"It seems that he is not lying."

"Can you really tell the difference?"

"Well, if it's Jinguji-san, I can tell."

"What's the point?"

The girl put her index finger on her lips, thought about it carefully, and said, "Maybe... because we are the same kind of people and will tell the same lies."



In the distance, the girl standing on the podium quietly took the medal and looked around for a certain boy.

Standing in the No. 1 position, wearing the golden medal, feeling the blessings from all directions.

For Sakurakoji Sakura, having that young man looking at her was far more important than the applause and cheers around her.

But as classmates kept coming around, she was overwhelmed, as if she was in a forest full of mist, and the boy was increasingly nowhere to be found.

Outside the crowd, the boy and girl standing at the finish line looked together in the direction of the podium.

[The champion is Sakurakoji from Class 2A, congratulations to her! 】

Hearing the results announced on the radio, Jinguji Tsuki was truly happy for Sakurakoji Sakura. At the same time, he felt that Sakurakoji Sakura was still suitable to live under flowers and applause. She was born to live such a bright and unrestrained life. .

The student council president next to him showed a calm smile to his juniors, gently, gently...

He squeezed the boy's hand.

"Oops...I lost again.

"Sure enough, I'm still no match for Sakurakoji-senpai."

Thanks to "I'm used to watching idle birds and idle flowers" for the reward.

Chapter 84 83 Something will always change in this autumn.

A grand closing ceremony was held in the auditorium. As the waves of applause faded away, this year's Kamizakura High School Sports Festival officially came to an end.

After all the ordinary students left, only the student council members were left to pack up chairs in the auditorium and move them all to unmanned classrooms.

Carrying the chair with both hands, he was walking in the corridor of the school building. The little animal beside him changed his usual temperament and was lowering his head and sullenly.

I heard that I won No. 3 in the borrowing contest, and I felt dissatisfied with that.

Tsuki Jinguji was also able to comfort people. He blurted out "Don't worry, the student council president is the last one", which only made her even more dissatisfied.

"Senior, have you never heard of such a sentence?"


"Don't compete with poor students every day. Why don't you compete with those students who have good grades?"

"Sudden parental tone?!"

Yang Gongyao sighed deeply.

"Don't think too much. Didn't you steal the show in the class relay race? Isn't that enough?"

"Our original goal was to dominate the sports festival."

"It's amazing." Jinguji Yue said in an unexciting voice.

When dusk fell and the sky was filled with crimson, the student council members finally completed the cleaning work of the auditorium.

The campus, which was originally bustling with activity, was now completely silent and no one was seen anywhere. It was like a night stall after a celebration, exuding a unique loneliness and loneliness.

After putting the indoor shoes back in the shoe cabinet, the little animal behind him slapped his shoulder hard, making him feel confused.

"Ah~~Senior, you start putting on shoes from your right foot, puff puff puff——"

It's really inexplicable.

The little animal is indeed a little animal, and it seems to have escaped from the loss now. Jinguji Yue is somewhat envious of her optimistic spirit.

Facing the golden glow of September, Jinguji Yue walked out of the school gate alone. The sound of running quickly came from behind. Yang Gongyao passed by the boy with a smile, and turned around to make a face at him.

"Senior has short legs and is slower than a turtle, just a little bit—"

She's really annoying, the boy thought.

The time when I left school alone, walking quietly on the slopes, listening to the autumn wind, smelling the smell of autumn, and having my shadow lengthened by the setting sun, seems to be gone forever. .

Standing in front of the slope, the young man turned around and looked at the school gate. Looking at the plaque with the words "Sports Festival" written on it, Jinguji Tsuki suddenly felt an inexplicable emotion.

Can he be considered to be praising his youth?

Jingujizuki couldn't tell the difference.

The high school life that I had spent alone until now, with no changes in my daily life, was now completely disrupted.

He even performed the feat of holding hands with the student council president and running to the finish line in front of the school's teachers and students.

You know, by next Monday, someone will definitely be talking about this matter, and high school students love this kind of gossip the most.

So, do you hate being led by someone to move forward?

Even though he put on a cold expression of "Don't bother anyone," he couldn't dislike the fact that someone was willing to lend a helping hand to him.

Because that's it. If you hate people who help you, isn't that an ungrateful act?

Even though he has become a scumbag and a machine without emotions, the young man still retains a trace of his purest self in his heart.

Then, there is nothing we can do about being involved in this colorful youth.

"Senior Jinguji?"

"Senior, what are you thinking about?"

"Jinguji-san, we have to leave."

The student council members who were walking in front turned to look at him, and Jingujiji said softly, "Yeah."

A biting autumn wind blew by, rolling up the withered yellow leaves. On the empty ramp, two girls walked at the front chatting and laughing, with a thin junior student in the middle, and Jinguji Yue walked at the back.

The fragrance of cherry blossoms left over from spring is long gone. The sunlight has stretched their backs, like sea cucumbers clinging to the rocks on the seabed, aging side by side.



At the station, the group said goodbye and separated. Jinguji Yue took the Toyoko Line. After entering the platform, he couldn't help but look back.

Yang Gong Yaozheng followed behind him without saying a word.

Without any hesitation, he reached out and pinched her head.

"It hurts—"

"Don't follow me."

Letting go of the school girl's little head, Jinguji Yue sighed in his heart that her head felt amazing, and flicked her forehead with his index finger.

"If you don't go home well, why are you following me?"

"Who wants to follow you! Narcissism! No nerves! Violence and sexual harassment on campus!"

Jinguji Yue raised his hand again, and Yang Gongyao immediately slipped behind the vending machine, hiding his body, revealing his pitiful big eyes.

The tram pulled into the station at this time, Jinguji Yue looked at her, and the two of them stared at each other in a stalemate.

It wasn't until the train left again that Tsuki Jinguji sighed silently and waved to her.

Yang Gongyao did not let down his guard, moving in small steps, always on guard against school violence.

"You want to go to the store?"

Yang Gongyao nodded cautiously.

Jingujizuki immediately raised his forehead and stared at her for a while.

"Then you should have said it from the beginning! Well...well, I acted too quickly. I apologize to you. I'm sorry."

Jinguji Yue noticed in her heart, maybe he just wanted to scratch her head. Who said this little animal's head felt really good.

In short, this should not be used as an excuse to bully school girls, so Jinguji Tsuki solemnly apologized.

So, Yang Gongyao crossed his arms, closed his eyes, pursed his lips, and let out an angry and aggrieved "hum".

Seeing this, Jingujizuki couldn't help but sigh and pointed at the vending machine in front of the girl.

"As an apology, I'll buy you a drink."

Yang Gongyao secretly opened one eye.

"Anything is fine?"

"Well, anything is fine."

"Where's Dr Pepper?"


"Two bottles?"

"As you please."

The little animal in front of him suddenly smiled and took the drink from Jinguji Yue's hand, seemingly forgetting all about the violence he had just suffered.

However, Yang Gongyao looked at the drinks in his hand and suddenly handed one of the bottles to Jinguji Yue.

Jingujizuki looked at her with confusion.

"Because the senior invited us to drink last time, so it's our turn to treat him this time."

"It's all my money."

Yang Gongyao snorted softly: "We have paid the price. Do seniors really think that our heads can be pinched for free?"

"Yes, yes, it's whatever you say."


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