The self-cultivation of the passer-by hero

Chapter 233 The only way to defeat mind reading!

"You don't have to be so restrained, I don't mind two people going to bed together."

In the face of Lingmeng's offensive, Gu Mingjiu's response was extremely calm. Whether it was a long-range barrage attack or a short-range Hakurei Taijutsu, she could handle it with ease.

But it's a bit wrong to say that it was coping, after all, she didn't even resist, because Reimu couldn't hit her at all.

"For me personally, there is no need for those who fight to follow the established rules. The distinction between good and bad, high and low, and morality or not are all vain."

While lightly dodging Lingmeng's attack, Gu Mingjue said slowly:

"In order to achieve your own goals, from the moment you choose to use violence as a means of negotiation, both parties are guilty, so please don't stick to the world's views, just like I said just now, I don't mind if the two go together. "

"Ha! How dare you say that, you guy!"

It was only natural that Lingmeng was irritated, but Wu Ye hesitated.

He knew very well that Gu Mingjue's words were addressed to the two of them, not only to make Lingmeng angry, but also to remind him deliberately that his actions could not escape the surveillance of the other party's ability.


Inexplicably, Wu Ye let out a sigh, he was really afraid of something, that's why he said that you guys who play tactics have dirty hearts.

Although the two of them had encountered several enemies with extraordinary resourcefulness before, such as Huiyin and Yonglin, Gu Mingdijue's situation was completely different from them.

Even when facing an enemy as powerful as Eirin, Reimu and Takeru still have room for ambush and plotting, but they cannot face her.

I feel that this kind of monster's mind-reading ability is an inevitable fatal injury to their tactical play.

For example, when you decide to go to the right, the other person is already waiting for you on the road you want to take. How does that feel?

Reimu who is currently fighting can clearly tell you that it is a feeling that is so depressing that you want to curse.


Lingmeng gritted her teeth reluctantly, after several rounds of fighting, she had fully understood the opponent's level of combat power. To put it bluntly, even three ancient Mings tied together would not be enough for her to fight alone for half a minute.

But! The ability to read minds is so buggy!

Obviously if she tried her best, one punch would probably blow out even this sleeper's third eye, but she couldn't touch anyone!

If you can't hit, what's the use of having a higher attack? The person she faced was not a smooth loach, this one had infinite dodge!

It also comes with a mocking function.

"Hey! Jue! Don't hide if you can! Let's face off in a head-to-head confrontation!"

Finally, Reimu, who couldn't bear the humiliation of being teased, made the most retarded suggestion, and as expected, was rejected instantly.

"This is impossible, miko. Mind-reading is the only way I can defeat you. Wouldn't it be foolish for you to ask me to give up on it?"

"You are cheating! It's so despicable! And it's disgusting!"

"That's why our family settled in the old hell, isn't it?"

Gu Mingjijue's mood did not fluctuate at all because of Lingmeng's roar, and he didn't even want to laugh.

"Damn it."

At this moment, Reimu's frustration was written on her face, but unfortunately, the cruelty of the facts could only make her continue to feel depressed.

The so-called martial arts in the world can only be broken by speed, which was originally a nonsense, because Reimu once beat Sakuya, who can manipulate time, and Fumifumi Tengu, who is known as the fastest in Gensokyo, to doubt life, but today she finally understood.

It is still nonsense that martial arts in the world can only be broken quickly. The reason is that Lingmeng has realized that no matter how strong the fighting consciousness is, no matter how fast the reaction nerve is, it is not as good as the prediction.

Guji Mingaku, who knew what she was going to do before her, could always take the initiative.

Now Reimu can think of only one way to break the deadlock, and that is to act with the body before the brain thinks about the tactics. As long as the intention of action is not read, the meaning of reading the mind is meaningless.

However, Reimu simply cannot do this!

To put it nicely, this is a subconscious behavior to control the body. To put it bluntly, this is doing things without thinking! To put it bluntly, only a fool can do this!

Because only an idiot whose head is often empty will not be read out of his fighting intention by mind reading.

Tsk, in this case, the guy she finds must be an idiot, and she can compete with Gu Mingdijue in terms of combat power. The most important thing is that she can catch up, but where is such a guy going to wait! Isn't there just one here?


Lingmeng's eyes lighted up, combining her complicated and weird conditions, wouldn't there be only one suitable guy? No, such conditions are tailor-made for Marisa!

When Marisa is fighting, she often has a sudden whim. To put it bluntly, the gap between him and an idiot is only half a step.

At the same time, Marisa's combat effectiveness as a magician is completely inferior to the top and more than the bottom. I feel that the ability in combat is not outstanding, even human magicians can fight against it.

Finally, and most importantly, that chump is in old hell right now!


With a decision in his heart, Lingmeng stopped hesitating and immediately fell to the ground, physically distanced himself from Gu Mingjijue, trying to avoid her mind reading, and at the same time said to Wu Ye beside him:

"I have a way to deal with this guy, you go and get Marisa for me right away!"

"Huh?! What did you say all of a sudden!"

Wu was also startled, but when he saw Reimu's expression that didn't look like he was joking, his complaints changed again:

"Let's not talk about how to find Marisa. Do you think that guy, that idiot, who can't even figure it out for you, can do it?"

"I'm looking for her because she's an idiot! If you can't, you have to! She's the only hope!"

"All right."

Since Lingmeng insisted so much, Wu Ye naturally had no objection, after all, compared with his opinion, a bigger problem still hangs ahead.

"Two questions."

Wu Ye raised two fingers:

"First, how am I going to escape under the nose of this monster? Second, we have been lost for a long time. I don't even know where to get out of here, let alone where to find someone."

"Take this."

Reimu first threw a glowing ball over, so scared that Wu Ye almost thought it was a bullet screen and dodged it.

Wait, take a closer look, isn't this Yin Yang Jade?

"Why did you give me this?"

Seeing Lingmeng's contemptuous eyes, Wu Ye picked up the Yin-Yang Jade with a smile:

"I don't know how to use it."

"Nonsense, of course I know you can't use it."

Rolling his eyes at Takeya, Reimu said angrily:

"I injected some spiritual power into this Yin-Yang Jade in advance. It is useless for fighting, but it is more than enough to support a person to fly."

"Fly, fly?"

Wu Ye was surprised at first, and then said in horror:

"You want me to fly out to find Marisa?"

"Why don't you let me go?"

As Reimu said, he kicked the wall on their right out of the way, and the red world was displayed in front of them:

"Go, the outside is the abandoned capital of the old hell."

"Huh? How do you know?"

"Because if it's not, you'll find it yourself."

Reimu said conspiratorially.

"Then, it's better to just treat it like it is."

"Go ahead."


Wu Ye worriedly held the glowing Yin Yang Jade and slowly rose through the broken wall into the sky. At this time, Gu Ming Jijue on the side also fell behind Reimu.


As soon as he saw her, Lingmeng smiled and said:

"Wait, monster, the guy who can sanction you will come soon."

"...Where does your self-confidence come from?"

Gu Ming was really puzzled. Not to mention why Lingmeng thought that as long as she distanced herself, she could avoid mind reading. It was very strange to rely on an empty-headed fool to deal with her ability. Who was it? Fool?

Okay, even if all the above messy conditions are true, what on earth did this miko think? She actually thought that he would watch her and let people go to ask for help?

Using a fool's way to deal with an opponent he thought was a fool, this witch seems to be the real fool, right?

But forget it.

After a little tangle, Gu Mingji didn't care anymore, because neither the witch's considerations nor her reinforcements would show up, because her only hope had been strangled in the cradle by her arrangement.

At this time, directly below the Earth Spirit Palace, surrounded by countless strange machines, the figure standing on the long river of magma received a new order from the crow beside him:

"I see, Lord Jue, do you want me to catch that human flying in the sky? Yes! I understand! Go back and tell Lord Jue that A Kong will definitely complete the mission!"

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