"Why are you back again?!".

Sasuke looked at Shiraishi in shock and stood up suddenly.

"If I want to come back, I'll come back, and the people of Konoha can't stop me. "

"It's like the dark part of your downstairs, didn't you notice me coming in? "

Shiraishi calmly sat down at the dining table and made himself a pot of tea.

"The shadows are spying on me?!".

Sasuke was shocked.

Shiraishi said lightly

"So you have to be careful, if the shadows notice that you're in contact with me again, you're going to face more than just surveillance. "

Sasuke stared at him with fire-breathing anger in his eyes.

"If it weren't for you, would I have ended up in this field?"

Shiraishi glanced at him and sneered

"If you want to blame yourself, you are too weak!".

"If you have the same strength as me, will Konoha dare to spy on you?".

Sasuke was almost.

You are the future me, and what you have is the strength of the future!

How can I be like you now!

At this time, Shiraishi put down the teacup and looked serious.

Sasuke's heart tightened, and he looked at him nervously.

Shiraishi said, "I'm coming to you tonight to tell you something. "

Sasuke suddenly perked up and hurriedly asked

"Is it about the reason why you killed the Konoha high-ups?".

Shiraishi shook his head, looked at him and said in a deep voice

"It has something to do with that, but what I want to tell you tonight is about Itachi!".

The excitement on Sasuke's face disappeared instantly, and he became extremely cold, and he gritted his teeth and roared

"What does that bastard have to say!".

"Sooner or later, one day I'll kill him!!".

Shiraishi said: "In the future, I have already killed him." "

Sasuke's expression froze in place.

Obviously he should be happy, but he found that his heart was empty and wanted to cry!

This contradictory feeling made him feel suffocated, and his eyes went blank.

At this moment, Shiraishi's voice came.

"But, I regret killing him!".

Sasuke came to his senses in an instant and hurriedly asked, "Why?"

Inexplicably, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Because the truth about the Uchiha's extermination is not as simple as you think it is now. "

Shiraishi sighed and flickered.

Sasuke was shocked, "What do you mean by that?"

"In order to prevent you from making too much noise, let me use illusion to tell you the truth!"

Shiraishi opens the Sharingan and introduces Sasuke into the illusion space.

Jingle ......

On the battlefield of the illusion space, a small weasel appeared.

Shiraishi and Sasuke stood in the distance and watched Itachi being attacked and then killed and said

"Itachi stepped onto the battlefield at the age of 4 and began to hate war. "

The picture changed, and it became the night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

"In the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the Uchiha was suspected of being the mastermind behind the control of the Nine-Tails' attack on Konoha. "

Then one by one, the pictures were displayed in front of Sasuke.

The clan land is rebuilt, Itachi enrolls in school, Itachi graduates, Itachi opens his eyes, Itachi joins the Dark Division, Fuyue wants to launch a rebellion, Stop the death of the water, and Itachi becomes the captain of the Dark Part.

In the middle is also interspersed with escalating conflicts and contradictions between the Uchiha and Konoha higher-ups.

The final scene freezes on the Itachi and Danzang bodies in front of the statue of Thor.

Sasuke was stunned by all this.

"It turns out that the source of everything is the Nine-Tails Rebellion twelve years ago!".

"It turns out that Zhishui was attacked by Tuan Zang before committing suicide!".

"So my father was going to start a rebellion!".

Sasuke felt that the truth that Shiraishi was going to tell him didn't seem to be what he thought.

will be completely beyond their own knowledge.

He was a little scared.

He's a little scared to know the truth from Shiraishi!

But before he could say the word give up, the picture began to flow.


Thunder roared.

"Don't look at the three generations of Hokage to say nicely, but at the critical moment, he will still choose to protect Konoha. "

"I hope you make a choice!".

"Is it to stand on the Uchiha's side and participate in the mutiny and destroy with your family?".

"Or are you on the side of our Konoha Village, leaving only my younger brother before the rebellion, and assisting in the killing of the Hikari Uchiha clan?"

Danzo's cold voice made Sasuke shiver violently.

Sasuke was completely stunned!

"What does this mean?".

"Do you want to say that Itachi chose to kill his people because of me?"

"It can't be !!


"It's a fake !!


Sasuke broke down with a roar, a roar.

[Current Play Progress: 55%].

Shiraishi, who was standing next to him, had a flash in his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Sure enough, just like I thought, telling Sasuke the truth can also increase the progress of playing.

Shiraishi was in a good mood, so he said a few more words.

"That's why I regret killing Itachi. "

"Because everyone in this world is qualified to kill him, even a passerby. "

"But I, you, don't have this qualification!"

Sasuke yelled at him

"But he killed his father and mother!"

"He's damned!".

Shiraishi said, "So, I killed him!".

He looked at Sasuke and said in a deep voice

"You can kill him too!".

"Trust me, even if he has many opportunities to kill you, you won't die in the end. "

"As long as the two of you fight, the last person to die will definitely be Itachi!".

"He will die in front of you like Zhishui, and help you open the kaleidoscope writing wheel!".

Sasuke froze in place for an instant, and kept muttering in a bit of a collapse

"It's not true, Itachi is a murderer, he is my enemy, how can he destroy the ...... for me".

Shiraishi sighed and said in a flickering manner

"The reason I'm telling you this is because I regretted killing him when I knew the truth. "

"So I don't want you to go down the same path as me. "

"As for how you choose, that's your business!".

"Just, hopefully, you won't regret the choice you made. "

"As for the proof, it's that after all these years, you're still alive!".

"I'm still alive, too!" and I have opened the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel!".

To kill or not to kill the ferret is a tram puzzle.

Shiraishi isn't interested in wasting brain cells, so I'd better leave it to Sasuke.

Sasuke was shocked when he heard this.

yes, aren't that enough proof?!

With tears streaming down his face, he kept chanting, "Itachi." "


Strange fluctuations spread out.

Bai Shi raised his eyes and suddenly showed disgust.

Three hooks jade writing wheel eye!

And there's another one, it's a double hook!

Shiraishi was speechless.

Other people's eyes are opened one-on-one, but Sasuke's eyes are opened one by one, and they have to be opened twice.

This is true for single-hook jade, the same is true for double-hook jade, and now it seems that the same is true for three-hook jade.

It's simply a wonder in the eyes of the writing wheel.

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

to rush immediately(Event Period: August 13 to August 15)

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