The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 459 Muddy the Water

The gentle flame is swaying slowly, the blue and white light are intertwined but not completely integrated. The flame that has been rekindled after a hundred years is contained in an old and rough wooden cup. The flame is not hot, but only has a faint warmth. .

Two palm-sized parchment slips lay quietly on the inner wall of the wooden cup. The uneven serrations on the edges seemed to indicate that the person who put the note in it just tore it off casually and was in a hurry. The flame gently shook the parchment note. , the scrawled handwriting is a bit dazzling.

The pretended Professor Moody threw Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire and also understood that Voldemort needed Harry's blood for the resurrection ritual.

But why throw in his name, Loren Morgan?

He is not considered a servant, nor can he offer it voluntarily...could he still be his father's bones?

Loren was shocked and a little angry, but fortunately he kept an eye out and came here to investigate tonight, otherwise he wouldn't know how he was being plotted.

Loren moved closer to observe the wooden cup. The blue flames blew on his face without any burning pain. On the inner wall of the wooden cup, there were faintly visible words that were smaller than mosquitoes and ants, and they were not only in English, they were probably The contract and rules reached by the three schools hundreds of years ago.

The words once engraved on the inner wall of the wooden cup are no longer legible, and even the traces of magic words and magic circles on the bottom of the cup are somewhat blurred. They are the wear and tear caused by hundreds of years of dust, and beyond that is a brand new circle. The nicks were probably repaired for this competition.

Although the Goblet of Fire has a great origin, after all, it is just something that three schools tinkered with hundreds of years ago to promote magical exchanges among young wizards. The magic on it is not profound, and its functions have been recorded in detail by the three schools, so it is not troublesome to repair.

This also means that the Goblet of Fire does not have much resistance to external influences. Judging from the remaining magic power nearby, Professor Moody's confusion spell is simple and crude without any fine skills.

In that case...

Loren looked deeply at the note lying at the bottom of the cup, stretched out his index finger, and a magic power that was neither weak nor powerful came out of his body, carrying his idea of ​​taking out the note, and melted into the inside of the blue flame. Head towards the bottom of the wooden cup.

Perhaps the Goblet of Fire was stunned by Professor Moody's confusion spell and has not yet recovered, or perhaps the Goblet of Fire did not have any defensive measures to deal with someone taking out the note. In short, the magic is under Loren's control, and it is easy to The ground covered the note with his name.

With a slight thought, the palm-sized piece of parchment was gently stirred, and then the wind picked up, swirling and being blown up. The blue flame shook slightly, and the piece of paper flew out of the Goblet of Fire. , fell into Loren's hands.

The paper is warm in hand, slightly higher than the temperature of the flame. His name was written on the front and the name of the school, Hogwarts, was written on the back.

Loren waved his hand casually, and the paper floated backwards. As it floated in the air, the uneven edges of the paper fibers gradually turned black. Really hot flames rose up, gradually engulfing the parchment, and a wisp of blue-white smoke floated up. , turned into a small amount of ashes and disappeared.

He has no intention of participating in any competition.

He doesn't lack the thousand galleons, and he has no intention of becoming the most outstanding warrior of the four schools.

As for Harry...

Loren's eyes turned to the remaining piece of paper in the Goblet of Fire. Although his roommate seemed to want the reputation of a warrior, this game seemed to do more harm than good to him. Everything happened, and he only took out " "Fire pit" seems inappropriate.

With this thought, Loren used his magic power again, trying to take out the remaining note from the flames - but the next second, something unexpected happened.

The originally gentle and peaceful flame suddenly burst into flames. The sound of crackling firewood came from the blue flame without firewood, and sporadic sparks splashed out, with a boiling temperature like magma.

Quickly retracting his fingers, Loren frowned slightly and looked at the Goblet of Fire thoughtfully.

It's fine if you take out the note with your name on it, but it's not OK if you take out Harry's note...

This rule is understandable. After all, the Goblet of Fire tournament follows the principle of voluntary registration. Before the warriors are selected, someone takes the initiative to cancel the registration. The Goblet of Fire has no reason to stop it. And someone wants to help others cancel the registration. This is a bit suspicious. Fair competition.

So Harry, a warrior, can't escape?

Should I tell Harry about this surprise in advance? Forget it, it seems I still have to find a chance to talk to Old Deng.

Loren rubbed his forehead and slowly recalled the details of the follow-up Goblet of Fire project and Voldemort's resurrection in his mind. He also recalled that someone wanted to drag him down.

There is no doubt that although it was Professor Moody who did this, the command behind the scenes must be his master Voldemort. ,

What on earth does he want to do?

It's really troublesome, I'm sleepy...

Loren rubbed his face, lowered his head, and watched the blue flame slowly return to its original state, burning softly and quietly.

No matter what, I'll drag you all down.

Loren fell asleep and went back to sleep. When he opened his eyes again, it was already bright.

After washing and changing, I went downstairs and found that the Gryffindor common room was empty. The usual weekend wizard chess, explosive cards, and tabletop Quidditch were all gone. It was so quiet that I could only hear the little witch's quill rustling on the parchment. Scratched across, leaving blue-black ink marks.

Hermione sat in her usual seat by the window. In addition to notebooks and reference books, there was also a basket of scones with a slightly fermented wheat aroma.

When she heard the man sitting down next to her, he took the bread and took a bite of it. Hermione didn't even raise her head until she finished writing the last paragraph of her Transfiguration homework, then she put the quill into the ink bottle and handed over the marmalade. : "You went on a night out last night, Goblet of Fire?"

The first half of the sentence is a declarative sentence, and the second half is a question sentence.

Loren, who still had the bread in his mouth, immediately complained: "You don't know, Hermione, that fake Professor Moody has no bottom line. He just framed Harry, but he actually wanted to frame me... It’s good that I’m resourceful and skilled, otherwise you would see the Morgan Warriors competing, and it would be very embarrassing for other schools.”

Hermione took some time to clarify his words and frowned slightly: "You mean, someone put your and Harry's names into the Goblet of Fire?"

"That's right, you actually want to drag me into the water..."

Loren swallowed a mouthful of bread: "The Goblet of Fire has also been renovated and repaired. It's fine when I take my own note. But when I take Harry's note, it gets convulsive and angry. That's what the wizards from the three schools did seven hundred years ago." It’s really embarrassing to come up with something like this…”

"So, Harry's name is still in the Goblet of Fire?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"I didn't give up on him. I went to the principal's office, but Principal Dumbledore wasn't there... I left him a thoughtful letter. I was worried that Fox would eat the letter. I also asked the old principal on the wall to tell Dumbledore .”

Hermione pursed her lips, unable to sit still, closed the textbook, took Loren's hand and walked out.

"Hey, let me take two more bites, why are you so anxious..."

lunch time.

"Have you heard that the people of Durmstrang and Ilvermorny have already thrown their names into the Goblet of Fire this morning!"

Seamus loudly announced the information he had gleaned, causing the little wizards on the long table to look at each other frequently. "People from Slytherin and Ravenclaw houses have also submitted their names. Tsk, I wonder if I can be chosen?"

"I think Cedric has the best chance of winning." Dean sighed, "It would be great if Senior Weasley was still here. He would definitely be able to represent our Gryffindor as the Warrior."

"Weasley, which Weasley?"

"Of course it's Percy Weasley, is it Ron Weasley?"


Ron was so angry that he punched the dining table. These people were just comparing each other. Why did they want to involve him?

Harry's shoulders were hunched, his head buried in the plate, as if he was concentrating on eating the steak. If you ignore the "chich" sound he made when he couldn't suppress it...

"Did you say that Principal Dumbledore received your letter?" Hermione asked worriedly. She dragged Loren to all the professors' offices in the morning, but they all came to nothing.

"You can go to the guest of honor seat and ask, in front of Professor Moody." Loren handed the soup to her and nuzzled his nose in the direction of the guest of honor seat.

The principals of the four schools, all the professors of Hogwarts, and the judges were dining at the guest of honor, exchanging glasses and chatting happily. Hagrid sat next to Ms. Maxim, his face almost bursting into laughter.

Hermione swallowed a spoonful of mushroom soup and looked at the guest of honor seat in the auditorium - Principal Dumbledore was sitting in the middle. He noticed her gaze, winked at her, and gave her a slight smile.

Nothing was said, but Hermione's hanging heart was immediately relieved.

In the evening.

The little wizards gathered around in a circle, looking at the thin circle of gold thread on the floor in the center of the hall and the Goblet of Fire placed on the high stool, with blazing flames reflected in their eyes.

"Quick, Cedric, put it in!"

The little Hufflepuff wizards pushed Cedric and watched him throw the note with his name on it into the Goblet of Fire. The crowd burst into applause.

"Eternal glory, that's great, don't you think?" Ron's applause was heartless and his expression was a bit disgusting, "We only have to wait patiently for three years, and we can participate in the selection."

"You're right, I will support you next time." Harry said with a smile on his face. He didn't care about the title of Warrior.

Loren added at the right time: "It's a pity that the competition only happens once every five years."

Hermione looked at Harry and then at Loren, she hesitated to speak, her expression was complicated. The four of them had just found a good seat to sit down when they heard a loud cheer coming from the door.


George and Fred ran in from the door, circling around like stars and high-fiving the familiar little wizards.

"thanks, thanks……"

George and Fred stopped in front of everyone with big smiles on their faces.

"Okay, guys, we've made it."

"Fresh out this morning, oh, that's a figure of speech."

"Guys," George squatted down next to Ron, "it's only four galleons, do you really not think about it?"

Ron had a straight face and didn't bother to talk to him.

"What about you?" Fred held a small bottle and shook it under the noses of Harry, Loren and Hermione.

"I don't think it will work." Hermione couldn't help but interrupt their sales pitch.

"Really? How do you know it's not possible, Miss Granger?"

"Did you see this?" Hermione pointed at a circle of gold thread, exuding the aura of Miss Know-It-All. She relayed the second-hand knowledge she had just heard in detail, "The age limit set by Dumbledore will not only detect you. Your body will also detect your magic power. A magic master like Dumbledore will not be fooled by some low-level tricks, such as age-increasing agents."

"This is the wonderful thing." George stood up holding the small bottle and unscrewed the cork of the small bottle.

Fred followed closely: "The lower it is, the more effective it is."

They drank the age-enhancing drug in one gulp like they were drinking from a glass of wine. Under the gaze of every pair of eyes in the hall, the twins successfully jumped into the golden coil, causing cheers from the little wizards who were watching.

"Great, great!"

Ron had already reached for his pocket, but then he heard a hissing sound, and the twins were thrown up and fell painfully to the cold stone ground ten feet away.

With a loud crack, identical long white beards sprouted from the chins of the two men. The audience burst into laughter, and even they themselves couldn't help laughing.

The Halloween dinner was a little more deserted than in previous years. The dome was not decorated like a thunderstorm night with a dark moon and high winds, and there were no pumpkin lanterns burning with dim flames in the auditorium and corridors.

Even the ghosts were in a lack of interest. Bloody Barrow and Ms. Gray repeatedly warned them not to suddenly emerge from the dining table while the little wizards were dining, and not to hang their heads from the ceiling before the little wizards got up...

However, the banners of the four schools added a new color to the auditorium, and the blazing blue flame in front of the guest chair surpassed all the candles and became the brightest light in the auditorium.

Hermione took a sip of pumpkin juice and sighed with pretense of regret: "You know, the stage play arranged by Myrtle has been cancelled. It is said that she planned to reenact the scene of the night she was killed. What a pity... "

Loren glanced at her expression and pondered for a moment: "I can convey your regrets to Myrtle. I believe she is very willing to perform a performance specifically for you."

Hermione suddenly choked on the pumpkin juice and coughed: "No, no need..."

"Do you know who else from our school has signed up besides Cedric?" Ron asked mysteriously.

"Who else?" Everyone around looked at him.

"Pegrin Derek from Slytherin, Roger Davis from Ravenclaw, and our Gryffindor Angelina."

"Angelina, is she seventeen?"

"My birthday was last week."

"George and Fred must be so jealous."


Harry scratched his head, wondering if it was an illusion. He always felt that Loren and Hermione looked at him a little strangely.

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