Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 106: Norman Osborne wakes up (please subscribe, please vote)

Alejandro drove the Corolla he had before, speeding through New York City.

There are more than eight million people in New York City. Once a crowd of this size breaks into riot, it will erupt with astonishing destructive power. Some thugs have taken advantage of the crisis and started looting. They held guns and set fire to cars parked on the roadside, smashed the windows of stores and supermarkets, and frantically fought for game consoles and sneakers inside.

Alejandro gunned down several who had gone too far. He got news from the radio that the National Guard had begun stationed in New York to maintain order.

This caused him to speed up, not knowing where Professor Connors was and how they were progressing, hoping not to get hit by the National Guard.

He had a headache. The first half of the plan obviously went very smoothly, but for some reason he suddenly started to run away. The released lizard man is much stronger than Professor Connors.

Through the chaotic streets, he finally saw the Osborne Building. A huge cavity was cut out of the extremely modern glass curtain wall of the building. The gunmen were using pulleys and cranes to lift heavy experimental instruments from the cavity and fixed them in the containers behind the heavy trucks.

Professor Connors is checking whether the precision instruments hanging from downstairs are damaged.

"How is it? Nothing went wrong?"

Alejandro looked at Eclipse, who was in charge of the command.

"No, Professor Connors activated the biochemical leak in the building and the emergency evacuation alarm. Everyone ran away almost immediately. Most of the armed security guards in the building were transferred. The remaining few people are not ours at all. The opponent was subdued without much effort."

Eclipse said.

He had often been responsible for commanding operations under Farakon. This time the operation was organized under his command, and there was no big mess.

"The police came to ask about the situation, but I turned them away on the grounds that the group was preventing the risk of lizardmen and moving experimental equipment. The influence of the Osborne Group in New York City is still there, so the police did not continue to ask questions."

Eclipse pointed at the Osborne Group uniform. After taking down the entire building, he ordered all the killers to change into uniforms.

Although the Osborne Group has been in turmoil, its influence in New York City is still there. These police officers do not dare to interfere in the internal affairs of the group rashly, even if these experimental equipment may produce lizard serum.

Soon, the last experimental equipment was slowly hoisted into the container.

"Let's go! We have to leave as soon as possible! The National Guard has been ordered to start blocking New York City! Take Interstate 78, which will be the last exit to be blocked due to lack of manpower by the National Guard. "

Alejandro also had some contacts in the CIA and got the National Guard's blockade plan.

Eclipse They changed the license plates of their heavy trucks and tore off the Amazon logo on top to reveal the Carrefour logo underneath.

The trucks roared to life, bypassing several areas with serious riots, and finally drove out of the blockade before the National Guard blocked New York City.


There was a sudden muffled sound from the top of the Corolla, it was Broly, locking Alejandro's chi.

"How's it going? Is everything going well?"

He climbed into the car through the window.

"The goal was achieved, but unfortunately it was completely different from what was planned."

Alejandro said.

"Ha, as long as the goal is achieved, and I have killed that weird guy, there will be no more danger in New York City."

Broly put down the car seat, put his feet on the window, and lay down. That guy was very weird, with weirdness all over his body, but Broly was sure that the Turtle Style Qigong hit him directly and completely wiped out his Qi. There was no way he could survive.

At Osborne Manor, Dr. Radha was a little anxious. There was something wrong with the serum he prepared.

Norman Osborn fell into a coma after being injected with the serum. He originally thought this was a normal situation, because the experimental subjects at the New York City Veterans Hospital also experienced comas of varying lengths of time after being injected with the drug.

Moreover, those green-gray spots on Norman Osborn's skin began to disappear, and his skin color returned to normal. The genetic disease that was like a tarsal maggot in his body was cured!

It's a pity that Dr. Radha was not happy for long. Norman Osborne couldn't wake up. He stayed asleep far longer than the soldiers.

Afterwards, Norman Osborn's body began to lose weight at a disturbing speed, as if the nutrients in his body were being swallowed up by the mysterious genes injected into his body.

The servant housekeeper in the manor had been dismissed by Norman Osborne long ago, and Dr. Radha had to personally take care of him who was in a coma. And gave him intravenous fluids to maintain his life.

If the benefits promised by Norman Osborn were not attractive enough, Dr. Radha would have been ready to abandon him.

Then Norman Osborne's body began to change, and his skin became harder and harder, until the infusion needle could no longer penetrate his skin at all.

Densely dense scales appeared on his skin, and sharp nails began to grow on his fingers.

A powerful coercion began to release from his body. First came insects, then small animals such as rats, snakes and birds. They fled the manor crazily under this pressure.

The huge Osborne Manor seemed to have turned into a dead place. The tree nursery was still lush and lush, but there was no sound of insects or birds.

These changes similar to those in the lizard serum made Dr. Radha prepare to stay and observe the situation.

But CNN's live broadcast completely broke his psychological defense. Those lizardmen surprisingly escaped from the secret laboratory. The Osborne Group is finished!

Although the U.S. government will not directly shut down Osborne Group because it affects the employment of tens of thousands of people, splitting up and reshuffling management is inevitable.

Norman Osborne's promise has become impossible to keep.

What's more, the Green Goblin actually appeared in New York, and the destruction similar to Mexico City might happen again. Dr. Rada has already begun to collect some valuable property from the manor and is preparing to escape to South America.


There was a sudden noise in the basement of the manor.

"It's the direction of the laboratory!"

Dr. Radha immediately identified the direction of the sound. It was Norman Osborn who had woken up!

He shivered and the belongings he collected fell to the ground. Before he could put the belongings back in their place, heavy footsteps sounded outside the door.

The solid solid wood door was easily torn apart, and Norman Osborne's face mixed with reptilian features appeared in front of Dr. Radha.

He was chewing on something.

"Freddy, what are you doing hiding here? I'm looking for you everywhere!"

Dr. Radha's eyes twitched, and he recognized that what Norman Osborne was chewing was the reflective nuclide from the industrial CT in the laboratory.

In order to be able to detect the internal structure of some precision parts, industrial CT radiation in the laboratory is extremely large. Ordinary people will experience dizziness, nausea and vomiting even if they are close to a radiation source. If you hold it in your hand, the cells in your hand will be directly killed by high-energy radiation, and within a few minutes, the entire hand will become necrotic.

But Norman Osborn is now chewing up the radiation source like chocolate.

Dr. Radha's feet weakened and he knelt on the ground.

"I am preparing to go out to buy food for you, Master. The food in the manor has been eaten up."

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