Jennifer briefly thought she had seen a ghost.

Linde's sudden disappearance brought a great psychological shadow to the timid reporter.

Maybe he Apparated, that's all Jennifer could explain, but she couldn't explain why she didn't hear the iconic crackle of a whip that Apparition always made.

The hyena's miserable appearance still touched her.

"Poor thing. If you had come earlier, maybe you could have mixed in some food. You don't know that I just had a feast. De Lin's essential transformation is well-deserved."

"Woo!" The hyena became alert as if it was electrocuted, sniffing around with a wicked smile. Her nose may have smelled the second person who had appeared in this room, so she kept howling.

"Quiet!" Jennifer was furious. "Listen, I'm only keeping you for one night. You have to leave when the rain stops. Do you hear me?"

Rita seemed not to have heard it, but kept searching for traces of Lind in the apartment. The smell stayed on the sofa, very fresh.

She was silent for a while, and then with Jennifer's horrified eyes, she suddenly rushed forward and bit the sofa cushion.

"Shut up!"


Ten minutes later, Jennifer sent away the neighbor who came to inquire. The neighbor poked his head in, but did not see any suspicious signs in the apartment. Magic always has a miraculous effect in cleaning up housework. The apartment was clean and tidy, with no signs of animals living there, and the TV was still playing BBC news.

"1994 is not a peaceful year." Mr. Bob, the neighbor, shrugged, "Good night, Miss Jennifer."

"Good night."

After closing the door, Jennifer turned to look at the closet. Rita, who was tied up with ropes, pushed open the closet door and slipped to the floor.

She still wanted to get angry, but the cunning thing started crying again.

"Stop pretending! You bastard. You know how to get into trouble."

Jennifer cursed a few words, and a messenger owl tapped on the window gently, bringing her a package from a distant relative.

The reporter fed the owl and opened a letter by the window to read. The letter was written by her mother. She asked how her daughter was doing and whether her work was going well. Her little Muggle sister was bullied by some bully boys at school and suffered some injuries. Her mother decided to secretly feed her some magic potion, but she didn't have any magical currency on hand, hoping Jennifer could send some money home.

The package enclosed with the letter contained goat cheese made by my father and sausages made by my mother in August. The letter said that these two were her favorite foods. It was cold in the deep autumn, so don’t forget to keep warm. It’s good to use magic spells. Next week, my mother will I asked an owl to send me a windbreaker for the winter.

The last thing is to take care of yourself. If the situation is difficult, there is no need to send money.

Jennifer smiled, her mother's squiggle still as beautiful as her aging smile. Many years ago, they were stuffing sausages together in the kitchen. The two goats raised by their father are now very old, and their hair is almost gone. They may not survive this winter, and they will never be able to eat such good cheese again.

She looked at it for a while and felt her cheeks were cold. When she raised her hand to touch, she realized that her face was full of tears.

"I'm so useless. Why is it so hard to live?"

Jennifer covered her face and cried.

She sniffed and cursed under her breath.

"Money, Copper Nuts, Silver Sickles, Gold Galleons, I just need money. What's the use of the truth? People don't need to know the truth, they just want to see things that irritate their eyes, and then they will pay for it. In this way, I Only then can you make money. Yes, that’s it.”

But when I think about the fact that the newspaper office is full of people who are following people's influence and greedy for money and fortune, and I am even more mediocre among them, how long will it take for me to stand out? I'm afraid that I won't be able to sit in the position of editor-in-chief until I'm in my forties or fifties. The money earned is even less than a finger of the newspaper owner.

Those people she looked down upon in the past only realized that she was not as good as them until she wanted to join them.


Jennifer sat on the ground in a daze, feeling that the future of life was darker than a rainy night.

"Woo." The hyena came over, stretched out its bright red tongue, and licked Jennifer's palms and arms vigorously.

"You smell so bad! Stay away from me!" The reporter yelled, stared at it for a while, got up and grabbed the hyena into the bathroom.

She wanted to clean Rita.

The rags on the hyena's body and the glass in its hair were treated as rubbish by Jennifer, but Rita cherished them and kept pulling them back with her paws.

"What's so good about these? When I become a big reporter and make a lot of money, I'll buy you pearls, rubies, and diamonds. Oh, I'll use magic to conjure them up for you."

The hyena stared at her for a while, then suddenly asked: "Is it a deal?"

Jennifer: "!!!"

"You can talk?!"

The hyena was also startled, "Can you understand?!"

"You can talk?!!!"

"Can you understand?!!!"

"Are you a hyena! Or some magical creature?"

"I am a human!" the hyena yelled, "I am a real human, I am a witch, my name is Rita Skeeter, you believe me!"

"Wait! Wait! Let me slow down. You are a wizard who was turned into a dog, right?"

"That's right! Genius, you understand, wuwu, you understand, finally someone can understand me!"

Jennifer was in a state of confusion. Parseltongue has been spoken of since ancient times. Unexpectedly, she, an ordinary little reporter, could one day understand hyenas. Is this parseltongue?

Should I write to my mother and ask her if there were any great wizards in her ancestors? Could Jennifer Yining be a descendant of a pure-blood family in history? Could it be that there was an inheritance passed down from the family, lying in Gringotts waiting for her to inherit it? Can she quit her job and go home to grow old in peace?

"Crazy, crazy, I must be crazy."

"You are not crazy, on the contrary, you are simply a genius, you can understand what I say! I, Rita Skeeter, swear in the name of Merlin, as long as you can help me restore my human form, I will definitely make you a great, ringing Great reporter!"

"Just you?" Jennifer squinted.

"Of course!" the hyena was furious. Although hyenas are not dogs, they can fall out quickly. "You don't want to ask about my name, Rita! She is the leading journalist in the magical world, the head of the Daily Prophet. The mass-production machine that publishes headlines is the most important right-hand man of the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. Without me, the newspaper has not closed down yet. This is really weird!"

"With all due respect, I've never heard of you."

The hyena's eyes dimmed, and the dog's face showed a look of vicissitudes of life, "Young man, do you want to hear a story? A kind-hearted witch was cursed by an evil wizard, causing her body to be trapped in the body of a beast, but her soul is still kind. story?"

Jennifer thought for a moment, "No, I don't want to hear it."

"Listen to it. Listen to it for free."

"I don't believe you. Besides, I'm in a mess right now."

"Hmph, tell me all the troubles you encounter. I will help you make sure your career goes smoothly."

"Really? So kind?"

"Of course, I, Rita Skeeter, am a pure and kind good witch. Unfortunately, I met an evil, terrifying, and unspeakable devil. Oh, Merlin's sour socks. When I think of that terrible guy, I was shaking all over. He is a more terrifying existence than the mysterious man. Young man, your mission is to expose him to the magical world and maintain world peace!" (End of this chapter)

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