The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 466 Magic Contract, Severe Punishment!

Harry recognized this girl. Her name was Susan Bones. She was a young wizard in the same class as Harry and came from Hufflepuff House.

He smiled slightly and did not answer. Instead, he gave the other party a practical answer: "Calling the gods for protection!"

Silvery white light lit up at the top of Harry's wand, and a large amount of silvery white mist spurted out, intertwining into a stag Patronus. The stag stood affectionately beside Harry.

"It really is a physical patron saint!" Susan Bones said in surprise, the hope in her eyes became stronger.

Seeing this, Irina smiled and said: "In the next gathering, I will teach everyone the defense techniques including the Iron Armor Curse and the Patron Saint Curse, if you are willing to participate in the next gathering. Another mention Mouth, Harry is my assistant."

After hearing Irina's words, all the little wizards present looked at each other, their faces full of excitement.

With Irina, the little witch who has killed a basilisk that has lived for thousands of years, and beheaded a large number of Death Eaters, teaching them Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Harry, the savior, as their assistant, this lineup can be said to be as luxurious as it gets. But okay? !

At this time, Lin En also said softly: "And I will teach you all kinds of offensive magic including the Stunning Curse, the Crushing Curse, the Cutting Curse, and the Upside Down Curse to ensure that when you face the real enemy, I won’t be helpless! Besides, Irvine is my assistant coach.”

As Linn finished speaking, Irwin took a step forward and bowed slightly to everyone.

Seeing this, everyone applauded.

"We're going to have a rally every week," Lynn said nonchalantly.

Irina glanced at Angelina, the current captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and added softly: "Of course, when we choose the time, we will also avoid Quidditch training time."

Linn took out a delicate quill from his pocket and showed it to every little wizard in the Hog's Head.

Later, Linn introduced: "This is a special quill that I refined. I can use it to get in touch with you, including making the quill show the specific time and place of the next gathering."

As Linn's words fell, the font originally engraved with the logo "Made by the Rolle Family" on the body of the quill changed and transformed into the words "October 9th, Library".

"Of course, this is not the time and place of the next gathering, it is just a simple demonstration. I will give out such a special quill to every partner who plans to join us later."

Linn said calmly.

Irina said: "Then, those who are interested in joining us, please raise your right hand!"

As Irina finished speaking, all the little wizards in the Pig Head Bar raised their right hands, without exception.

Seeing this, Hermione rummaged through her bag and took out parchment and a new quill.

She looked a little hesitant, as if she was determined to force herself to speak: "I...I want everyone to write down their names so that we know who is here today."

"I also believe that we should agree not to make public what we are about to do. So once you sign, you agree not to tell Umbridge or anyone else about us."

Hermione said quietly.

When they heard that they were going to sign their names on this piece of parchment, many little wizards looked a little uncomfortable.

Ernie blurted out and asked: "I...well, you know, Hermione, we are prefects. If the list is discovered by others...well, I said it yourself, If Umbridge discovers..."

Hearing this, Hermione said angrily: "Ernie, do you really think I will throw this list around?"

While Hermione and Ernie were arguing, Lynn walked over.

He glanced at the list in Hermione's hand, and it suddenly became clear to him.

Lin gently took the parchment from Hermione's hand, but under Hermione's incredulous gaze, he gently tore it into two pieces.

"We shouldn't hide our partners, shouldn't we?"

Linn said softly, but there was a smile on his lips.

Linn turned around and faced the young wizards. He took out another roll of parchment from his pocket.

But unlike Hermione's blank parchment, the parchment in Lin's hand was densely written with golden words.

"This is a magic contract," Linn said calmly. "It can ensure that there will be no traitors among all of us. In other words, no one who signs this magic contract will be able to change today or even in the future." Tell Umbridge or others about the gathering."

"Otherwise, anyone who violates the contents of this magic contract will be severely punished. Every rule in the magic contract is clearly, openly and transparently written on this parchment. Everyone can After reading the above content, you can then choose whether to sign or not.”

"You don't need to worry about me using your names to do bad things. I swear on the honor of the Demon King level wizard that this contract is only used to prevent betrayers from appearing. As long as you are still our partners and stand with us, If we are in the same camp, then this magic contract will not bring any trouble to everyone!"

Linn said seriously. He spread the magic contract flat on the table and let everyone watch.

Seeing this scene, a look of shame flashed across Hermione's face.

She understood that it was not her mistake to hide the contract magic in the blank parchment, but that she did not confess it to everyone, but chose to hide it from everyone.

Yes, since we are all future partners, why is there any need to hide these things from everyone? !

After hearing Linn's words, many young wizards hesitated. They gathered around and read the contents of the magic contract.

As Lynn said, judging from the content of this magical contract, as long as they do not become so-called traitors and do not inform Umbridge or others, then this magical contract will not cause any trouble to everyone.

The only thing that puzzled everyone was that the penalty for breach of contract was not clearly written on the magic contract. Instead, the part that was supposed to be the penalty for breach of contract was replaced by an alchemical circle that was constantly rotating on the parchment.

The Weasley twins were the only ones among these little wizards who recognized the alchemy circle, but they didn't know what the alchemy circle did.

However, since they have no intention of betraying, there is no need to worry that this alchemy circle will be detrimental to them.

So Fred and George stepped forward decisively and wrote their names under the magic contract with their brand-new quills. (End of chapter)

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