Fuso, Tokyo.

In the conference room of the Congress headquarters, a handsome young man in purple robe was playing on the big screen, and his plain voice came out slowly from the speakers.

When he finished speaking, dozens of Fuso members in suits and leather shoes all changed their faces.

The leading member paused the video, put his hands together, and said in a deep voice:

"Who is responsible for the revenge against Longhu Mountain this time?"

"It's me." A middle-aged man with sparse hair stood up and said tremblingly.

"It's Pu Shan."

The leading Fuso Prime Minister nodded, and his voice could not tell whether he was happy or angry: "Before the action, what did you say?"


"Don't say it?" The Fuso Prime Minister laughed, "It doesn't matter, I'll say it for you, you said that this time at least Longhu Mountain will suffer heavy losses, and let all countries see the consequences of offending us, so we gathered here today, what is the result?"

"This..." The middle-aged member with sparse hair suddenly sweated profusely.

He never expected that the Heavenly Master would be so powerful.

"Now, with two of his disciples injured, tell me, do you think our hundreds of people can come back?" The Prime Minister of Fuso asked.

The middle-aged councillor remained silent.

Because those hundreds of sorcerers probably won't come back.

Thinking of this, he became extremely irritated.

Why is this happening!

We had a good plan beforehand!

This is all because the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain is so strong!

Seeing him silent, the Prime Minister of Fuso suddenly felt a headache.

This is not like decades ago, when Hanxia is now at its peak, not to mention that it has developed an incredible weapon called "Meteorite Targeted Attack".

If a full-scale war breaks out with such an opponent, the morale of the entire Fuso will collapse on a large scale!

And he, the Prime Minister, will probably not be able to sit still.

But the attack on Mount Longhu has been exposed, and the Taoist priest from Mount Longhu has also said that he wants to come and "sit down". It is said that he has a close relationship with Hanxia Guoan. It is hard not to doubt whether this is Hanxia's signal to start a war...

Thinking of this, the Prime Minister of Fuso felt that his head was three times bigger. He then looked at the people present and sighed:

"Everyone, don't just listen, say what you think."

"... Prime Minister, it's not that we just listen and don't say anything."

A member of parliament smiled bitterly and said, "There is really no way. The meteorite is still standing on the ruins of the shrine. Not only do thousands of people go to take pictures every day, but all countries also watch Fuso's experience with indifference. We are now alone!"

"What about the United States? Don't they have any news?" The Prime Minister of Fuso asked again.



The Prime Minister of Fuso collapsed in his chair and laughed:

"They are about to come to our door. Can't we in Fuso even deal with Hanxia now?"

"Prime Minister, there is no need to worry."

A congressman with glasses coughed twice and analyzed calmly: "Our opponent is no longer the entire Hanxia."

"Hmm?" The Prime Minister of Fuso came to his senses and asked, "What do you mean?"

The congressman with glasses said:

"The target of our attack this time is Longhu Mountain, not a certain Hanxia company or public building.

"Sometimes, such Xuanmen forces will not be officially reported.

"Do you remember what this Tianshi said just now? He said he wanted to come to Fuso to sit down. This is probably just a representation of their Longhu Mountain, not the official intention of Hanxia."

Hearing his words, a group of Fuso congressmen nodded frequently.

The Prime Minister of Fuso's eyes lit up slightly, and he followed his words:

"You mean, he probably has no support from the Hanxia military, and can only take revenge alone?"

"Yes, I think so." The bespectacled congressman nodded, "So, what we have to face next is only this Longhu Mountain Heavenly Master, not the entire Hanxia."

"I see!" The Prime Minister of Fuso visibly relaxed, and even showed a smile on his face.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled:

"I thought I would encounter another meteorite attack from Hanxia next, which really scared me. If it's just a Taoist priest with some magical means, there's nothing to worry about. Let him come!"

"Not bad!" Many congressmen nodded and showed a relaxed look.

Seeing this, the bespectacled congressman nodded and said calmly:

"This Longhu Mountain Heavenly Master is still a typical Hanxia person's thinking. He wants to use his personal strength to counter the strength of our Fuso country. It's a bit impulsive and whimsical."


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