Pokemon Settler

Chapter 56 Return to the Wilderness

Rock's last dinner on the night before departure was with Robben's family. This time Robben did not have a secret conversation with him in the study.

After the bosozoku were eliminated, the mayor was obviously much more energetic, and no longer felt helpless and miserable as before.

At this time, the advantage of Roque not despising the opponent based on his strength before and maintaining a good relationship with the Robben family became apparent.

Mayor Robben promised him at the dinner table that if his land produces output and the quality is guaranteed, the Sunshine Town government will give priority to purchasing his products.

It can be said that this solved the biggest problem for Rock in the initial stage. Now he can focus on land reclamation for the time being.

Before leaving, Rui suddenly took out a box from the room and handed it to Rock. He said mysteriously with a proud look on his face.

This is my gift. I guess Mr. Rock never thought that it might be the most useful.

Opening the box hesitantly, Rock was pleasantly surprised to find a brand new black laptop inside.

Hey, this is the latest version of Silver's laptop. I have downloaded a lot of game movies and some detailed information in it. I think you will definitely use it.

Hahaha, this computer is really useful. I already think I will use it often. Your gift is really great!

The gifts received today are all useful, but the computer given by Rui really surprised Rock.

After returning to the room, he spent an exciting but dull night. The next day, Rock packed his equipment before dawn, had breakfast, and set off early with the two elves.


Rock, who returned to the wild, took a deep breath. The moist and cool morning air filled his lungs with the fragrance of grass and trees, and then he exhaled happily.

Bayleaf is also very happy, jumping and running around on the road, sometimes licking the dew on the grass blades on the roadside, sometimes sprinting forward for a certain distance to vent its strong energy, and the saddle bag on its back does not affect its movements at all.

Bah mile~Bah mile!

Bayleaf, who left the road and ran far away, seemed to have discovered something, and loudly called out to Rock and Abo.

What's wrong, huh? Bayleaf what are you eating?

Rock walked closer and found that Bayleaf's cheeks were bulging and moving.


While chewing the bay leaf, he used two vine whips to pick off two budding light yellow flower buds and handed them to Rock and Arbor.

Is this what you're eating?

Rock picked up the bud and smelled it, there was a light and elegant fragrance. He curiously put the bud into his mouth. The taste was slightly sweet, mixed with a hint of bitterness.

The plant with flower buds is a small bush. A pair of round leaves merge into a disk at the top of the branches of the shrub. In the center of each leaf disk, there are more than a dozen yellow or orange tubular flowers that are almost eaten by the bay leaves. Empty.

This is? Honeysuckle!

Since he was about to start reclaiming land, Rock had learned about some plants suitable for pasture. This bush was very similar to a plant he had seen before.

Rock looked around and saw that this place should be an abandoned pasture. This clump of honeysuckle must have been planted by the previous farmer. I don’t know why this clump was the only one left nearby.

Seeing that the bay leaves had eaten up all the flowers, Rock asked curiously.

Bay leaf, do you like this?


Bayleaf, who was looking around for new plants, immediately nodded and licked his lips with some hesitation.

Upon seeing this, Rock took out a shovel from Bay Leaf's saddle bag, dug up the honeysuckle bush from the roots, and put some soil into an empty tree fruit bag.

Putting the tree fruit bag containing the honeysuckle into the saddle bag, Rock patted Bayleaf's neck and said to it.

We'll dig up this honeysuckle plant and plant it on our land. Then we'll let you eat as much as you like.

After hearing this, Bayleaf walked a lot more carefully, for fear of damaging her future delicacies, but it didn't take long for her to return to her old ways and start jumping around again.

In comparison, the Arbor monster is much more stable. Although it is hidden in the grass, Rock, who is connected, can sense that it has been wandering around him and the bay leaf.

The morning sun is warm and warm, and several early-rising bobos peck at a green caterpillar that also rises early.

In the morning light, Roque felt that every cell in his body was jumping for joy. His pace unconsciously accelerated a lot, and he strode forward in rapid strides.

The section of road just out of Sunshine Town was fairly easy to walk, but after walking for a whole morning, Rock came to the foot of a continuous mountain.

This is a branch of the Yunhui Mountains, which runs diagonally across the northwest of Sunshine Town and the northeast of Joban City. Part of Rock's land includes the southern branch of the Yunhui Mountains.

Since he was heading in the direction of the mountains, the road up the mountain was relatively easy to walk. Rock inspected the road conditions between his land and Sunshine Town while traveling, and it looked pretty good so far.

After going up the mountain, the vegetation gradually became denser, and there were many more tall trees. Rock looked at the navigator and found that he had walked forty kilometers.

Looking up at the sun high in the sky, he decided to stop for lunch and take a break.

Following Bayleaf to find a creek, Rock put down his and Bayleaf's backpacks, and then washed his face with the stream water.

He sat under a big tree by the stream and watched Arbor and Bayleaf playing in the cool stream water.

After resting for a while, Rock stood up and started preparing lunch.

After work, guys, Bayleaf went to pick up some dead branches and came back. Abo asked you to go around and see if you can find prey.

After arranging the tasks for the two elves, Rock found a few stones from the stream and piled them on the bank.

Then he took out the pots and pans from his luggage and washed them briefly in the stream. At this time, Bayleaf had already brought back a large bundle of dead branches tied to his back with a vine whip.

Thank you for your hard work. Help me clean up the grass and then you can wait for dinner.

The sharp edges of the scythe on the top of Bayleaf's head gathered together, and then the sword flashed, and a piece of grass was cut off by its root.

Rock built a circular bonfire with creek rocks in the clearing, and then took out a lighter from his pants pocket.

Then he pulled out a silver knife from the scabbard at his waist. The short knife given by the landlady also came with two auxiliary knives, one for cutting meat and one for sharpening.

At this time, he pulled out the auxiliary knife used to sharpen the knife. Rock rubbed the rough knife back against the lighter, and a large number of sparks burst out and ignited the tinder.

Immediately afterwards, the dead branches were also ignited, and the flames burned vigorously.

At this time, the Abo monster happened to return from the nearby forest, holding two fat rattas in its mouth.

I worked overtime late today, so I’ll just update it.

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