The Uchiha - Senju Immortal

Chapter 31 - Eight Years [4]

[Author Note: Today chapter is being posted exactly 24 minutes before the usual schedule, why? I wanna play destiny 2 and I'll probably lose track of time playing so to avoid it, I'll just post this right now, by the way, my headache is much better but I'm still with one, well, that's it, enjoy the fricking chapter and comment if you want a time skip directly to the creation of Konoha after him training Madara and Hashirama ends, cya]

''I'm back, mother'' I said as my mother stood up, came near me and hugged me while saying ''Even though it's just 2 years for you, for me, it seems like it is 20 years, my son!''

''Yes, I understand but you're suffocating me!'' I wonder how she's so strong, at the side, Uncle Tajima laughed at my situation but was caught with a kick on his... well, I won't tell due to avoid inconveniences.

Going near him, I patted his shoulder ''Don't worry, it will get better, someday... well, maybe you won't be able to have a son anymore but no problem, you already have Izuna and Madara, right?''

''Y-Y-Yes...'' The powerful Uchiha Clan Leader that brought fear to his enemies was lying on the floor, trembling while holding his crotch, I feel his pain for some reason...

Oh, I almost forgot to talk with Izuna ''Hey, Izuna, come here, gimme a hug!'' and instantly, he came running with full speed and jumped towards me and his head... hit my stomach, haha, thought it would hit somewhere else, hm?

''You can't jump towards me like that, what if you accidentally hurt yourself?'' I said as Izuna scratched his head, that was hurting after it hit my stomach.

''Shiro-nii-san, why your stomach is like that, even though I hit it, why I'm the one that felt pain? Sigh...'' Izuna, the little kid, sighed like an old man after he saw that I was left without any pain and the one that felt it was him.

Oy, don't go sighing like an old man, you're just eight years old, anyway, I'll still answer ''It's very easy, I trained so much that now I'm like steel, ordinary swords can't cut me anymore at all, see your father sword? It is a special kind of them and it's called ''Kusanagi Sword'', one day he'll pass it to you or Madara'' I said as sparkles appeared around Izuna, that replied

''Yes... the Kusanagi Sword is so cool, I wonder if I can forge one...'' Izuna started to mutter to himself continuously, sighing, I went near my mother

Looking at me, she asked the usual ''How's your father? Is he doing ok? He isn't neglecting his work as the Great Elder as he did when I was pregnant, right?''

Well, my father doesn't neglect his work, he always sends Wood Clones to do it, that way, he won't have any problem ''No, he always do it correctly, just by the way, he misses you so much, mother, I wonder if you want to go with me to the Senju Clan and who knows, give me a little sister or brother...''

''You brat! You never ever kissed and you dare to tell me to give you a little sister or brother? Do you know how it hurt to give birth to you? Damn!'' My mother got angered and an arrow hit my heart, so what if in my thirty years of life in my previous world, I never had a companion even once? So what if I'm still alone...

Sigh... I'll just wait for tomorrow, the day passed and it was relatively calm, Madara wanted me to teach him some cool jutsus but I said that tomorrow, I'll teach both him and Hashirama jutsus so he calmed down, I also guided him and Izuna with their Kenjutsu and Shurikenjutsu, the day was kinda enjoyable, I guess.

The night passed in the blink of an eye, the sun rose proudly to the sky as always, bringing light and warmth to everyone life, well, not everyone since all around the world, there are many clans in war, while indeed some clans of the Land-of-Fire is in peace, not all of them are, after the war stopped, the Yuki Clan and the Hozuki clan put all of the blame into the Kaguya Clan, which made another war started, in the end, the Kaguya Clan lost and had to give compensations.

I just woke up, Madara was extremely excited and jumped on my stomach ''helping'' me to wake up, it is still hurting, I wasn't prepared at all, despite being 10 years old, both Hashirama and Madara are almost at the level of a Jounin, both of them being at the peak an Elite Chuunin can be, with my training, in one to one and half a year, they'll be at Jounin level.

''Shiro-nii-san, hurry up, I'm curious to see which jutsu you'll teach me this time!'' Madara felt extremely excited because last time I taught him a jutsu, it was the 'Raiton: Thunder Ball' that I created ''Don't hurry me up otherwise I won't teach you a damn thing'' I said and he just ignored me, picked my hand and started to pull me.

Sighing, I went with him, it's not like I have anything to do, besides, I can still train while they're mastering the jutsus.

When we arrived at the place they always meet up, I saw that Hashirama was already here and seeing us, he yelled ''Oooy, Shiro-nii-san, Madara!''

Spotting his rival, Madara went near him and said that I would teach them jutsus.

''That's very nice of you, nii-san! What jutsu you'll teach us?'' Hashirama asked as I smiled a bit, with the air of a mysterious expert, I raised my hand.

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