Chapter 59 The Hulk is out

S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to find the Cosmic Cube, and it actually wants to make weapons.

Why do they want to make this weapon? There has always been only one use for weapons, and that is war.

And this happens to be a point that all heroes hate, including flamboyance.

He had never experienced war, but he knew how painful it was.

If that happens, S.H.I.E.L.D. will no longer be friendly to him, but an enemy. Anyone and force that wants to start a war is his enemy.

He will never allow war to happen, and this is something that no one in this room will allow.

“Director Nick, I think we need an explanation.”

The usually hippie smiling face became serious, without the slightest intention of laughing.

“Gentlemen, we are collecting all the data of the Cosmic Cube, but it does not mean that we are making…” Nick Fury is still trying to argue.

“Come on, Nick, stop quibbling!” Tony interrupted him directly, revealing what he found in the intelligence database, which was the design drawings of S.H.I.E.L.D.

There are weapons brought by the captain in the front, and Tony’s design drawings in the back, and the evidence is overwhelming, and Nick Fury has no way to justify.

Team America said disappointedly: “I was wrong, commander, the world has not changed at all.” ”

Zhang Yang suddenly turned his head and asked the widow sister, “You know about this, right?” ”

“Isn’t it bad to make better weapons against the Zitari Starmen? Didn’t Stark make his fortune by making weapons? “The widow sister is in trouble.

“Wait! Why is the finger pointing at me again? Tony turned to look at Dr. Banner, who was silent, “Loki’s goal is him, isn’t it?” Aren’t you going to transfer him? ”

“wihat? I leave? Dr. Banner couldn’t bear it: “Are you going to lock me up in some cave basement?” I’m not a prisoner, and I’m not going to leave because of a little guess. Stark! ”

“Also, why is there anyone watching me at my doorstep until now?” Zhang Yang was full of disappointment and anger: “Hasn’t S.H.I.E.L.D. trusted me until now?” ”

“Why are you so naïve? S.H.I.E.L.D. is only monitoring for potential threats. The widow sister spoke.

“Huh, is Captain America also a potential threat?” Dr. Banner was dismissive.

“We all are!” The widow replied.

“If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have made weapons.” Nick Fury pointed the finger at Thor again: “If he hadn’t let us know that there are countless planets in the universe, and there are unknown threats, we wouldn’t feel threatened to make weapons!” ”

“Are you all so unconfident in your teammates?” Thor was a little disappointed.

“You’re not our teammate yet!” Nick Fury retorted.

“But anyway, I hope to let me bring Loki back to the God Domain.”

“Loki’s captors can’t stop you!”

“You listen to me, if your mouth again…”

“Intimidation! You are naked intimidation! ”

“I’m threatened!”

“Hey, a little bit of quality, okay?”

“If I really want to threaten you, you can’t run.”

“Now is not the time for World War II, you think you can…”


Chaotic, everyone quarreled, there was a fight at any time, and on the table in the room, Loki’s scepter with the gem of the mind faintly radiated.

Although there are reasons for the quarrel caused by this superhero, it is mostly his credit that he can not quarrel calmly to this extent.

Even the mental and volitional people of the American team have been recruited, not to mention Zhang Yang, so Zhang Yang has no exception and has also been recruited, in this case, the usual little contradiction and small pimple will be amplified and taken out, and then continue to argue.

And this is what Loki planned, which is why he wanted to surrender in the first place.

Let these people get the scepter, and then prepare to use the scepter to disturb these people’s calm thoughts and help them carry out their plans.

And at the same time, Hawkeye also drove the plane provided by Hydra and passed the inquiry of the air carrier command center unimpeded, it can be said that S.H.I.E.L.D. was originally a shelf of Hydra, and the plane driving Hydra could not fool the command center of S.H.I.E.L.D.?


With a loud bang, the arrow shot by Hawkeye exploded directly, blowing up the flight engine of the sky aircraft carrier.

This explosion also made everyone who was arguing back to their senses, and the American team, who had almost fought with Tony before, hurried to let Tony wear a mecha.

Nick Fury went to command everyone, but Zhang Yang and his widow sister fell into the basement because of the explosion just now.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Falling from such a height, Zhang Yang is fine, his divine speed is getting stronger and stronger, and even his body has been strengthened, so this height is nothing at all.

The widowed sister is just a human peak, still an ordinary person’s body, holding the back pain gasping for air, but still stood up by herself, did not let Zhang Yang help: “I’m fine.” ”

“What just happened…”


As soon as Zhang Yang wanted to apologize for what had just happened, he heard a loud roar, this voice Zhang Yang was too familiar, he had heard this roar in the New York neighborhood before.

Dr. Banner because of the explosion, the adrenaline still went up, Hulk… It’s out!

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