I'm going to get to Sharina's contact information, not bad, not bad, windfall.

When he was shopping separately from Guo Jiabao, he suddenly felt that someone was approaching behind him.

"Hello, can you excuse me?" a woman in a black coat suddenly approached me and spoke.

"yes, are you?" I wondered as I looked back at her.

Suddenly I was stopped, and I was still a woman, and I thought my relationship was suddenly better, but when I think about it, it still feels suspicious.

"My name is Tianmu, I want to ask if you have any flying Pokémon..." "Yes, what's wrong

?" "My necklace accidentally fell outside, this is the twelfth floor, and the necklace is stuck outside, I want to ask your Pokémon

to help, is it okay?" The other party looked very anxious.

Seeing that the other party is in such a hurry, do I have any reason to refuse?

"Of course you can

!" "Thank you!"

The other party grabbed my hand and thanked me.

Seeing this, my heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate, and I consciously let go of her hand and said, "Ahem, then tell me where it fell."

"Uh-huh!" I

followed her to the edge where I could see the scenery through the window, which was of course scary, because I was a little afraid of heights.

Windows can be opened.


, just a little down there, poke your head a little bit to see it."

I stood on tiptoe and looked out, but I still didn't see it, so I had no choice but to risk the fear in my heart and lean out.

A hand suddenly grabbed my clothes from outside the window: "Got it!"

I was startled by this suddenly, and I hurriedly looked up to see two women in black in full gear floating in the air, leaning against the edge of the building wall, as if waiting for me to take the bait.

One of the women had already grabbed my clothes with her right hand.

The other woman smiled and said to me, "Hero is sad to be beautiful, boy!"

"What are you going to do?"

I hurriedly cried out.


Smelled an aromatic smell.

My consciousness gradually began to blur, and I vaguely saw the logo on the woman's chest in front of me, which was an R.

Nima's, Team Rocket!

I have a grudge against you, don't I?

The strength began to fade away, and I didn't even have the strength to stand up...

I can't think of anything anymore....

“...... TM...... "

... "

... Right now...... Everything

in front of me seems to be like an afterimage of life, as if I have seen it, but I don't seem to see it, as if I am an outsider.

One moment it was dim and dark, and the next moment I could faintly see the figures of several people.

"Why............ Sober?"

"Estimate......... React and... Wait, no... "

I feel like there's a door right in front of the darkness, but it doesn't seem to be a door, it's a landscape, and it doesn't seem to be a landscape..."

The door was getting closer and closer, but I didn't even move my feet.

"It looks like I'm waking up..."


voices of the people around him suddenly amplified and became clear at this moment.

I looked at the scene in front of me, and Guo Jiabao looked at me with urgency and worry in his eyes.

In front of him was a young man with a black skin.

"What's wrong with me?" I felt my head pound.

"You've been drugged, but now you're sober," the young man explained.

"Are you?"

"I'm Xiao Gang, a Pokémon doctor, and I guessed from the beginning that the woman who wanted to ask you for help was not simple, so I secretly paid attention to it, and saved your life when you were about to be kidnapped. "

Xiao Gang, Xiao Zhi's partner who used to travel, I was very impressed.

Oh, I remember, it's Team Rocket.

I slowly sat up straight, touched my heavy head and said, "I remember, it's Team Rocket, I feel like my memory has been interrupted, the memories of the coma are gone, and I was still looking at those Team Rocket people last second!"

"It's too ruthless.

"They do everything. Xiao Gang reminded me.

"When you see a woman, go and help, you're amazing. Guo Jiabao said on the side.


looked at my surroundings and asked, "Where is this?"

The Rockets guys have taken control of the place, and it's clear that they're targeting you. Xiao Gang told me seriously.

"How could I, I didn't do anything?" I said, confused.

"If you don't know it yourself, then we don't know it, so think about it. "Xiao Gang seems to want to know why they kidnapped me.

"When I met with the Rockets before, I repelled them, maybe I couldn't swallow this breath?"


I was with the Lava Team before

?" "Is this a clue, is there anything further?" asked Xiao Gang.

"Damn, why don't you tell me when you've met with someone from the lava team?" Guo Jiabao also asked me.

Xiao Gang turned around and said to Guo Jiabao: "I'll talk about it later, the main thing now is to know what the people of Team Rocket are trying to do with you." "

I'm sorry

," I asked, "What about the crowd outside?"

Xiao Gang replied, "They are all under control, and they will only let go of the hostages if they call you out." With

that, Sarina was tied up as well.

Because of me, everyone is treated like this....

"I remember showing them a Pokémon that wasn't on the Pokédex before.

"Pokémon that haven't appeared?"

"Yes, besides, I have an Ultimate Beast, but I haven't shown it in front of them.

"Maybe that's why. Xiao Gang stood up, and he stepped aside to pick up my school bag.

Xiao Gang pointed to the bottom of the schoolbag and said, "This place has been installed with trackers, and they rely on this to lock your location." "


I couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart, and I didn't expect that just one of myself didn't pay attention, and someone else controlled my tracks.

"So what are we going to do next?" I asked.

"You can't hit it hard, the method of closing the electric switch doesn't work, the other party may have night vision goggles, stealth is estimated to be useless, the other party may have a heat sensor. "

High technology limits our ideas..."

"So we can only attract firepower, and the other person takes the opportunity to save the hostages, and then rely on their strength to repel the rocket team." "

Does this place have a fire faucet?" I asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"We can interfere with each other's equipment, which can further ensure that the plan is carried out. "

That's a good idea, do you have a fire-type Pokémon?"


"Okay. I'll go get the structure diagram, and the three of us will find a way to get the hostages out. "


"It's a little stimulating, the heart may not be able to stand it..."Guo Jiabao clutched his heart and interjected.

"Calm yourself down, I'm nervous too. I said.

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