The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 410 Ziwei Sky Fire

"The essence of fire is light and heat, but how to use it in a wizard's battle to exert its power?"

Lin En thought hard, but after much thought, he could not think of any other way to use flames besides simply and crudely burning the opponent with flames.

Just as Lin En was scratching his hair in distress, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

Wait, maybe he doesn't have that much ability and can't think of new ways to use fire.

But why can't he stand on the shoulders of those who came before him? !

Although Lin En was born in the West in this life, his soul comes from the East, whether it is the flames in Eastern myths and legends or the flames created by the imagination of the authors in the novels of the 21st century. They can all be examples for him to learn from!

In his previous life, those magical flames might have been just people's imagination, something created by people's imagination.

But in this idealistic magical world, everything is possible!

In this way, Linn didn't have to embarrass himself and have to come up with special ways to use fire like the Water Prison Curse.

"I want to think about what kind of flames there are in the myths and legends of the past life and online novels... Well, the most powerful flames that are more impressive to me are probably the ten great flames of the prehistoric era, and the strange fires in Dou Po..."

Lin En looked excited. He rubbed his hands together, thinking about which kind of flame he should learn from.

If he goes by the comments of netizens in his previous life, then the prehistoric plane must be one of the most powerful planes in the online novels he has read, and the flames that existed in the prehistoric world are naturally very powerful.

Although it always felt strange to him to learn from the flames in Eastern mythology in the Western magical world, he would not refuse anything that could help him improve his strength.

The ten great flames of the ancient world include the Sun True Fire, the Samadhi True Fire, the Nanming Li Fire, the Six Ding Divine Fire, the Ziwei Heavenly Fire, the Taiyin True Fire, the Red Lotus Karma Fire, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire, the Netherworld Ghost Fire and the Nirvana Fire.

Among them, the true fire of the sun and the fire of nirvana come from the associated flames of Eastern mythical creatures. The true fire of Samadhi, the fire of Nanming, the true fire of Liuding and the true fire of Taiyin are all products of the Eastern cultivation system. The red lotus karma fire and the nine-day mysterious fire It comes from the eighteen levels of hell in Eastern mythology.

These are the flames that Lynn cannot replicate in the West.

This means that the only options left for Linn are Ziwei Sky Fire and Netherworld Ghost Fire.

"According to the records on the Internet in previous lives, the ghost fire is the flame that comes with the soul itself. My research on the soul is still very backward. Even Voldemort, who cut his soul into several pieces, is not as good as it. It seems that the ghost fire is not suitable. I."

Lin muttered.

In this case, the only option he has left is the Ziwei Sky Fire among the ten great flames of the ancient world.

The Ziwei Sky Fire is a flame formed by the power brought by the Big Dipper's seven stars converging in the sky. This is Lin En's entire understanding of the Ziwei Sky Fire.

According to how powerful the crape myrtle sky fire was in ancient times, Lin En was naturally unable to copy it. What he could do was to rely on the characteristics and theoretical knowledge of the crape myrtle sky fire to create his own, with reference to the crape myrtle sky fire. of brand new flames.

"Relying on the power of the stars for divination or fighting, this may be an ability that those horse talents living in the Forbidden Forest can master."

Linn thought so.

It seemed that after he returned to Hogwarts Castle, he would need to ask Dumbledore to come forward and introduce him to the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest.

If possible, he hopes to learn knowledge about the starry sky from the horse people, so as to lay a solid foundation for him to borrow the power of the starry sky to condense the crape myrtle and sky fire.

As for whether those centaurs would agree, Lynn wasn't worried.

Of course he is willing to exchange knowledge about the starry sky with the centaurs through peaceful means. For this, he is willing to pay a lot of the wealth of the Rolle family and the promise of protecting the Forbidden Forest and the centaurs.

After all, compared to being able to greatly improve his combat power, giving him a greater chance of defeating Voldemort, what are some mere wealth and promises? !

But if those centaurs don't understand, then Linn wouldn't mind using the Imperius Curse, Legilimency, Veritaserum and even the illusion array to forcefully pry the knowledge he wants from the centaurs.

He has never been a good man and a believer in women, and the methods he is willing to use are never entirely in line with the rules.

After thinking about this, Linn stood up energetically. He waved his magic wand and exited the square training field.

Linn quickly returned to the outside of Nico's cabin and knocked on the door of Nico's cabin again.

When Nico opened the door and saw Linn standing at the door, his face was surprised.

Nico asked in surprise: "Lynn? Why did you come back so soon?"

Lin told Nico his plan, and then said: "Master, I plan to wait until I return to Hogwarts Castle to learn the centaurs' knowledge about the starry sky and study my own fire magic. This is more Next week, I still plan to learn the fighting skills of a demon king-level wizard from you!"

Hearing this, Nico suddenly understood. He looked at Lin En dumbfounded.

Nico chuckled and said, "Lynn, do you look down on your master so much and think that I don't know this knowledge?"

Hearing Nico's words, Linn was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up.

Yes, how could he forget that Nico Flamel, who lived for more than 600 years, is a complete encyclopedia in the magical world!

In these six hundred years, Niko has seen so many things. It does not seem surprising that he can master the knowledge about the starry sky!

Lin En said quickly: "Master, of course I won't look down on you, but I didn't think of this for a while. After all, when wizards think of the starry sky, the first thing that comes to their minds must be horses who are good at using the starry sky for divination. A family of people.”

Nico said with a smile: "More than two hundred years ago, in a hidden magical world forest outside Paris, there lived a group of centaurs. I asked them about the mysteries of the starry sky at that time. I think I have a deep understanding of the starry sky. Their understanding may not be any worse than that of the new centaurs in the Forbidden Forest outside Hogwarts Castle!"

As Nico spoke, there was a bit of nostalgia in his eyes.

Those centaurs from more than two hundred years ago have either migrated out of the forest or have become extinct under the hunting of wizards.

Time has passed, the sea has changed, and the friends I once knew have now disappeared in the river of time.

"Master, please teach me the secrets of the starry sky!"

Linn said to Nico sincerely. (End of chapter)

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