Facts have proved that there are still many rich people in the wizarding world.

Dolphin Magic Drink is like a plug-in. After using it, the study time can be almost doubled. This is an irresistible temptation for candidates who want to get good grades in the exam.

Even if Mike raised the purchase price of Dolphin's Magic Drink to a sky-high price of 3 gold galleons a bottle, the supply was still in short supply. The final retail price of each bottle of Dolphin Magic Drink basically ranges from 5 gold galleons to 9 gold galleons. This allows the second-rate dealers who have obtained the Dolphin Magic Drink agent authorization to earn even more than Mike. .

But Mike does not envy them. He knows that if a brand wants to become bigger and stronger, it must maintain a good reputation. Uncontrollably increasing the selling price for the sake of profit is a kind of behavior that kills the goose that lays eggs.

And regardless of the current prosperity of these second-rate dealers, when the exam is over and everyone's demand for Dolphin's Magic Drink drops, it will be their time to suffer.

Which person who can afford Dolphin's magic drink now has a rich family? Will these people let others take advantage of them without retaliating? I wouldn't believe it even if I beat Mike to death.

The huge sales of Dolphin's magic drink naturally aroused the prying eyes of interested people. From the name of the magic drink, you can guess that this magic drink should be related to Dolphin, so there has been an endless stream of people looking for Dolphin in the past few days. Absolutely.

However, Mike had warned Dolphin a long time ago that if he dared to reveal the formula of Dolfin's magic drink to others, it would put him in a dilemma of life and death. Of course, Mike still understands the principle of giving a sweet date a slap in the face. After scaring Dolphin so much that he shivered, Mike promised to give him 5% of the dividend as royalties. After this set of operations, Dolphin, a cowardly kid, finally started to shed tears of gratitude to Mike.

Mike didn't care whether Dolphin was born with this personality or had a Stockholm psychosis. As long as the final result was in Mike's interests, it was enough.

As the days passed, the sales of Dolphin's Magic Drink increased steadily. On the day before the exam, when Mike and the Weasley brothers gathered to calculate the profits, everyone was shocked by the exaggerated amount. After excluding the fractions, the net profit in the past few days has reached twelve thousand gold galleons!

Excluding the 5% profit share promised to Dolphin, the Weasley brothers and Mike shared the remaining 11,400 Galleons equally.

Looking at the full 5,700 gold galleons in front of them, which was enough to kill them both, the Weasley brothers both fell into a dream. Such a large amount of money is enough for them to open a large toy and joke shop in Diagon Alley. They even had the urge to drop out of school right now to fulfill their dreams, but they decisively gave up the idea after thinking about how their mothers would react when they found out about this.

After finishing dividing the spoils, Mike finally ushered in his first final exam at Hogwarts.

Mike didn't care about this test. The first-grade questions were not difficult in the first place. Besides, Mike doesn’t have a family, so even if he doesn’t do well in the exam, he doesn’t have to worry about being beaten up by his parents when he gets home. But the minimum pass is still required. I heard that people who fail too many subjects are likely to be expelled from the school. I don’t know whether it is true or not.

The first exam was Professor Flitwick's Charms. There's nothing to say about it. As Professor Flitwick's favorite student, Mike's Charms class was definitely the best he had learned among all subjects.

The practical exam in Charms involves casting a levitating spell on a pineapple and controlling it to tap dance across a desk.

To be honest, this is quite difficult. Most of the little wizards can only make the pineapple float. If they can make the pineapple fly smoothly over the desk, they have learned well. As for tap dancing? That requires very precise magic control.

But this is not a problem for Mike. After a whole school year of meditation, his ability to control spells is far beyond that of young wizards of the same grade. With a flick of the magic wand, the pineapple seemed to come alive and performed various difficult flying movements in mid-air. Finally, the pineapple jumped across the desk like a juggler.

Even though it wasn't tap dancing, Professor Flitwick was still very happy.

After the exam, he asked Mike why he could control such a complicated flying movement but couldn't make Pineapple tap dance?

Mike was very speechless about this. He couldn't say that he was a rough guy in his previous life and didn't even know how to tap dance.

The content of the practical exam of Transfiguration was to turn a mouse into a snuff box. When he heard the question, Mike was confused. What is a snuff box?

In the end, Professor McGonagall gave Mike a demonstration first, conjuring a snuff box covered with emeralds. Only then did Mike know what the snuff box looked like.

Unfortunately, even if Mike knew what the snuff box looked like, the snuff box he conjured could not be as exquisite as Professor McGonagall's. It took a lot of effort to conjure up an ordinary snuff box.

Looking at Professor McGonagall's unsightly expression, Mike felt that his grade in Transfiguration might be hanging over.

Different from the previous two exams, Professor Snape is obviously a more rigid person. The content of the Potions exam is to make a bottle of amnesia potion, which is not as weird as Charms and Transfiguration.

Mike thought to himself that he was calm. He had learned well in Potions class. It was just a bottle of forgetting potion. It was a piece of cake for him.

After checking Mike's amnesia potion, Professor Snape not only did not mock him according to his character, but even nodded with satisfaction. Seeing the old bat's reaction, Mike was overjoyed. His potion results this time would definitely not be too bad.

There is no need to mention other subjects such as History of Magic. Mike feels that he can burn incense if he can pass those subjects.

Finally, with the end of the last exam, the little wizards of Hogwarts were liberated.

Laughter has returned to the Hogwarts campus, and bright smiles are once again on the faces of the little wizards. The exam is over, and they can play happily for a whole week until the exam results are announced.

Mike walked quickly down the aisle leading to Ravenclaw Tower, surrounded by cheerful little wizards.

He was not smiling like the others. He decided to sneak into the restricted area of ​​​​Hogwarts tonight. Whether he would become rich or be caught and expelled depends on tonight.

Just now he saw with his own eyes the trio of saviors walking hurriedly towards Hagrid's cabin. According to the plot, tonight should be the time for the trio to go to the trap door to play a game of escape.

It is mentioned in the original book that Dumbledore went to London because of a letter when the trio went to the trap door. This is undoubtedly the best time for Mike to sneak into the restricted book area.

However, according to Mike's guess, Dumbledore probably did not go to London, but has been guarding the trio to prevent accidents to his little savior. If Mike's guess is true, then Dumbledore will discover the intrusion if there is even the slightest mistake.

But now Mike can no longer control so much. The plot is slowly collapsing, and Voldemort's terrifying green light in the Forbidden Forest has put a lot of pressure on Mike. He knows that he must use all means to save himself as soon as possible. strength, otherwise there is only a dead end.

Thinking of this, Mike's pace quickened a bit.

PS: Thanks to Trooper1770 for the reward again. I won’t say much as I’m an old reader. I’ll just kowtow to the boss.

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