"Wait, Cedric, something is wrong..." The strangeness in Harry's heart became more and more obvious.

There seemed to be blood vessels beating on his forehead, and it hurt every now and then.

Cedric looked at Harry blankly, and heard someone behind "Filch" speaking loudly and cruelly.

At the same time, the scar on Harry's forehead ached sharply.

He had never felt such severe pain in his life. The wand slipped to the ground involuntarily. He covered his face with his hands, and his legs bent and fell to the ground. He couldn't see anything in front of him, and his head seemed to explode.

"Get rid of those who are in the way." He vaguely heard the voice say.

A whoosh of wind, followed by a shrill cry pierced the night—

"Avada Kedavra!"

A bright green light pierced Harry's eyelids, and he heard something fall heavily beside him.

The scar was in excruciating pain, and he was so nauseated that he wanted to vomit... After an unknown period of time, the pain eased a little, and he slowly opened his stinging eyes in fear.

Cedric was lying on the ground with his limbs stretched out, his eyes glazed over, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

For a never-ending second, Harry stared blankly at Cedric's face, at his expressionless gray eyes, like the windows of an abandoned house...his mouth was half-open, looking Some surprised.

Except for the two special cases of Harry and Voldemort, no one can survive the attack of the Killing Curse.

Harry's brain couldn't accept the scene in front of him, it was blank, but his helpless subconscious thought that Cedric was probably dead... He didn't see that there were two originally dark reverse cross hanging on Cedric's chest. The pendant turned blood red at this time.

Harry began to understand that this trap was specially set up for him, and that the Tournament had been held for this moment.

An uncontrollable guilt rose in Harry's heart. He thought that Cedric died because of him...

With a blank mind, Harry vaguely felt himself being dragged up by "Filch" and dragged towards the marble tombstone next to him.

Harry caught sight of a name on the headstone in the flickering light of his wand before being shoved across it and bumping his back against it—

"Tom Riddle."

Tom?Isn't Tom the assistant teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts?How could his name appear here, and how could it be engraved on a tombstone?

Before Harry had time to think about it, another somewhat illusory figure appeared in front of him. His figure was extremely transparent, and he could even see the dead wood behind him through the cloak on his body.

An equally unreal face appeared under the cloak—

It was a face that had often appeared in Harry's nightmares for three years, paler than a skeleton, with two big red eyes, a nose as flat as a snake's, and two thin slits for nostrils...

Harry knew it was Voldemort.

Infinite fear arose in his heart, and a terrifying thought emerged in his heart...

The feared Dark Lord is coming back!

"Well done, Barty." Voldemort stared at Harry with scarlet eyes, and said lightly to the people around him, "Your loyalty and ability can win my approval. From now on, you will become my most trusted servant .”

"Swear allegiance to the Lord Dark Lord!" The wizard who looked exactly like Filch fell to his knees and shouted loudly.

Harry looked at "Filch" blankly, not knowing what was going on with the castle gatekeeper.However, the next picture immediately made him realize the truth of the matter.

The face of "Filch" who was kneeling on the ground gradually changed, the wrinkles gradually disappeared, the skin became smoother, and the sunken nose also stood up.The long, tangled hair was shortening, and the crown of the bald head had grown and turned yellowish.

Harry saw kneeling in front of him a man with pale, slightly freckled skin and tousled fair hair.

This person is very similar to Mr. Crouch, the director of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department.

"You...you are..." Harry struggled, "you used Polyjuice Potion to disguise yourself as Filch, just to lure me to this graveyard in the last game?"

Seeing the changes in "Filch" in front of him, the events that happened in this school year vividly appeared in front of Harry's eyes——

Four schools participated, but the Goblet of Fire spit out the names of five warriors: this was because "Filch" was the person in charge of guarding the Goblet of Fire that night, and he had countless opportunities to secretly cast a confusion spell on the Goblet of Fire;

The first competition event was the fire dragon, and Harry didn't think of a way to deal with it for a long time: "Filch" deliberately blocked the gate of the castle, euphemistically reminding them to use broomsticks to deal with the fire dragon, and Ron quickly reacted;

For the second project, "Filch" deliberately put a book about alchemy in the drawer where the dangerous goods were stored, luring Fred and George to steal it, and also let them crack the secret of the golden egg ;

It was also the second project, to survive in the depths of the Black Lake for an hour, and Harry didn't think of a way until before the game:

So "Filch" gave Cedric the book "Mediterranean Miraculous Aquatic Plants and Their Characteristics" which recorded the gill grass, and he knew that a decent person like Cedric would be willing to help give him clues about the dragon Harry's;

In the third game, "Filch" controlled Krum and John with the Imperius Curse, allowing them to hinder

Fleur and Cedric's match, preventing Harry's final championship from being taken away...

Harry thought that he didn't encounter many dangers in the maze, but Cedric encountered various crises. It was very likely that "Filch" had secretly intervened in the maze.

Harry figured everything out, raised his head, and looked at the wizard in front of him in horror.

Little Barty laughed darkly.

"It's hard for you to guess, but it's a pity that you guessed too late." He said contemptuously, "I pretended to be Filch. It was the most correct decision I ever made. No one would have thought that someone would be willing to pretend to be a Squib .”

"It's ridiculous. Dumbledore is known as the patron saint of shaman wizards, but he also doesn't pay much attention to squibs from the bottom of his heart. It's no different from the pure blood he doesn't like..."

"It is impossible for the real "Filch" to know Occlumency. In this year, even if he takes a serious look at me with Legilimency, my identity will be directly exposed to you..."

"But you know what? Potter, Dumbledore, he never cared about the Squib "I"."

A year of lurking has made Barty Jr. mentally abnormal, and he seems eager to share his masterpiece with others.

"You're talking nonsense!" Harry retorted loudly, "Dumbledore just doesn't want to observe people in an illegal way!"

"Naive!" Little Barty laughed contemptuously, "Do you really think that Dumbledore has never used Legilimency to treat other faculty members?"

"It's not easy, Potter, getting you through these projects without arousing suspicion. I've had to use all my scheming to keep people from seeing my meddling. If you win too easily, Dumbledore will rise up." Suspicious..."

"My first reminder was really subtle enough. Fortunately, you have a clever friend who can think of what I mean. But then it became more and more difficult for me to help..."

"On the second project, I was particularly worried that we would fail... You've been in the lake for too long, Potter. I thought you'd drowned, but luckily Dumbledore took your stupidity for nobility, I gave you a high score, and I was relieved."

"Of course, you were also taken care of in the maze tonight." Little Barty continued, "However, what I didn't expect was that the biggest flaw in this year was actually my stupid father, who was able to break free for a short time. My Imperius Curse!"

"You are Mr. Crouch's son?!" Harry's eyes widened. "Where is Mr. Crouch now? What have you done to him?"

"You may not know that my father was very disappointing..." Little Barty said with a frenzied expression, "so I happily... very happily...killed him to ensure the success of the Dark Lord's plan! "

"Okay, Batty, stop talking nonsense with him!"

At this moment, Voldemort's incomparably cold voice interrupted the conversation between the two, "Hurry up and start the ceremony, I have been waiting for this day for too long!"

"Yes!" Little Barty's frantic look immediately subsided, and he replied solemnly.

He tied Harry, who was powerless to resist, to the tombstone, then took out a dagger, and stabbed Harry's wrist forcefully.

Crimson blood gurgled from the wound on Harry's wrist, and the phantom Voldemort waved his hands, making the blood float in mid-air, forming a profound and obscure pattern.

"Potter, you should be proud." Voldemort's cold, sharp voice sounded in Harry's ears, "Even if a new formula is found, your blood is still an indispensable link."

Diary Riddle probably knows best that Voldemort's original resurrection formula requires three things——

The bones of the father, the blood of the enemy, the flesh of the servant.

However, after the first body produced was snatched by Dracula's design, he did not have the second bone of his father.

So, Voldemort made a deal with Death.

He will sacrifice half of his soul to the god of death in exchange for a short period of recovery of strength and another method of resurrection...

As for the half of the soul, after solving the diary Riddle, it will be redeemed with the diary Riddle's soul and the Horcrux in his hand.

In addition, Voldemort and Death also reached another deal -

Death is responsible for leading Dracula away, leaving the position of security officer vacant, so that his plan to kidnap Harry in the third project can proceed smoothly.

The god of death agreed, and he thought of Haierbo, who also had a Horcrux, and chose to lend his power to Haierbo for use.

Haierbo took advantage of this short period of time to recover, and set off a resistance against Andros, forcing Dracula to rush from the scene of the semifinals to the secret place of Mount Olympus.

Now, Voldemort was whispering a spell over the pattern made of Harry's blood.

The blood seemed to burn, and then flowed, as if forming a blood vessel all over the body——

Then, bones and flesh emerged out of thin air, and the black figure of a wizard appeared in front of Harry.

Tall and thin, like a skeleton.

Chapter 280 VII Return of the Dark Lord

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Voldemort is back.

Harry stared wide-eyed at such an ugly and strange face in front of him, and countless emotions such as hatred, fear, and confusion were intertwined in his heart.

He clearly knew that this was the real culprit who killed his parents and also the enemy in his destiny.Without this person, he would have had a happy childhood instead of spending the not-so-good ten years with the Dursleys.

For this reason, Harry's hatred for Voldemort cannot be faked.

But at the same time, there was some fear and confusion in his heart, and he couldn't restrain that feeling of powerlessness.

This is a dark wizard who has been feared by the entire wizarding world for decades. He is a person that even Dumbledore has to be cautious about. Harry can't think of how he can escape from him.

Now Harry can only sit helplessly on the tombstone, watching Voldemort begin to examine his new body...

His hands are like big pale spiders, with slender and pale fingers touching his chest, arms, and face; those red eyes look brighter in the dark, Tong Ren has two slits, like a snake.

He raised his hands, moved his fingers, and his expression was ecstatic, as if he had completely forgotten Harry who was tied to the tombstone, and Barty Crouch Jr., the biggest hero of this trip.

After a long time, as if confirming that there was nothing wrong with his body, Voldemort finally turned his gaze.

He thrust his prodigiously long fingers into a deep pocket and drew a wand.He stroked his wand once more, then turned his bright red eyes to Harry, and let out a grim, sharp sneer.

"It's almost time, and it's time to call my stupid wall servants to take a look..." Voldemort said coldly.

He waved to Barty Jr.

Little Barty nodded knowingly, knelt down beside Voldemort, and stretched out his hand to lift off Filch's worn sleeve, revealing a bright red tattoo on the inside of his left arm - it was a skeleton with a snake spit out from its mouth .

This mark appeared at the Quidditch World Cup, and it is the most feared Dark Mark in the wizarding world.

Voldemort studied it carefully, then pressed his long, pale forefinger to the Dark Mark on Young Barty's left arm.

The pain on Harry's forehead swelled up again, and Barty Jr. trembled all over, and he didn't seem to be feeling well either.

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