The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 648 Missing and Recovering

"By the way, did we forget someone?" Ying Xin looked around at his teammates.

"It seems someone is not here. Where is Minsala?"

The female drow usually doesn't have much presence, so no one noticed her disappearance.

Lind recalled something and said: "She used to be a subordinate of Orin. When you meet her, you must communicate with the mind flayer tadpole in your mind as soon as possible to make sure it is not a counterfeit disguised as a shapeshifter."

Minsala was separated from everyone in Livington, so naturally she had to go back to Livington to look for him.

Lind also happened to be planning to go back and talk to the refugees about their future life. If he wanted to settle down in Baldur's Gate, he couldn't do it without a job.

Unless you want to do dirty work and make quick money, the underground industries in the city have been taken over by guilds, mutual aid societies, and various cult organizations. If you don't have two brushes, you will only die if you enter the market rashly. .

Linde was originally helpless about the situation of these refugees, but now, after winning over Belina Steme, he can use the Duke's family resources to arrange food, accommodation and work for the refugees.

Belina herself also supports the idea of ​​attracting refugees. For a careerist who is interested in politics and religion, these vast numbers of refugees from all over the Sword Coast are like fat sheep whose wool can be harvested and killed. Instead of eating meat, you can also breed loyal hunting dogs.

If it weren't for the fact that she had been seriously ill for many years and her network of contacts and relationships had shrunk significantly, Belina would have started to show off in front of the refugees in a big way.

Linde is well aware of Belina's motives. Politics itself is naturally anti-moral. As long as the Duchess's desire for power can help the refugees survive the difficult years, there is nothing wrong with her.

The duchess gave him a large amount of several thousand gold coins, which was regarded as refugee resettlement fees. Linde could use the money to rent houses and shops. Of course, he could also use the money on himself.

Sefolo, who saw Lind again, looked happy, "Ah, my friend, your face is beaming with joy. Did something good happen to you?"

"I brought you Watkin's dandruff—gold coins."

Sefolo's expression turned serious, "I know you are a holy and righteous man, Lind, but you must first tell me where the money comes from."

"Honestly speaking, it's not an honor. I worked as a political broker for a while. A big shot in the uptown area - Belina Storme, she wanted to win over you, so she paid me this money."

"This is strange. I heard all the news along the way that the gentlemen in the upper city are indifferent to the refugees. Suddenly, the Three Saints of Justice opened their eyes and sent a good man to help us?" Saifulo was worried. "I have heard Sandra mention this philanthropic duchess, but I prefer to trust your judgment - so can she be trusted?"

"Compared to the conspirators who eat people without spitting out their bones, Belina Steme still has some basic ethics."

Linde put it bluntly, "With Constantine on your side, your lives and property are relatively safe, but after accepting this money, you will inevitably be labeled as Belina."

"I understand, there is no free lunch."

Sefro looked around at his companions in the cave. There were half-grown orphans here who wanted to join the streets and join the guilds. There were young couples who planned to open a cafe in the city, and there were also bards who had dreams of performing. A young mage eager to learn magic.

All kinds of people are waiting to start a new life.

"(Sigh) We've come a long way, Lynd, from Hell to the Material Plane, from Eltoril to Baldur's Gate. Frankly, many of us wouldn't even have made it without your help. Here. We have no strength to escape anymore."

"You mean accept?"

"But I can't make the decision for them."

"Having a choice is better than having no choice. You have to accept that responsibility."

Sefro shook his head, "I don't have the ability and prestige. There are tens of thousands of refugees in Baldur's Gate, but there are only less than twenty who are willing to believe in me."

"No one is born to be a leader." Lind patted Sefolo on the shoulder, "So far, you have done a good job."

"But I don't have the courage to face public scrutiny. In Eltoril, when the city returned from hell, the citizens once regarded us as saviors, but soon, they were dissatisfied because of the appearance of tieflings. Suspecting us to be in cahoots with the devil. I knew that look...and we left the city, and from that moment my vow was broken."

“Idealists always have to ‘die’ once before they realize their mistakes.” Linde comforted, “Just treat your past self as gone. It’s best to learn lessons from past failures.

"You feel that the people have failed the tieflings and failed to give them due respect, but this does not prevent you from adhering to the cause of justice. Perhaps one day, the reputation of the tiefling race will be changed because of you, just like the drow. There is also Drizzt, the ranger."

Sefro nodded heavily and slowly, and almost at this moment, the holy power in Lind's body fluctuated slightly, and he sensed the same kind of breath emanating from the Hell Knight in front of him.

"I think you are right. This city is an opportunity for each of us to start from scratch... And thank you for everything you have done. You are a true paladin."

Sandra also came forward, and he happily performed a candle ceremony, "Duke Steme has announced to us that from today onwards, all the suffering people who come to Baldur's Gate will be bathed in the cold glory of the king. , I hope his eyes will always shine on you and me, I hope the silver tree will be prosperous and immortal, and I hope the trade list will be discounted as soon as possible.”

Linde smacked his lips, "When will you say: 'I am willing to turn myself into a candle and light your torch'?"

Sandra was stunned when she heard the words, chewed on the words for a moment, and then said sincerely: "I am willing to inherit the king's flame, burn my body, and illuminate the world."

"It's still a slave's speech." Lind shook his head coldly, "It's not as good as Stemei's attitude of treating gods as tools."

Sefro summoned all the tiefling refugees in the cave and announced that they were about to move into the city. Everyone could settle in the outer city. The money was enough for them to form a small community.

For a moment, cheers of surprise echoed in the cave.

Linde took out the ancient book that was shaking and looked at it. As expected, another large amount of paladin experience was recorded.

——Paladin: Vow of Devotion (61% at level 6)

Oaths Fulfilled:...helped Oathbreakers to retrieve their oaths (20%), helped tiefling refugees*35 (35%)

There were thousands of refugees inside and outside Baldur's Gate at this time. If he could help these people settle, Lind couldn't even imagine how much experience it would cost.

But it is extremely difficult to get this experience value, which is even harder than killing the Supreme God. (End of chapter)

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