Jiang also sighed, and said: "Yang Yan, you are too sarcastic for me when you say this. I failed the exam every time before. If you hadn't helped me review, I would definitely fail the exam when I retake the exam!"

In this dormitory, Shoya's grades can be said to be the worst among the four, often failing.

Young tree is second only to Yang Yan, and his grades can also be ranked in the top 50 in the academy.

Mrs. Cheng usually only wants to pass the test, but it happens that he can hover between 60 and 70 points every time, which is outrageous.

Yang Yan took out a few notebooks from his bag: "These are the notes I made, so I'll give them to you. I hope you can pass the exam as soon as possible. I'm also looking forward to our field assessment together."

Jiang also took the notebook and said with a smile: "Yangyan, don't worry, with this, I will definitely pass the exam!"

This time the academy’s ranking has started since the mid-term, and the general has been at the tail of the crane for two years. After finally waiting for the long-awaited duel exam, how can he be willing to be the tail of the crane again, so he swore that this time, no matter what, he will definitely You have to pass the culture test and take part in the field survival test!

"By the way, before the midterm exam, Yang Yan, are you planning to go back to the academy?" Young Shu asked.

Since Yang Yan returned to the college, he hadn't stayed in the dormitory for one night. The three of them were also curious about what he was doing outside, so they asked Yang Yan this question two days ago.

Immediately, Yang Yan told them that he was following Tomioka to learn how to make tree fruit elf balls.

Although the three of them didn't understand why Yang Yan wanted to learn this technology that was almost eliminated, they would not advise or stop him.

Young Shu's question obviously realized that Yang Yan would most likely not return to the academy before he finished his studies.

Yang Yan said: "Yes, I still have a lot of things to do in order to prepare for the field survival test later, so I probably don't have time to go back to the academy."

The three of them were a little disappointed when they heard this. After all, they were roommates who had been together for more than two years, and they suddenly had an illusion of separation, which made everyone very uncomfortable.

At this time, the general also suggested: "How about this, in order to celebrate Yang Yan's successful passing of the exam, how about we have another dinner together, and also give Yang Yan a farewell party!"

"That's a good idea!" Yang Yan said with a smile: "General, are you thinking about my wallet again?"

"No way, I'm serious!" Jiang Ye said loudly: "Well, you paid for the dinner last time, so the three of us will pay for the dinner this time!"

Yang Yan smiled and said: "Forget it, I still want to have a good meal."

Jiang also said with a smile: "Since you are so persistent, Yang Yan, we have to save face, so let's go!"

The reason why Yang Yan wanted to pay the bill was that apart from knowing that these three people had no money, he also thought that he would be away for a long time, so it was only natural to invite a meal by himself.

Afterwards, Yang Yan went to the barbecue restaurant with three roommates to have a good meal.

By the time we returned to the dormitory, it was already past 10 o'clock in the evening.

Yang Yan packed all the things he needed to bring, and fell headlong into dreamland.

Early the next morning, Yang Yan was ready to go to Tomioka's house before everyone got up.

During this period of time, although Yang Yan's knowledge about tree fruit has not fallen behind, he has only just started.

According to Tomioka, based on Yang Yan's current learning progress, it will take at least two months to start learning to make tree fruit elf balls.

Yang Yan couldn't wait that long, so he hoped that Tomioka would teach him about orange fruit and how to make poke balls first.

In this way, Yang Yan can quickly learn to make poke balls and sell poke balls for money.

Tomioka also knew that in his current state, it was obviously unrealistic to teach Yang Yan everything he had mastered, so he agreed to Yang Yan's proposal.

So Yang Yan planned to follow Tomioka to start intensive learning about oranges and oranges.

But an unexpected event interrupted his learning process.

Since this period of time, Yang Yan has been concentrating on his studies, so he hasn't paid attention to the situation of the trainer mission again until now.

At night, he accidentally opened the official website of the mission hall on his mobile phone, unexpectedly, he found a mission suitable for him, and it was a mission related to the field.

He had planned before that he would survive in the wild for a period of time, and now he could complete some tasks by the way, killing two birds with one stone, Yang Yan was very excited.

I don't know if it's because the task was released at night. It took Yang Yan more than ten minutes from seeing it to receiving it, but no one was picked up by others.

In fact, what Yang Yan didn't know was that because he had 800 alliance points, in the system's judgment, among the tasks that trainers with primary strength could accept, he had the priority to browse and receive.

This is also a little preferential treatment that the alliance gives to those trainers who have contributed to the alliance.

It's just that this kind of thing is like an unspoken rule, and everyone will not tell others by default.

This time Yang Yan received a total of 3 tasks.Collect 10 catties of mushroom powder, reward 3500 yuan; collect 6 catties of mucus from Wu Bo's body, reward 2800 yuan; capture the Arbor snake group that strayed into a small hill north of the Orange Forest, and reward 4000 yuan Yuan, 40 alliance points.

Compared with the first two, the last one not only pays more, but also earns alliance points. It is the most satisfying task for Yang Yan, but correspondingly, it is also the most difficult and dangerous task.

Fortunately, the deadline for completing the three tasks is one week, and Yang Yan can still prepare calmly.

Afterwards, Yang Yan told Tomioka that he was going to Chenghua Forest. After listening to it, Tomioka told Yang Yan some necessary knowledge to survive in the wild. Although Yang Yan had learned it in books, he could not stop him. Grandpa's kindness.

In the early morning of the next day, Yang Yan set off to go to the mission hall.

The purpose of his coming here is to exchange for two skill discs - keep the skill disc.

If you go to the wild, how can you do it without keeping your magic skills?

Chapter 55 The first battle between Orange Forest and Little Fire Horse

The market price of a hold skill disc is about 10 yuan, and the exchange ratio between alliance points and cash is generally 1:100, so Yang Yan can use 800 alliance points plus 2 yuan to exchange for one in the alliance. Hold it, then buy another Hold it from the store.

It cost 12 yuan to keep the two cards, so Yang Yan now only has more than 2 yuan in cash, which can be said to be a waste of money.

After paying 100 yuan for the use of the skill learner, Yang Yan was taken to a quiet room by the waiters of the alliance. There was only a solitary skill learner in the room, and nothing else.

After the waiter left, Yang Yan took out Ba Dadie's elf ball and a CD-ROM and put them into the learning device, and then clicked to use.

"Ba Dadie, you must work hard, don't fail, don't fail!"

Once it fails, 10 yuan is equivalent to a waste of money, and it is difficult for anyone to accept it.

After 5 minutes, there was only a "click" sound, and a crack appeared on the skill disc. Yang Yan knew that this was a signal that it was used up. He quickly took out Ba Dadie's elf ball from the learning device, and then released it directly. Hastily asked: "Ba Dadie, have you learned to hold on?"

Ba Dadie nodded: "Hey!" Then, a green circular ripple opened in front of it.

"Great!" Yang Yan said excitedly: "Ba Dadie, you are amazing!"

"Hey!" Ba Dadie narrowed his eyes slightly and raised the corners of his mouth, looking very happy.

"Okay, next is the little fire horse!"

Yang Yan took out the little fire horse's elf ball from his waist, put it into the skill trainer, took out another CD-ROM, and put it in.

In fact, the possibility of the current little fire horse learning to defend is relatively low. Yang Yan should wait for his strength to improve a little before letting him learn, the success rate will be much higher.But he is going to enter the Orange Blossom Forest today, and there is no time to wait any longer, and if both Pokémon learn to guard, his safety will undoubtedly be greatly improved in the future.

You said that if this is the case, why not let the soul-hunting eye learn?

This is of course a little selfishness of Yang Yan. After all, Little Fire Horse is his initial Pokémon, and he can only rely on Little Fire Horse during the midterm exam, so before that, improving Little Fire Horse's strength is the most important thing. His most important thing.

Clicking to use again, Yang Yan began to pray continuously in his heart.

Maybe his heart was really heard by the little fire horse, or maybe today is really his lucky day. After 5 minutes, the little fire horse also learned to hold on.

Yang Yan happily hugged the little fire horse and kept stroking it, while praising it non-stop.

The warm orange flames emanating from the little fire horse's body also showed its happiness at the moment.

Because of going through the infancy period, the little fire horse's body has grown a lot.

Generally speaking, the standard height of a small fire horse is 1 meter and its weight is 30 kilograms.Yang Yan's little fire horse is now 70 cm tall and weighs 22 kg. Although it is still a little far from the standard size, the little fire horse has only been born not long after all, and when its body is fully developed, it can completely exceed the standard size.

After the excitement passed, Yang Yan took the two Pokémon back into the elf ball, and then set off for the Orange Forest.

Chenghua Forest is in the north of Chenghua City. When Yang Yan drove to the suburbs, he had to walk the rest of the journey by himself.

Yang Yan released Butterfly and Little Fire Horse. On the road ahead, wild Pokémon would appear at some point, so he had to stay vigilant.

Taking out the crude map bought from the store for 500 yuan, Yang Yan began to plan the route as he walked.

During this week, he needs to find the populations of Mushroom and Ubo, and go to the hills 30 kilometers away from his current location to solve the Abo snake population there. He also needs to exercise more. And the 3 Pokémon of Hook Soul Eye.

The time is still very tight.

The map in Yang Yan's hand happened to mark the location of the Mushroom and Wubo ethnic groups, but he was not sure whether these two ethnic groups had migrated.

"Anyway, first go to the location of the nearest mushroom group."

After finding the right direction, Yang Yan took the two Pokémon forward quickly.

Right now it's just the edge of the Orange Blossom Forest, just like the edge of the Gray Feather Mountain where Yang Yan always stays at home, there are no Pokémon here.

It wasn't until an hour later that Yang Yan encountered the first wild Pokémon - Bobo.

This situation is similar to Xiaozhi's encounter when he first came out to travel, and also similar to their behavior after meeting Bobo.

Yang Yan knelt down and said to the little fire horse: "Little fire horse, this is your first opponent, let us defeat it together!"

"Yuh!" Little Fire Horse ran forward excitedly.

Most of the fire-type Pokémon are militants who are keen on fighting, and Yang Yan's little fire horse is no exception.When Ba Dadie was training before, it often made some provocative actions, but Ba Dadie knew it was just a baby, so he never cared about it.

"Little Fire Horse, use sparks!"

Among the skills Little Fire Horse has mastered now, only Spark is an attack skill that can play a stable role in battle.

Eight or nine out of ten times the two skills of jet flame and double kick will fail, so now Yang Yan has no expectations for these two skills.

And because the little fire horse is still in the development stage, Yang Yan doesn't want him to use bumps and lightning flashes to make contact attacks during this period.

What if it affects bone development?

When the little fire horse came over, Bobo already knew that it was not a good comer. Seeing that the little fire horse used sparks on him, he flew up to avoid it.

Then the wings kept waving, and gusts of wind rushed towards the little fire horse.

Yang Yan is very familiar with Ba Dadie's special moves.

"Little fire horse, run to the right in a flash of lightning, and keep the distance!"

Hearing Yang Yan's command, the little fire horse's body flashed white, and it quickly started running to the right.

When the little fire horse left Qifeng's skill range, Yang Yan shouted again: "Little fire horse, stop, use your voice!"

The little fire horse immediately stopped, and began to shout: "Yu!"

The sound was so loud that Bobo couldn't help but hear it.

Cry: Draw the opponent's attention away, thereby reducing the opponent's attack.

"Again, tail wagging!"

Tail wagging: lures the opponent to be careless and lowers the opponent's defense.

Bobo got hit again!

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