeared in front of them.

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

This is not a funeral parlor, this is clearly the modern Shituoling!

The bones were so densely packed together that it was impossible to tell who belonged to whom.

The most terrifying thing is that most of them only have ribs and spines, and many don't even have skulls.

It was such a horrific scene that even many police officers couldn't help but vomited on the spot.

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