The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 481 Cutting off the man of fierce fire

The commentator Bagman is engaged in sports. When he introduced Krum, he called him "sir" because this young man has a great influence in the international sports world. Fans may have never heard of the director of the British Ministry of Magic, but the Seeker of the Bulgarian national team is well known.

If something went wrong for Krum at Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic's mailboxes would be filled with howl letters from angry fans.

Because of this, if something happens to him, it will be big news.

Krum stood on the field. He and Fleur were similar in that they both carried burdens. The difference was that the burden of beauty was born, and the outcome of a game would not take away from Fleur's beauty.

But the burden of fame is like a mountain. Whoever can climb to the top can stand high and overlook all living beings. And if it falls, even if it just falls, it will become a dazzling stain.

Krum also bears the high expectations of the entire Durmstrang school, and Karkaroff's preference for him is both a help and a threat. If he loses the game, he doesn't have to go back to school. He just needs to take a dozen of his classmates with him. Ever since he lost to Harry, the attitude of these people has become intriguing.

So reputation is harmful. Everyone wants to climb a mountain, but only one person can stand on the top of the mountain. Others have to hope that the person standing at the top makes mistakes.

At this time, Krum actually had unprecedented confidence.

Even if the opponent is a fire dragon, the Chinese Fireball Dragon, also known as the Dragon Lion, is named after the lion-like nose, the mane-like circle of spikes around its face, and the bright red scales on its body. From a distance, it looks like a ball of joy. of vibrant red fire.

Krum pulled out his wand without hesitation, and a bright red light shot out from the tip of the wand, with a "bang!" sound like a pistol being fired.

The spell quickly hit the head of the dragon and lion, and the giant beast let out a dull roar, and its softball-like eyes were covered by rapidly growing black eye shadows.

"Mr. Krum cast an excellent eye spell on the fire dragon! Very thoughtful action, very powerful magic! I have to say that I was also sweating for the contestant's boldness. Dragons are resistant to magic As we all know, Mr. Krum is very confident, and his magic has indeed worked. This may be a strong man who knows the risks but still moves forward bravely!"

At the referee's table, several judges praised Krum for his young talent. Hearing these good words, Karkaroff's usually gloomy old face also smiled.

He commented that students view collections like collectors, and Krum is undoubtedly the most valuable jewelry on hand.

The dragon and lion fell into a blind rage, and opened their mouths to spit out a majestic mushroom-shaped flame. This wonderful and dangerous breath was also the reason why this type of dragon got the name Fireball Dragon.

The fireball flew towards Krum's location and exploded in mid-air. The shock wave and heat wave suffocated the auditorium hundreds of feet away.

Krum's eyes flashed, and the results of his hard training in the Fire Curse were revealed at this moment. Facing the spreading sea of ​​fire, he advanced instead of retreating, casting an ordinary [flame] spell, and then chanted a spell to summon fierce fire.

He not only used fierce fire to cover up Li Huo, but also made the two complement each other. The original loose flame, after adding Li Huo's spine, immediately twisted into a force, turning into a big octopus with teeth and claws, and opened its tentacles. Catch the incoming dragon flames.

"No! Mr. Krum is in danger! Wait, what is this? Merlin's beard, ladies and gentlemen, let us cheer for the amazing performance of contestant No. 3! Mr. Krum's amazing magic not only protected him With my own personal safety, I can easily neutralize the fireball dragon’s breath!”

Appropriate whistles and applause erupted from the stands.

Karkaroff stood up excitedly, foaming at the mouth and said: "Look at Durmstrang's Kraken!"

Dumbledore smiled and clapped. The old wizard was so knowledgeable. Of course he knew that there was something fishy about the Fire Curse cast by Krum. Magic also had emotions. The Fire Curse had a cold and greedy character. He could feel it without even looking.

Fierce fire represents the wizard's desire, and desire is not only the desire for something, but also the desire for desire itself, which is to maintain desire and keep the wheel rolling.

People enjoy Coke, knowing that the more they drink, the thirstier they become, but it is precisely because of this that consumers keep buying it. If Coke quenches thirst, it will not be a big success. People often drink Coke not to quench their thirst, but just to maintain their thirst.

Once the fire is released, it is difficult to contain it, because the wizard can't help but maintain the fire and let this all-burning flame expand.

Grindelwald's method of controlling the fierce fire is very simple. He is a person who is free from vulgar taste. He is very clear about the operating mechanism of desire. He only acts to achieve his goals. Once he succeeds, he will immediately withdraw from desire.

Li Huo's only solution to the curse is "All curses will end", but in fact, the real solution to the curse is to cut off the heart of desire.

Dumbledore lowered his eyelids.

Young man, can you defeat yourself?

The angry flames spewed out by the dragon and lion were absorbed by the flame octopus, and the "North Sea Giant Monster" also expanded. It was as big as an Asian elephant and exuded heat that made even the fire dragon tremble.

Cold sweat broke out on Krum's face. He had never allowed Li Huo to increase to such a size during practice.

He was filled with two contradictory decisions at the same time.

——Let go of control and let the fierce fire swallow everything painfully, the earth, the people, the walls and the castle, and finally flood the sky.

——Cut off the fierce fire, don’t let it get out of control, I am stronger than it! I can defeat it, and I can defeat my greedy self.


shouted the young wizard, his fingers trembling like spasms, and he could barely hold on to his wand.

The dragon and lion kept retreating in panic, trampling on several eggs in the dragon's nest.

Bagman immediately said with regret: "A real egg was stepped on, and you will be deducted points for this."

The struggle in Krum's eyes subsided. He took a deep breath and chanted "All Curses Are Ended" repeatedly. The expanding fierce fire did not break through the ordinary flames on the outer layer, but shrank little by little, and finally gathered into a small ball.

He held the fireball and walked towards the dragon and lion step by step.

The behemoth was blind, but it was still forced back step by step by Li Huo's power.

Someone in the stands shouted: "Well done!"

Then a second person shouted: "Awesome!"

More and more students laughed and shouted, praising Krum's radiant spirit.

"He's so handsome!" The boys were jealous and excited, "This guy is so awesome!"

To receive unanimous approval from the same sex is simply the highest praise for a man.

Krum finally smiled. He walked to the dragon's nest, gently picked up the golden egg, raised it above his head, and showed it to the surroundings.

Grindelwald in the stands nodded slightly. The kid on the court had the three-point momentum he had when he was young.

In the end, the judges gave a total score of 47. Both Dumbledore and Karkaroff gave full marks. Karkaroff protected his student and gave full marks. Needless to say, Dumbledore appreciated the young man's self-control.

The remaining three gave nine points, and the deduction was still due to the fire dragon stepping on the egg.

The current score puts Krum at the top of the list.

It is difficult to exceed this score. Because Karkaroff will deliberately give low scores. If he wants to win, he must win undisputedly, so that he can't find a reason to deduct points.

Harry, the last one to appear, heard Bagman's call, let out a sigh of relief, stood up and opened the curtain.

The midday sun was dazzling. He squinted his eyes and raised his hands to block the sun. The clouds in the blue sky seemed to be the base of a suspended city, far away, but he knew where he wanted to go.

Nothing can stop him.

The other three were climbing mountains, but Harry was different. He wanted to reach the sky step by step.

When it comes to realm structure, he has already won.

Next, it depends on whether one's personal ability can support this courage.

The boy put down his hand thoughtfully, and the lightning scar that had been dormant for a long time began to sting slightly at this moment, as if it contained a flame of courage.

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