Is it a rock? Nagini asked curiously.

"No," the basilisk hissed with some gloat, "Voldemort certainly didn't expect that he would meet an old friend of his ancestors in Hogwarts. The difference in generations is not ordinary. !"

As if seeing that Nagini still had some disbelief, the basilisk glanced at her, and then said, "Nagini, if you still think Voldemort is a gentle, good wizard who understands snakes, why don't we test it?" one time……"

Later, there was a scene where the two snakes hid in the cave after Voldemort found it——

During the period of living in the Albanian forest, the basilisk took in many snake brothers, and his eyeliner was all over the forest.

Relying on the information provided by the younger brothers, the basilisk discovered Voldemort's traces in advance, and immediately took Nagini to hide in a cave that was hard to find.

After two laps in the forest, Voldemort lost his patience. In addition, he had just subdued many high-ranking Death Eaters, and his mentality changed from the previous low-key state, and he became a little drifting.

So he stopped pretending, he showed his cards, and he didn't bother to call Nagini in a soft, understanding tone.

Voldemort directly used the most severe snake accent, trying to control Nagini to crawl out of his hiding place to meet him, and then directly turned her into a Horcrux!

But what Voldemort didn't expect was that the basilisk relied on its size advantage to tightly imprison Nagini's snake body, preventing her from rushing out to find Voldemort and throw herself into a trap.

Seeing that no snake responded to his old snake tongue, Voldemort cursed secretly, guessing that Nagini had left the Albanian forest temporarily, so he disapparated and left.

It wasn't until after Voldemort left that Nagini's uncontrollable state returned to normal, and he barely recovered his sanity, but his expression was still a little dazed.

"I'm right, Nagini." The basilisk hissed at Nagini, "but if you haven't seen him for a while, he will yell at you in this fierce tone. I Tell you, this Voldemort is by no means a good man!"

Nagini's snake head tapped twice, and looked at the snake monster beside him intently.

"Thank you this time, Grandpa." She hissed back, "If it wasn't for you, I might not be able to see through this man's true colors in another 12 years!"

"Hey, you're welcome!" the basilisk said triumphantly, "It's rare to meet someone of the same kind with the same wisdom as me, so of course we have to work together... Oh, no, of course we have to help each other!"


Voldemort couldn't find Nagini and couldn't make his sixth Horcrux, so he was very distressed.

And equally distressed is Voldemort's Horcrux diary.

Diary Riddle has been lurking beside Harry Potter for a long time, but his biggest goal-stealing Harry's blood has never been achieved.

In fact, when Voldemort returned Riddle's soul body to him in the diary, he also sent him a lot of soul power. It was also by virtue of this power that Riddle was able to successfully enter the four corners of Privet Drive, Little Whinging District. The number had placed advanced spells such as the Unmarkable Charm and the Averting Curse, which prevented many owls from delivering the letter to Harry.

Diary Riddle initially thought the task would be easy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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During the month that Harry lived at the Burrow, he basically ignored the diary that he regarded as a treasure.

Riddle waited anxiously, but the time was getting closer and closer to the start of Hogwarts.If Harry is allowed to return to school, he will appear under the noses of Dumbledore and Dracula again, and it may become even more difficult to obtain Harry's blood.

"No, I can't go on indifferent like this!"

Diary Riddle secretly made up his mind and prepared to act hard.


Harry felt that the summer vacation was over too soon.

He was looking forward to returning to Hogwarts, but at the same time, this month at the Burrow was no worse than staying at Hogwarts, and it was also the happiest time of his life.

Thinking of the Dursleys and how badly he might be treated the next time he was back on Privet Drive, he couldn't help but envy his good friend Ron for having such a big, loving family.

On the last night before departure, Mrs. Weasley used culinary magic to prepare a large table of sumptuous dinners, all of which were Harry's favorite foods. The last dish was the honey pudding that made people drool.

Fred and George put together two homemade Falpers fireworks for the last dinner before school and they put on a spectacular firework display that made the night perfect.

The twins won the approval of everyone except Percy, and Harry and Ron even secretly gave them high affirmation, thinking that these two talents will definitely achieve their goal before graduation-creating a production that can bring Hogwarts city to life. Super-large fireworks swallowed by the castle.

After having fun, the wizards in the Burrow each drank a cup of hot chocolate, then went to bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, the rooster in the Burrow yard acted as an alarm clock for the Wesley family on time.

As soon as the cock crowed, Mrs. Wesley woke everyone up.But they still seemed to be in a hurry, as if they had a lot of things to finish before departure.

Mrs. Weasley ran around, looking for spare bedding and clothes for Ginny, who was going to enter school this year, and preparing snacks and lunch for the Weasley brothers who were about to go back to school. Gradually, she got very upset. irritable.

Everyone is always bumping into each other on the narrow stairs.

On the crowded stairs, Fred was half dressed, George was holding a bit of leftover bread, Ron was pulling up his trousers, and Harry was rushing upstairs to get the textbook he had forgotten...

When everything was almost ready, Mr. Weasley was trying to carry Ginny's box to the car, but he tripped over a Quaffle in the yard and almost broke his neck.

"Hiss—why is there a Quaffle at the garage door?" Mr. Weasley gasped, covered his aching neck, looked at Fred and George and asked, "Fred, George, are you guys?" Didn't pack up the Quaffle after Quidditch?!"

"We're not, Dad!" said Fred.

"We didn't, Dad!" said George.

Fred was a little angry when he saw Mr. Wesley, and wanted to find someone to take the blame.He glanced at the big cock next to him with his head upright, his eyes rolled, and he came to pay attention.

"Dad, I think the chicken kicked the Quaffle here!" he said.

George also understood immediately, and said with a tacit understanding beside Fred: "Yes, Dad, the chickens on the Muggle side can play basketball, why can't our chickens in the wizarding world play Quaffle?"

As soon as Muggle games were mentioned, Mr. Weasley forgot the pain and stood up with great interest, "Basketball, a ball in a basket? Is that a Muggle sport?"

Harry had no choice but to act as a commentator for Mr. Wesley, explaining the rules of basketball.

"Don't study basketball and Quaffle, I'm going to be late!" Mrs. Weasley didn't think about the business until Mrs. Weasley came to urge them, and quickly put Ginny's suitcase into the old Ford In the trunk of the car.

Under the effect of the Untrace Stretching Curse, six large boxes, two owl cages and a mouse cage were stuffed into the trunk at the same time, even leaving many empty spaces.

"Don't tell Molly," Mr. Weasley whispered to Harry, proudly unpacking

box and show Harry what he has done.

When they finally tidied up their things and got into the car, Mrs. Weasley glanced at the back seat in surprise——

Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and Percy sat comfortably side by side, and she and Ginny sat up front in the passenger seat, all stretched out to be as roomy as a park bench.

"Muggles are really smarter than we thought," she exclaimed. "You can't see how spacious the car is from the outside!"

Hearing Mrs. Weasley's praise, Mr. Weasley looked a little embarrassed, and quickly started the car engine.

With a "buzz", the car drove out of the yard.

Harry looked back at the strange house for the last time, wondering when he would see it again...

So they came back again.

George forgot his strenuous fireworks at home.

Ten minutes later, with a screech of the brakes, the car stopped in the yard again, allowing Fred to run back to get his broomstick.

When it was time to start again, it was already very late, and Mrs. Weasley sitting in the car seemed to be so angry that smoke was coming out of both ears.

Mr. Wesley glanced at his watch, then at his wife.

"Molly, dear..."

"No, Arthur." Mrs. Weasley seemed to know what Mr. Weasley was going to say, and immediately interrupted him.

"Nobody's going to see us. There's a little button here, an invisible booster I've installed—it'll send us up into the sky," said Mr. Weasley, "and then we'll fly above the clouds, 10 Minutes from King's Cross station, who would never know..."

"I said no, Arthur, in broad daylight." Mrs. Weasley firmly rejected Mr. Weasley's request.

So the old Ford Anglia coupe was stuck on the road leading to the station, with a group of vehicles taking the children to school.

When the Wesley family finally arrived at King's Cross Station with Harry, there were no more little wizards on platform 9 3/4, and they became the last family to arrive at the station.

Standing in front of the partition wall between platforms 9 and 10, Mrs. Weasley looked nervously at the wall clock on the wall—it was 5 minutes before eleven o'clock, which meant that the train would leave in 5 minutes up.

They must walk through the wall in a nonchalant manner within 5 minutes without attracting the attention of surrounding Muggles.

"Don't worry, Mom," said Fred, grinning. "We're just in time!"

First there was Percy, who looked around, stepped quickly into the wall, and disappeared.Mr. Weasley led Fred and George followed.

"I'm taking Ginny," Mrs. Weasley turned to Harry and Ron and said, "You two have already been here once, there must be no problem, just follow us behind."

She grabbed Ginny's hand and walked forward, disappearing in an instant.

"Let's live together, there is only one minute." Ron glanced at the wall clock and said eagerly.

Harry nodded, checked to see that Hedwig's cage was firmly seated on top of the box, and turned the small luggage cart around to face the partition wall.

He was very confident, because walking through the wall was far less painful than using floo powder.

The two of them stooped confidently, pushed the car firmly and walked towards the partition wall, and gradually accelerated their pace to run——


The two carts bounced off the partition wall, Ron's box hit the ground hard, and Hedwig's cage hit the polished floor and rolled aside.

Hedwig banged her head on the cage, screaming angrily.

Their weird behavior attracted the attention of a large group of people around, and the guards surrounded them.

"What are you two boys up to?" asked one of the guards angrily.

"Uh...would you believe me if I said that the trolley was accidentally dropped?" Harry smiled awkwardly and got up clutching his ribs.

Ron hurried over to pick up Hedwig.

Hedwig was still flapping her wings and shouting loudly, which made many onlookers

The crowd was not happy and accused them of cruelty to animals.

"Owls are birds of prey that yearn for freedom. Why do you keep it in a small cage?" A middle-aged Muggle woman walked over, with a badge of the Humane Protection Society pinned to her chest.

"However, Hedwig is actually a pet." Ron retorted.

"Lie!" The middle-aged woman from the Animal Protection Association said loudly, "I have been in contact with animals for so many years, and I have never seen anyone who keeps an owl as a pet!"

However, Harry and Ron had given up on this tough woman.

If it was normal, they might still argue with her for a while, but at this time, seeing that there are only twenty seconds left, the second hand of the big clock will go to the position of "twelve", and the two of them only have in a hurry.

Regardless of other people's strange eyes, Harry ran to the partition wall in front of him and stuck his whole body against it.

The walls remained solid, unmoving.

"We're about to miss the train." Ron also came over, and threw the trolley against the wall with all his strength, "I don't understand why the passage was sealed..."

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