The self-cultivation of the passer-by hero

Chapter 468 It’s not unreasonable for heavenly beings to hate immortals

"Don't, don't be joking, Yijiu, how can such a thing be possible?"

The Son of Heaven's voice became smaller and smaller. Although he said he didn't believe it, judging from the various weird situations here, perhaps this absurd conclusion is the truth.

"My lord, it's really too dangerous here, let's go back quickly."

"It's easy to say, do you think Miss Ben doesn't want to go back?"

As she said this, Tianzi gritted her teeth in anger. Tianren's belief that she was superior to others had long been deeply rooted in her values. For her, the lower world was just like a playground, and there was nothing to worry about.

The proudest part of the heavenly beings is not because they live in the heaven above the earth, but because they defeated "death" with their own strength.

Unlike immortals who cultivate their bodies and minds, and finally rely on magic and cultivation to extend their lifespan, the lifespan of heavenly beings is also very long, but it has nothing to do with their strength, but because they have driven away the god of death.

It may not be accurate to say this, but it should be said that they expelled the concept of "death".

Heavenly beings refuse to grow old, sick and die like ordinary creatures, but rely on their strong will to expel the phenomenon of death from the heavenly realm. This also leads to the extremely bad relationship between them and the God of Death.

Because death is expelled by will, conceptually, the God of Death cannot harvest the souls of heavenly beings unless he defeats them and destroys their will to live forever.

It is precisely because of this that every year the God of Death enters the heaven to fight with the gods. Once the gods lose to the God of Death in the battle, they will die.

But for some unknown reason, Shiki Yingji, as the King of Hell, did not express any stance on this matter at all. Whether it was the overbearing attitude of the gods or the battle between her subordinates, the God of Death and the gods, she turned a deaf ear.

Neither opposed nor supported, the result of this was that the gods defeated the god of death several times with their strong strength, and the god of death also became extremely disgusted with the gods.

For them, harvesting souls is just a job, but there are people who stand in the way with righteous words. The look of blood feud really makes them sick.

However, it is precisely because of using such a powerful method to snatch an extremely long lifespan that the gods despise all races except their own.

Therefore, such an extremely arrogant mentality led to the fact that when Tianzi and Yijiu came out, they did not prepare any safety measures in advance.

The heaven has been far away from the earth since ancient times. After the mystery of the outside world faded away, Gensokyo, the last mysterious place, became the new land they recognized.

The paradise of monsters is just mediocre in the eyes of the gods. Because of the difference in the system, compared to the scattered forces like the big monsters, the gods who gather to form a single group are obviously more powerful overall.

But this statement is inaccurate. First of all, the emperor alone cannot represent the entire heaven. Secondly, it would be really bad if they meet someone they can't afford to offend.

The only two people in Gensokyo that the emperor cannot offend are the flower tyrant Kazami Yuka. After all, he is a complete fighting maniac and will never be afraid of heavenly beings.

The second is the monster sage Yakumo Murasaki, who is the only uncrowned king in Gensokyo who is qualified and capable of commanding all the monsters here.

In short, from the emperor's point of view, if the two sides go to war, Gensokyo will definitely be at a disadvantage, but if it is a small fight, then he will never be able to take advantage.

Unfortunately, things went against her expectations. When she came to the world, she was tricked by the evil king's true eye for some unknown reason, and came to this strange place. Then she actually met Yakumo Murasaki. This was simply a lifetime of bad luck!

"But, Lord Emperor, don't you think it's strange?"

Knowing that the emperor would never give in on this matter, Yijiu's aura was very weak when he spoke: "Yakumo Murasaki doesn't seem to know us at all, and she doesn't seem to be that strong. .”


Without any explanation, he flicked Yijiu's forehead, and the emperor whispered: "I have long heard that the monster is a guy with a bad character. Although I don't know why she pretends to be so harmless, there must be something in it. conspiracy!"


"There's nothing wrong with it! Since she's just pretending, if she can be spotted by us casually, isn't she a monster sage who deserves too much fame?"


Yijiu, who was speechless by the emperor, was a little entangled. Did the emperor never consider the possibility that they recognized the wrong person?

Not to mention that "Yakumo Zi" can't feel the slightest bit of demonic power, but with her strength alone, how could she run for her life in a hurry under the hands of those furry guys?

But since the emperor insisted, she couldn't help it.

"In short, let's think about how to go back now." The emperor looked at the people at the entrance of the cave with a bitter face, and his expression was depressed: "Damn it, don't talk about how to go back, how we get out now is the problem!"

"Hmm? There are still monsters raging here, but you are not afraid of them. You are really brave people."


The emperor was taken aback by Budu who suddenly joined the topic, everyone was attracted by their movement, and before the emperor could hide anything, Budu continued talking on his own.

"Don't worry, I also intend to go with you. The prince has already summoned me, but he has to stop here because of a few monsters. It's a shame."

Without any scruples, Bu Du spoke out his thoughts loudly, and his careless appearance made Tianzi and Yijiu suddenly have a headache.

"However, my spiritual power is not enough to fight against monsters. If so, let you and other brave people escort me to the place where the prince is."

Budu stood up and opened her arms. It was obviously a plea, and the words from her mouth seemed to be a rare honor: "There is no need to be afraid, the justice in our hearts is the beacon for moving forward! "

"Wait for me, you bastard! There must be a limit to what you can say! Why did you suddenly ask us to accompany you on an adventure!"

The emperor who couldn't bear it broke away from Yijiu and glared at him fiercely without saying a word: "I have no interest in what you want to do! Don't get involved with us! And it is absolutely impossible to act together with you!"

"Is that so?"

Facing the emperor's rebuttal, Budu just tilted his head, and then said nonchalantly: "I understand, it's okay for me to ask the prince for some gifts on your behalf."

"Shut up! That's not what you meant, stupid immortal!" The emperor was so angry that he was misunderstood. If Yijiu hadn't stopped him in time, she might have gone up to him with the sword of Feixiang.

"What? Do you still want to ask for an official position? You must know that when greed is overflowing, it will definitely bring punishment from heaven."

"So you bastard, please listen to people's words, Miss Ben!"

Looking at his lord Tianzi who was completely enraged, and then at the bewildered expression on the opposite side, Yijiu felt very tired.

Sure enough, the thousand-year generation gap is not so easy to bridge.

Thanks, Feng Jianmohen, for the reward

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