The wizard in Hogwarts is unscientific

Chapter 31 Magic is Andy’s dream

Hearing the explosion, Andy was no longer as fussy as he was in the last class. new

He turned around calmly and saw that Seamus was holding the wand in his hand. He was stunned on the spot. There was still black smoke from the explosion on the table in front of him.

Seamus, you are such a talent!

This is not Andy's weirdo. From an academic point of view, Seamus' situation is indeed very special.

The reason why this happens when Seamus casts a spell may be because his magic power is not stable enough, or maybe he is too impatient when casting a spell.

Of course, it's also possible that he simply likes explosions, which affects his magic power.

Each of these three situations is worth studying.

It's a pity that Andy and Simo are not even acquaintances, so it's not easy to ask Simo about his mental state rashly.

Andy glanced at Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall scolded Seamus very severely, and then gave Seamus a new match.

Andy thought to himself: "It seems that in the eyes of Professor McGonagall, Seamus' situation is not special."

Professor McGonagall has been teaching for decades and is well-informed. Since she doesn't care about Seamus, does that mean that Seamus' situation is actually normal in the magical world?

Andy looked away and suppressed the idea of ​​​​slicing Seamus. New 𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮

After all, Azkaban is not a serious academy.

Until the end of get out of class, Andy had been secretly paying attention to the situation on Simo's side.

Ever since the explosion occurred during the casting of the spell and he was reprimanded by Professor McGonagall, Seamus felt a lot weaker.

He seemed a little afraid to cast spells. Only when Professor McGonagall's eyes turned to him, he would make a few pretentious gestures with his wand.

Not only that, during this class, Andy also noticed two interesting phenomena-Ron and Neville.

Both of their wands were old wands that had been used by other people.

Although it was difficult to observe much information in one class, Andy was keenly aware that Ron and Neville's spellcasting was not smooth.

Especially Neville, he looks a little better than Squib.

The two of them were not confident enough to begin with, and this lack of smooth spell casting would even aggravate this lack of confidence.

Andy can even see into their future at a glance!

Under this vicious cycle, the two of them will definitely be at the bottom of the magical world when they become adults.

However, this is not the case.

Although Andy has only seen the first "Harry Potter" movie, he has more or less heard of the names Neville and Ron.

They are important supporting characters in "Harry Potter", and their future will never be too mediocre.

"But why is this?" Andy analyzed secretly. New 𝟲𝟵Book Bar→𝟲𝟵𝘀𝗵𝘂𝘅.𝗰𝗼𝗺

And Andy also didn't understand why the Sorting Hat sorted Neville into Gryffindor.

Ron has proven himself in the chess level of the movie that he has the courage to sacrifice himself for what is just.

What about Neville?

Andy frowned.

If the Sorting Hat never made a mistake, then did it sort Neville into Gryffindor in the hope that Gryffindor's courage would influence Neville and help him regain his confidence?

The more Andy studies magic, the more he discovers that many factors can affect the success rate of spell casting, and a good mentality is the most important of them.

More and more examples can prove that Andy's current research direction is correct.

Mind and magic have always been inseparable!


At 3:20, the Transfiguration class ends.

Andy and Hermione walked towards the abandoned classroom on the sixth floor.

Andy glanced at Hermione beside him with some doubts. She seemed a little unhappy.

"What's wrong?" Andy asked with raised eyebrows.


Hermione said: "I just feel like I'm so far behind."

In the Transfiguration class, although she made some changes to the matches and the progress was far ahead of the other little wizards, she still felt dissatisfied.

Andy heard this and said with a smile: "Before going to school, I practiced magic at home for more than a month. Your talent is already far beyond that of other little wizards."

However, this kind of words did not comfort Hermione in the slightest.

When Hermione felt that she was 'much worse', Andy finally saw what it meant to be crazy.

For three days in a row, Hermione either practiced magic in the abandoned classroom or went to the library to read. After the library closed, she studied in the Ravenclaw common room late into the night.

She gave up almost all entertainment time and was even crazier than Andy was in his senior year of high school in his previous life.

Of course, Hermione's drive to study also affected Andy.

Andy is obsessed with magic, an obsession that no one in this world can understand.

Even Hermione.

Although Hermione comes from the Muggle world without magic, she was exposed to magic when she was eleven years old, and her most basic worldview has not yet been developed.

But Andy grew up in a world without magic. His ordinary life made Andy often fantasize about those mysterious powers.

And now, magic is Andy's dream!

Studying alone may become boring after a long time.

But when there is someone with you, you will feel that boring is actually not unbearable.

In particular, Andy and Hermione are the kind of people who love learning. Learning not only does not make them feel boring, but also makes them feel happy.

Two people, that's double the happiness.

No matter what, the little loli is always more pleasing to the eye than the three brats in the dormitory.

Andy has long been impatient to deal with them.

No adult will make friends with children, except little loli.

Andy and Hermione were eating in the Great Hall on Saturday morning.


A flock of owls flew in from the window of the auditorium. They flew over the long table and threw something in their talons to the little wizard who needed to receive it.

"Why do you still have mine?" Andy took a letter that fell from the sky and was slightly dazed.

The reply from home was received as early as Wednesday. Andy has not written a letter to home in the past two days, let alone bought anything in Diagon Alley.

"you forgot?"

Hermione glanced around furtively, tilted her head and moved closer to Andy, lowering her voice and saying, "Maybe it's Malfoy."

All right! Andy had been working so hard these past two days that he had long forgotten about it.

Andy opened the envelope. There was no signature on the letter, but it was indeed Malfoy's handwriting.

Andy opened the letter and was about to read it when he saw Hermione quickly stand up and look around, pretending to want to help Andy look out, which frightened Andy and quickly pulled her.

"Idiot! You act so mysterious. Even a fool knows we have a secret."

Andy read the letter openly and pointed: "Eat! Just like usual, don't look around. This is just an ordinary reply."

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