Pokemon Settler

Chapter 15 Escape intact

Rock could clearly sense that the injured Kyuubi was lingering in the shadows not far away. The opponent seems to be planning to hide in the distance and attack with fire. This is more dangerous than showing up and fighting head-on.

If he turns around and runs away, Rock is not sure whether the Nine-Tails is targeting the boy or simply hating humans. He must find out the specific reason before he can make the next judgment.

Let the Arbor monster recharge his energy and keep on alert. Rock squatted down and looked directly into the injured boy's eyes, and continued to apply pressure.

Hey, you'd better be honest. Did you see that there? The direction of my finger. The Nine-Tails is hiding there, ready to shoot flames or explode at any time. If you don't want to be roasted into a meat If you do, you'd better tell what happened.

The injured boy glanced fearfully in the direction Rock was pointing, and a pair of hateful and crazy scarlet eyes stared at him through the gaps in the branches and leaves.


With a scream, the injured boy was so frightened that he quickly looked away, tremblingly took out a poke ball from his arms, and said in a fearful tone.

Maybe this is the reason. I...I subdued this Vulpix before. I thought the Vulpix was alone...

The moment the Poke Ball containing the Six-Tails appeared, Nine-Tails emerged from the shadows, eyes focused on it motionlessly.

The crouched and alert Arbo monster on the side suddenly raised its upper body, opened its mouth and showed its sharp fangs, and at the same time let out a threatening hiss.

Very good, now that you understand the problem. Then there is a solution. The choice is yours. I will not tell you what to do, nor will I bear the anger of the Kyuubi for you.

After speaking, Rock recited three numbers silently in his mind. If the injured boy had not made the right decision at the end of the countdown, he would turn around and leave.

The boy did not hesitate, turned the button of the Poké Ball switch to the release option, and then opened the Poké Ball.

A small reddish-brown fox appeared with six orange curly tails and amber eyes looking around with fear. The moment he saw the nine tails, he ran towards it with joy.


As soon as they ran together, Vulpix was tied up by the Abo monster's tail.

At this time, the eager Kyuubi no longer cared about his seriously injured body. Its eyes were filled with burning flames fiercely, and it rushed towards the Arbo monster at the same time.

Wait a moment!

Rock held the dagger to Vulpix's neck with one hand, and opened his other hand to signal Kyuubi to stop.

You understand me, right? I can let you leave with it, but the condition is that you can't come back to attack us again, otherwise I will kill it now.

The angry Kyuubi growled threateningly at Rock, its ferocious fangs exposed at the corners of its mouth, and sparks appearing.

But Rock remained unmoved. He still held the dagger firmly in his hand and looked at Kyuubi resolutely. The Abo monster next to him also had a terrifying facial pattern on his chest and abdomen, staring at Nine-Tails swallowing the snake letter with cold eyes.

In the fierce confrontation, Kyuubi was in a stalemate for a moment, put away his ferocious expression, let out a begging whimper, and fell to the ground with his whole body.

Seeing this, Rock slowly put down the dagger in his hand. After seeing Nine-Tails still lying on the ground, he nodded to the Abo monster.

After regaining his freedom, Vulpix quickly ran towards Kyuubi, jumped to the opponent's side, whined and pressed tightly against Kyuubi's body.

Kyuubi licked Vulpix's head, then wrapped it with its tail, glanced at Rock, turned around and ran away quickly.

Okay, smart boy, you successfully saved yourself. Now we can discuss how to deal with your wounds. Do you have any suggestions?

Looking at the injured boy covered in blood, Rock was at a loss as to what to do. He didn't dare to deal with it carelessly and worsen the injury. Fortunately, the injured boy seemed to know some medical knowledge.

Thank you for saving me, kind sir. What is your name? My name is Rui. Can you go and take a look under the tree over there? My backpack is nearby, and there is an outdoor first aid kit in it.

My name is Rock.

Rock answered while walking in the direction indicated by Rui, and then found an orange outdoor backpack.

He took out a first aid kit from his backpack, and then under Rui's command, Rock injected him with two tubes of anti-infection injections. Then he took out alcohol and gauze and planned to help him treat the wound, but was interrupted by Rui's voice.

Okay, Mr. Rock, I can heal the wound myself. Please help me take care of my Nidorino. This souvenir ball is its elf ball. There is wound medicine in the left pocket of the backpack, please Please feel free to use it if necessary.

Nidorino suffered severe burns all over his body. Rock sprayed it with wound medicine and put it into the memorial ball.

Then Rock returned to Rui's side, chatting casually while watching him deal with his wounds.

You are very skilled in your movements. How can you come to the forest to conquer the elves by yourself at this age?

According to Rock's observation, Rui's conversation and appearance were not like those of a child from an ordinary family, and he happened to be planning to go to a nearby town after the Arbor monster successfully evolved, so he wanted to take this opportunity to make some excuses.

I'm from the nearby town of Sunshine, and my father is a doctor in the town, so I have some medical knowledge...

Having just experienced a crisis, Rui was very talkative. Rock, using his identity as a savior and intentional guidance, quickly revealed his true identity, and also told Rock a lot of things he wanted to know. information.

Sunshine Town is Roque's next destination, and Rui's father Robben happens to be the mayor of Sunshine Town now. Robben used to be a doctor in the town. He became the mayor because of his love for the town and the support of the townspeople.

Therefore, he does not have great strength. In the past, when there were alliance trainers and city police, this was not a problem.

However, due to the previous operation against the Rockets base in Yuhong City, the police force in the town was depleted. A large number of Bosozokus emerged, seriously affecting the stability of Sunshine Town.

At this point, Rui's expression became angry.

They race around town on noisy motorcycles, disrupting traffic, hitting pedestrians, causing fights and robbing passing tourists and trainers.

Even if the police force is deployed, the remaining police force and other trainers should not watch them cause damage, right?

The strength of those Bosozokus is very strong. Many trainers who acted righteously at the beginning were sent to the hospital by them. Moreover, each of them has a gas bomb. When they encounter an opponent that they cannot defeat or the police are dispatched, they will release a large number of gas bombs. He used thick smoke cover and fled on a motorcycle.

Rui's voice turned from angry to deep.

Now there are no tourists or trainers coming to the town. Many shops in the town have also closed. My father is so worried that he can't sleep every day. That's why I want to go out to capture powerful elves, but who knows if it wasn't for Mr. Rock? , I almost died here...

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