The next moment, Hagrid felt a dark moon hit him, and passed through his huge body.When he opened his eyes again, he was already near the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid was shocked when he looked at the familiar sheds and vegetable gardens beside him, as well as the deep forest in front of him.

After running for a long time with two-meter-long strides, he approached Hogwarts Castle, and now he was brought back to the original place by Professor Dracula in an instant?He felt like crying a little bit.

"What... what kind of magic is this?" Hagrid asked after wiping off the dew or cold sweat on his face.

"Just treat it as Apparition." Dracula said casually, "Let's go, take me to find traces of vampires."

Hagrid was taken back to the Forbidden Forest in an instant, and now he doesn't bother to spend another 10 minutes running back to report to Dumbledore, it's not worth it!

So he resigned to his fate and took Dracula into the Forbidden Forest.

"Professor Dracula, look at this poor rabbit." Going deep into the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid found a shriveled hare carcass by a bush. "Its blood has been completely sucked dry. Just shriveled flesh and skin. I can't think of any animal other than a vampire that would do that."

Dracula frowned, letting the hare's corpse levitate in mid-air

In, observe carefully.

"It wasn't done by a vampire." He shook his head. "The hare doesn't have any wounds on its body. A vampire can't suck up an animal's blood out of thin air."

"Is there any magical animal that can drain blood without causing wounds?" Hagrid racked his brains to recall the magical animals he had seen before, but had no clue, "Or find Kate Ask Professor Alburn? He's been a Professor of the Care of Magical Creatures for sixty years, so he might think otherwise."

Dracula did not speak, his wine-red pupils stared at the complete body of the hare.

"Hagrid, how many days has this hare been dead in your opinion?" he asked suddenly.

"Judging from the corpse, it should be two or three days old. I've been a gamekeeper for so many years, so I can't make a mistake!" Hagrid patted his chest confidently, assuring him.

Just after saying this, Hagrid seemed to realize something suddenly, and looked at the hare's corpse in astonishment.

"How can this wild rabbit's corpse be kept for two or three days?!" He said in astonishment, "This is not right! In this season of food shortage, other carnivores in the Forbidden Forest will definitely drag away and eat such a corpse when they see it .Let’s say three days, it’s impossible to keep it even for one day!”

"That's what I want to say." Dracula nodded lightly, "So the biggest possibility is that this rabbit actually died under the curse of black magic. Therefore, the surrounding animals instinctively dare not approach this kind of rabbit. A corpse with an evil aura."

"Professor Dracula, what do you mean...the evil creatures in the Forbidden Forest are not vampires, but dark wizards?!" Hagrid looked around and asked in a low voice.

"It's just a guess." Dracula said, "Look for other dead animals that lost their blood."

Hagrid took the lead, and by virtue of his familiarity with the surrounding environment, he marched all the way deep into the Forbidden Forest and found many shriveled animal corpses.

Seeing the tragic death of so many small animals, his expression was very sad, and this sadness reached its peak when he came to a stream deep in the Forbidden Forest——

On the bank of the stream, a pure white horse-like creature with a unicorn on its forehead fell down on the pebble beach. The stream flowed over her golden front hooves and soaked the pure white mane on her neck.

Even though two or three days had passed and her whole body had become shriveled, her hair was still so bright white that the surrounding snow looked as if it had turned gray.

This is a divine unicorn.

Chapter 51 The Centaur in the Forbidden Forest

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"How could this happen?!" Hagrid knelt on the bank of the stream, weeping in agony, "Who on earth is so cruel that he slaughtered such a pure, weak and helpless life? Isn't he afraid of being cursed by life? !"

Covering his ears helplessly, Dracula stepped forward into the clear stream, close to the half-submerged body of the unicorn.The stream bypassed his legs automatically, without even wetting the drooping hem of his clothes.

He looked at the shriveled body of the unicorn, which was exactly the same as those of the previous animals, and frowned slightly.

Hagrid was still sobbing, blowing his nose repeatedly with a dirty handkerchief.Dracula thought his crying was too loud and unhygienic, so he patted him lightly on his bent shoulder.

In an instant, a bone-chilling chill seeped into Hagrid's body from his shoulders, like a basin of December water from the Black Lake mercilessly splashed on him.He calmed down all of a sudden, and most of his sadness was extinguished.

This sudden emotional turn made Hagrid feel a little overwhelmed, feeling a little panicked...

"Be quiet, listen to me." Dracula's indifferent voice sounded.

Hagrid couldn't help shivering, turned his head to look at the figure standing beside the unicorn, and unconsciously held his breath.

"This kind of black magic that deprives blood is most likely a kind of sacrificial magic. Its function is to plunder the vitality of other creatures by absorbing their blood." Dracula looked at the body of the unicorn and said lightly, "It may be those Ordinary animals are not enough to provide enough vitality, so the dark wizard in the Forbidden Forest focused on the powerful unicorn and robbed her of the power in her blood."

"But... the blood of a unicorn will be cursed!" Hagrid couldn't help sobbing again when he thought of the tragic death of the unicorn. "Who would want to have a half-dead, cursed life?"

Dracula thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of the forbidden black magic that Dumbledore said in that abandoned classroom, and a gleam of understanding appeared in his eyes.

If it was Voldemort who relied on Horcruxes to survive, then he would naturally not care about the curse of unicorn blood.

"Perhaps...that dark wizard has only one half-dead life?" He said softly.

Suddenly, the sound of a taut bowstring resounded deep in the bushes, followed by the sound of an arrow piercing through the air.

Dracula suddenly raised his hand, and clamped a sharp crossbow bolt between his fingers.

"Hagrid, get away from that evil creature immediately!" A deep voice sounded from deep in the bushes.

Then a man, or a centaur, ran out of the dense jungle with his hoofs spread.He has red hair and a beard, but below the waist is a shiny brown-red horse with a long red tail trailing behind.

Running quickly to the side of the stream, he raised his front hoof to stop his progress.Immediately, he raised a big bow and pointed at Dracula from a distance, with a nervous expression.

"That person in black and red, don't move, I can feel the darkness hidden in your body!" The centaur stared at Dracula closely and said to him.

"Wait, Ronan, is there some misunderstanding?" Seeing the sudden appearance of the centaur, Hagrid was a little confused, "This is Professor Dracula, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, we This time I came to the Forbidden Forest to investigate the bizarre death of animals."

"Don't be fooled by this dark creature, Hagrid!" Ronan the centaur said in a low voice, "Listen, the unicorn was attacked, and then he appeared in the Forbidden Forest. Maybe the unicorn His death is what he did!"

Then, another centaur came out from behind the bushes. He had black hair and black skin, and looked a little rougher than Ronan.

"Bain, you're here too?" Hagrid saw the new centaur, and just wanted to say hello to him, but his expression became extremely surprised, "Wait, what do you want to do?"

Followed by more centaurs, they surrounded Hagrid and Dracula on the bank of the stream, while raising their bows and arrows.

"Wait a minute!" Hagrid looked at more and more centaurs, and felt that things were getting a little serious, "Everyone, don't do anything, there must be a misunderstanding!"

"Ronan, Bain! Take care of your people, don't let them move around!" He looked at Ronan and Bain

, shouted angrily.

However, the centaur didn't have any intention of stopping the movement in his hands. Instead, with the sound of the bowstring tightening, the bows and arrows in their hands were ready to go.

"Hagrid, you are a friend of our centaurs, we will not let you be deceived by this dark creature!" Ronan said.

Then he waved his arms to the surrounding centaur.

Countless arrows shot from all directions, covering the sight of Hagrid and Dracula, and even the stars in the sky were blocked for a moment.

The centaur's archery skills are very good, every arrow deliberately avoids Hagrid's huge figure, and it is bound to shoot Dracula beside him to death!

"Damn it, these horse people can't communicate well!"

Hagrid cursed secretly, then stood in front of Dracula, trying to block some of the sharp arrows for Dracula with his thick body.

Seeing this, Dracula, who was still smiling lightly, raised his eyebrows.

"Take care of yourself first," he said softly. "I don't need you to defend me against arrows, Hagrid."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Hagrid felt that Professor Dracula's voice seemed to be softer than the indifference just now.

During the speech, Dracula held up a hand.All the arrows suddenly froze in mid-air.

"Is the horse man right?" There was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, "It just so happens that I still have a debt to settle with you!"

The next moment, the arrow lost all the power to fly, and fell softly among the pure white snow flakes on the ground, and fell into the clear stream water by the cobblestone bank, splashing weakly.

At the same time, Dracula's figure disappeared from Hagrid's side out of thin air.

"Why, where did he go?" Ronan looked at the bank of the stream with an ugly face, and then turned to the opposite side of the centaur circle, "Baine, can you see where he is? You can't let him go Forbidden Forest!"

However, he suddenly found that all the horsemen on the opposite side looked at him in astonishment with expressions of astonishment.

Ronan seemed to realize something, turned his head stiffly, and saw a silver-haired figure standing beside him with a playful expression.

Surrounding him were the horse men who had passed out.

"Don't look for it, I'm right next to you."

Dracula's voice is clear and mellow, very nice.However, in Ronan's ears, it was no less than the whisper of death, and it was creepy.

Chapter 52 The Enmity Between Vampires and Centaurs

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Looking at Dracula who was close at hand, Ronan suddenly pulled out a dagger from his waist and stabbed him in the heart.

Dracula's eyes moved slightly, and he stretched out his left hand lightly, but he arrived first, and flicked his fingers on the dagger.

The tough dagger carefully crafted by the centaur clan collided with Dracula's slender white fingers, but it was like a piece of wood hitting a steel bar. First, spider web-like cracks appeared, and then it shattered inch by inch, leaving a handle still in Ronan. hands.

Ronan was taken aback, and subconsciously wanted to drive his four hooves back to escape Dracula's attack range.

Dracula took a step forward and approached Ronan with a dodge, with one hand firmly wrapped around his neck.

The next moment, a pair of dark, wide wings supported by several sharp bones spread out behind Dracula, casting a wide shadow on the snow.

The wings flapped, driving a cold gust of wind, which also dragged the bodies of Dracula and Ronan off the ground.Dracula pinched Ronan's neck and gave him a cold sneer, his two sharp side teeth were unreservedly exposed, and his wine-red pupils looked like blood!

"It turns out that you are a vampire... I didn't judge wrong at all..." Ronan said with difficulty.

However, his neck was strangled, and his voice was extremely dry and hoarse, not enough for the third person to hear.

The snowflakes on the ground were blown up by the strong wind, forming a whirlwind, which shattered the morning mist in the forest, covered Dracula's appearance and Ronan's panic, and also interfered with the sight of Hagrid and the centaurs.

Behind the cyclone, Dracula grabbed Ronan's neck and flew forward, ignoring the obstacles ahead.In an instant, several thick giant trees in the Forbidden Forest snapped one after another and fell heavily to the ground, making deafening noises!

Dracula didn't stop until he flew to an open space without any trees, and threw Ronan on the ground like throwing garbage.

"I've been upset with you for a long time, centaur." Dracula slowly descended from the air, landed next to Ronan and looked at him, his eyes were full of coldness, "I have never understood how the centaur group is. Long brains. Living under the shadow of wizards, but they have a high opinion of themselves, thinking that they can transcend things."

"Cough cough will suffer retribution!" Ronan covered his bluish-purple neck and coughed violently a few times, a line of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"I won't, it's only the weak who will be punished." Dracula put away the black wings on his back, and squatted down, "Didn't you realize that I put them on you during the flight just now?" Several shields, just because you are worried that your weak body will die easily."

"The body is not strong enough, and the magic is not proficient enough, so who gave you your arrogance? The stars in the sky? See clearly, it is the vampires that your race has always looked down upon that trample you under your feet, and your race depends on it for survival The Forbidden Forest belongs to my private domain thousands of years ago!"

Ronan opened his eyes wide, and a legend that has been passed down in the clan for more than a hundred years emerged in his mind——

In 1811, then-Minister for Magic Grogan Stump set out a new definition of "man", and the wizarding community agreed to define "beast" along with it.Humans, namely wizards and Muggles, are included in this category, along with goblins, vampires, hags, giants, house-elves, veela and werewolves in human form.

However, centaurs and mermaids refused to be called "human" because they did not want to share the title of "human" with vampires and hags, and voluntarily were classified as "beasts".

The two ethnic groups who regarded themselves as noble quickly paid the price——

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