Lin Yuan looked at the expectant looks in everyone's eyes, and did not show off, and continued to explain with a smile.

"It will take a little time and energy to turn it into 5 million or 10 million."

"First of all, we need to start a company. It can be an empty shell, but we must ensure that the company has a large amount of turnover every day for three consecutive months."

"Secondly, find a second-hand car dealer and buy a luxury soul ring car."

"In this way, he is packaged as a wealthy person who owns a house, a luxury car and a company."

"Three months later, we will spend some money to find a bank loan through connections. Not to mention the house, we can easily get a loan of hundreds of thousands for the Soul Ring car we bought for 50,000 yuan."

"This is only the first step. After the bank has loaned you, go to all the major loan platforms and search for all the loans that can be obtained."

"In one wave, you can easily get 5 million. If the house is higher-end, tens of millions or even tens of millions is not impossible."

"When the money is available, all you need to do is repay the loan on time in the first three months."

"According to national laws, if the loan is repaid in the first three months, it will not be considered a criminal case. It will most likely lead to economic disputes."

"It can be said that the only price is to become a dishonest person! In a few months, you can earn millions. If you have enough capital, it can be tens of millions."

"When the time comes, we invest 5 million in the Sunshine Project, and the return will be thousands of times, which will be directly 5 billion."

"Every one of us here will be a billionaire, prosperous and a winner in life."

"Now, tell me loudly, do you want to get rich with me?"

The words just fell.

Everyone shouted in unison: "Think!"

At this moment, they were boiling with excitement, their eyes filled with desire for Cullinan.

When I think of the plan mentioned by Lin Yuan to invest in the Sunshine Project, I feel trembling all over and having goosebumps all over my body.

Some people even cried so excitedly on the spot that they hugged each other and cried.

In their view, life has finally come to an end, and they begin to dream about a life of becoming billionaires.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also extremely shocked.

The plan Lin Yuan mentioned was really amazing.

Anyone with a little knowledge can tell that he is not talking about getting high.

This is really achievable.

And it is completely in line with the current social environment.

Real estate has plummeted, but the price cannot drop. Banks can't mortgage at extremely low prices, right?

The customer is not willing either.

Because it cannot ensure who is here to defraud the loan.

Just follow the rules.

Whether it is a garage or a company, they are all packaging the creditworthiness of the lender.

With all this, what reason does the bank have for not lending?

Nowadays, so many people are saving money and paying interest every day. It is eager for someone to borrow money to get some money back.

It's like saying that this is a pig-killing offer specifically aimed at banks, and it's the kind that can't be refused.

The only price is to become a dishonest person.

Think about it carefully, it is not a good deal to exchange a broken person for millions.

Anyway, many people will never make that kind of money in their lifetime.



——[Oh my god, there is such a way. Why didn’t I know? It sounds very reliable. I almost want to go to the bank to get some money. 】

——[This is true. There are many people here, commonly known as debtors. They find someone willing to take on debts, transfer a house, a luxury car, and a company to him, and then do the business. After three months, all the loans are taken away. You can get almost 2 million in exchange for being a dishonest person for the rest of your life. 】

——[I have a friend who became a debtor. He was very lucky and received 5 million. However, he had a debt of more than 20 million. He would never be able to turn around in this life. But sometimes I think about it, with this 5 million Wan, wouldn’t it be nice to live abroad? 】

——[This routine is really awesome. It is completely a legal loan. All the processes comply with the rules and requirements. The bank has no temper at all, unless it stops lending money to others. In fact, banks are not good birds. They will also find debtors and give some bad debts to debtors to facilitate accounting. 】

——[I’m just a dishonest person. If possible, I won’t use bank cards and use cash instead. Is there anyone who can do this? Please guide me. I don’t want 2 million, just give me 1 million. I’m so poor. 】

——[Same request, I am not afraid of breaking my promise, please contact me. 】

——[I will do it too, 800,000 is fine. 】

——[If you want to do something private, it is absolutely reliable, and you can get it starting from 2 million. 】

——[Take me one. 】

--【I do! 】

At this moment, the live broadcast room went crazy.

It is too difficult for ordinary people to earn 2 million in a lifetime.

Now in just 3 months, you can easily get millions without doing anything to eat or drink.

What is a shortcut in life? This is it!

As for the dishonest person?

Go to hell.

Don't care at all.

I have enjoyed it for so long, so there must be a price, it is reasonable.

Many people even have trouble eating, so why do they still care about this?

However, they didn't think about a problem.

Once you choose to be a debtor, your life is over.

Those intermediaries have all come ashore. They have got the money and it doesn't matter.

What about the debtor?

When he thinks about his hundreds of millions in loans, is he still willing to work hard?

Will a person who wants to take shortcuts squander the 2 million he got?

No, just like many demolition nouveau riche.

If you have money, you can build as much as you want. If you regret it after you build it, your life will be over.

Lin Yuan naturally understood this truth.

He said this purely to fool the pyramid scheme gang in front of him.

As it turns out, the effect is really good.

Everyone's enthusiasm was ignited, even the manager was no exception.

Of course, he knew that the 1040 Sunshine Project was pure nonsense.

But he also started by paying 69,800 yuan.

His youth and money were all invested in it, and he was already trapped in it and couldn't get out.

He could only make one mistake and then another.

But at the moment, the money-making plan that Lin Yuan talked about was much more advanced than his.

For others, they were worried about becoming a dishonest person, but he was not worried at all.

Because there were more than 20 brainwashed piglets in this room.

When the time came, he would take out loans in their names and reap the benefits.

800,000 yuan each, or even millions.

Just thinking about it made his adrenaline soar.

When the leeks were almost harvested, he would run away with the huge sum of money.

With money in your pocket, you can fly wherever you want, and anywhere is your home.

In contrast, if you continue to stay in this shabby house and brainwash the losers, how long will it take to see hope?

Thinking of this, the manager pointed at Lin Yuan with excitement and said, "I declare that from today on, Brother Ma Maipi is the lecturer of our team. Do you have any objections?"

Everyone shook their heads when they heard this, and all raised their fists excitedly and shouted, "Teacher Ma, Teacher Ma!!"

The scene was full of noise, and it took a full minute to stop.

Although they only spent less than ten minutes with Lin Yuan, they were already convinced after the speech just now.

Although the Sunshine Project that the manager brainwashed them about can make money, it always feels invisible and intangible.

But Lin Yuan's is different, you can think of it just by imagining it.

Especially when you think about taking this money to invest in the Sunshine Project, everyone will become a billionaire.

Who can refuse?

Now even if his own mother and father hold a knife to his neck and ask him to go back, they will not go back.

Lin Yuan looked at their expressions and sighed in his heart that it was ridiculous.

These people are so easy to fool. They are naturally fooled. No wonder they can come in and do MLM.

But he didn't expect that he would become a lecturer.

It's only been more than ten minutes. If he told others, no one would believe it.

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