Raven's Claw at Hogwarts

Chapter 30 Mirror of Erised

That night, Mike, who practiced in the Room of Requirement until late at night as usual, dragged his tired body out of the Room of Requirement. Since discovering the Room of Requirement, Mike has come here to practice almost whenever he has free time. After mastering meditation, Mike has added an additional form of meditation to his practice. This resulted in him being in a state of physical and mental exhaustion, like a zombie, almost every time he walked out of the Room of Requirement.

Mike held on to the wall and walked into the secret passage leading to Ravenclaw Tower. Fortunately, this secret passage was extremely unscientific. The Room of Requirement was located very far away from Ravenclaw Tower, but walking through this secret passage But it only takes tens of seconds to arrive. At the beginning, Mike had doubts about this, but now Mike is really grateful that this secret passage exists. Now he just wants to go back to his bed and sleep.

It was impossible to see inside the secret passage, and Mike could only rely on the fluorescent light to move forward.

A minute later, Mike discovered that something seemed wrong with this secret passage.

Normally, based on his walking speed, he should have seen the exit of the secret passage by this time, but now there was still endless darkness in front of Mike's eyes.

Mike cheered up. He might have triggered the mechanism and changed the destination of the secret passage.

I don’t know how long it took, but the exit of the secret passage finally appeared in front of Mike, but Mike was not in a hurry to get out.

Ravenclaw's tower is located next to the Owl House, where the lighting is very good, allowing Mike to see the surrounding situation even at night.

But judging from the light coming from the secret passage this time, the destination of this secret passage is definitely not Ravenclaw Tower.

Mike extinguished the fluorescent light released in his hand and moved slowly against the wall to the exit of the secret passage.

This is a very spacious room. It looks like it should be an abandoned classroom, with dusty desks and chairs piled in the corner.

Where the podium should have been was an object that was incompatible with the surroundings, a huge full-length mirror.

Under the moonlight outside the window, everything in the abandoned classroom was clearly visible. The full-length mirror was quietly placed there. The moonlight was reflected on the mirror, making it look ghostly.

Mike carefully walked out of the secret passage. The moment he left the secret passage, the entrance to the secret passage previously opened on the classroom wall disappeared silently. Mike groped for a while on the wall where the secret entrance was, but couldn't find any mechanism, and couldn't help but feel his heart sink.

Fortunately, the door to the abandoned classroom was still open, so Mike didn't have to worry about being trapped here.

After observing for a while and not finding anyone else in the classroom, Mike turned his attention to the only abnormality here, the full-length mirror.

As I got closer, I realized that the mirror was surprisingly large, reaching as high as the ceiling. The frame was golden and decorated with extremely gorgeous wood carvings. On the top was a line of words engraved: Eristrae Heluait Ubi Kafrua. Iton Voorhees.

Mike was surprised, isn't this the Mirror of Erised? He was moved to Hogwarts so early. In the original book, Harry only discovered the mirror after Christmas.

The Mirror of Erised is known as the Mirror of Desire in legend. It can form a picture of the most desired thing in the user's heart and display it in front of the user. Many great men in history have fallen under its magic power and wanted to die. , including the famous Merlin.

Although he knew that he might be immersed in the illusion it created, Mike couldn't help but look at himself in the mirror. He really wants to know what he desires most. In fact, most people don't know what they want most in their hearts. Everyone just follows their own instincts and lives in confusion. Being able to see clearly what you want is an essential quality to become a great person.

Mike saw himself in the mirror. Although his face was very different from his own now, Mike still recognized him. It was his previous life, that middle-aged greasy man.

There were many people standing around the greasy middle-aged man, all of whom were relatives and friends from his previous life.

His wife Amanda was wearing a wedding dress and hugging him tightly. She was not as old and yellow as when Mike died in her previous life. She still maintained the dazzling appearance of her youth. Mike swore that was what he saw. The most beautiful woman ever.

There were three people standing behind them. His eldest daughter, Tracy, was wearing a gorgeous evening gown, and her figure was as elegant as a princess from a fairy tale. His youngest son, Jimmy, was wearing a doctor's suit and had a hand. There was also a roll of paper tied with red silk, and Mike knew it should be a graduation certificate. A little further away, a slightly bald man was holding a bottle of wine and looking at the family of four with a smile in his eyes, taking a sip from time to time.

Trevor, Mike whispered.

Mike looked at everything in the mirror dreamily, tears unknowingly moistening his cheeks.

He stretched out his hand to touch Amanda's face, but what came over his hand was not Amanda's warm skin, but a cold and smooth mirror surface.

It has been almost a year since he came to the world of Harry Potter. Over the past year, Mike has been using hard practice to numb his thoughts about his family and friends, and this suppressed emotion finally broke out tonight.

Mike's emotions finally broke down. He collapsed on the ground holding the Mirror of Erised and cried loudly.

Mike always thought that he was still the carefree and carefree little bastard of the past, and that things like family and friends were dispensable. But he didn't expect that in the end, they were the ones he cared about most.

In the shadows of the classroom, Dumbledore stared at Mike, who was crying. He was no stranger to Mike's reaction, it was the same reaction he had when he first saw his family in the Mirror of Erised.

When I saw Mike at this time, it was like I was seeing myself back then. Dumbledore sighed silently, his figure gradually became transparent, and finally disappeared.

Today he specially led Mike to this abandoned classroom in order to use the Mirror of Erised to test Mike. I originally thought that I would suddenly appear when Mike was trapped in the illusion of the Mirror of Erised and teach Mike a lesson about love.

However, I'm afraid that's not necessary now. Mike's performance was excellent, much better than the best scene Dumbledore expected.

Mike is different from Voldemort. Voldemort has no love in his heart, only desire and hatred. But Mike still had love for these family and friends in his heart.

This kind of Mike will never become the next Voldemort.

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