"Armored bird, don't worry about it, continue to use the trick of throwing lings!" Facing the attacking big-billed gull, Ami didn't care and let the armored bird continue to use the trick of throwing lings, shouting loudly, as if she didn't care at all. Like a big-mouthed gull.

"Peng" "Armor~" When the big-billed gull successfully hit the armored bird and knocked it away, the armored bird still endured the pain and continued to sweep a layer of metallic feathers towards the ground, blending into it. Among the ground.

"Miss Ami, it seems that you have conducted a detailed investigation on me. Do you know that my next Pokémon does not have the flying attribute?" Looking at the two magic tricks on the field, Yagami Taichi looked ugly. Said, deducting 1/6 of HP upon entering the field is really a trick for the elves.

"Taiichi Yagami, as a disciple of Rika, the King of Evil, I often watch videos of your battles!" Ami said with a smile, admitting it openly. After all, Taichi Yagami's usual fighting routine is Let the big-mouthed gull turn on the rainy weather and tailwind support, and then immediately switch to other Pokémon. It can be said that anyone who pays a little attention to the battle between Yagami and Taiyi will know his tactics. It is too straightforward.

After hearing the opponent's words, Yagami Taichi also knew that his tactics were too straightforward and had been understood by the opponent, but so what, he was still confident that he could win.

"Come out! Gotha Duck, the decision is yours!" A Gotha Duck of the middle-level King of Heaven came out of the elf ball, "Peng" "Poof", but the Gotha Duck has just stood up and has not yet shown his power. , suffered the persecution of Saling's special move. Several metal feathers appeared on the ground and pricked the Gotha Duck's feet. "Gotha~" made it very angry and gasping slightly.

"Gotha Duck, use the meditation trick! Then use the water cannon trick!"

"Gotha~" Gotha Duck quickly held his head with both hands and began to meditate. A wave of thought power spread, and his mental power was increased. Then he opened his mouth widely, and a monstrous water column headed straight towards The armored bird bombarded in the direction it came from.


"So fast!" "Armored bird, can you still fight?" Ami looked nervously at the armored bird embedded on the wall and asked. She didn't expect the Gotha Duck to be so fast in rainy weather. of agility.

"Armor~" After the armored bird shouted, it flapped its wings and stood firmly in the sky, panting, signaling to its trainer that it still had the strength to fight.

"Very good, armored bird, use the rock blockade trick!" Seeing the armored bird break free, Ami gave the command to the armored bird in a cold voice to continue the attack.

"Armor~" The armored bird did as it was told. Under its control, large rocks rose up from the ground on the battlefield and attacked in the direction of the Gotha Duck, trying to surround the Gotha Duck.

However, the Gotha Duck, whose speed has quadrupled, nimbly jumped on the suddenly raised rocks, easily climbing over. Moreover, the Gotha Duck, who is good at superpowers, also controls telekinesis tricks from time to time. It made itself levitate and floated out of the rock blockade.

After using the rock sealing trick, the panting sound of the armored bird became even more intense. Taichi Yagami also saw that the armored bird's physical strength had dropped to a low point, and he was at the end of his strength. Naturally, he would not let go of this excellent defeat. The opponent had a chance and shouted loudly:

"Gotha Duck, use your water cannon trick again to knock down the armored bird for me!"

"Gotha~" The Gotha duck, standing on a raised rock, soon became sharp-eyed and locked on the armored bird directly above. A water column shot out from its mouth and bombarded the armored bird. After passing by, the sound of "Peng" wall breaking sounded, and the hit armored bird was embedded in the wall, with circles in its eyes and lost its ability to fight.

"The armored bird has lost the ability to fight. Please ask the master of Ami to release the second fighting elf!" The referee quickly announced the result by waving a flag, signaling Ami to send out the next fighting elf.

"Come back! Armored Bird, you are really lucky!"

"Taiichi Yagami, your Gotha Duck is really well-bred. Especially in terms of speed, the acceleration of the tailwind trick is not that exaggerated!" Ami couldn't help but praise the Gotha Duck who was in the field with high fighting spirit. Regarding the information about Yagami Taichi's elf, she is very confused about the speed. It can quadruple the original speed, just like a super speed trick. This is also the doubt of many trainers who pay attention to Yagami Taichi, because the current elf The relevant characteristics information has not yet been published in the Elf World.

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