
prism: For the crystal prism, the way to find a partner can only rely on electromagnetic wave fluctuations to perceive, and this way of communication often makes it misunderstand its companion, because some human communication equipment and operating systems also emit similar electromagnetic waves.

It didn't know what it was supposed to do at the moment, but it instinctively had two purposes, the first was to restore its strength, and the second was to find its companions.

But there is no clue to these two purposes at the moment.

So it had to wander around the neighborhood and look for a breakthrough.

But its attention was actually locked on one place from the beginning, and that was a Pokémon, and although it understood that the Pokémon was not its companion, it was also interested in the electromagnetic waves emitted from it.

This was the electromagnetic wave it captured for the first time after escaping from Team Rocket's airship, so I was subconsciously interested in this Pokémon.

So much so that it is subconsciously looking for traces of this Pokémon all the time.

And this Pokémon is the protagonist's shield dragon.

Now that the crystal prism came to the shield armor dragon lying on the bed uncomfortable, it was a little overwhelmed, it had absorbed the physical strength of other Pokémon before, so it was naturally very clear about the situation of this Pokémon at this moment, but it also didn't know what to do.

So it tried to transfer its physical strength to the shield armor dragon, and sure enough, it was effective, but the price to pay was that it needed more physical strength.............

Rookie Trainer Zheng Yang: It

seems to be a little hot...

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a vague figure dangling in front of me, and when I could see it more clearly, I realized that the figure was a little disgusted.

Her facial expression was a little strange at this time, and her whole body was close to my arms.

"Little annoyance, what are you doing?"

I was about to stand up and stay away from Xiao Wei after I came to my senses a little, but Xiao Wei pressed me on the bed and said to me, "Do you like me?"


It's okay........."

"That's fine!"

With a little annoyance, my mind was in a mess.

When I woke up, I found myself sleeping alone in a bed, and the room was very quiet, with no one else's breath.

Was the scene just now a dream?

I looked back on the dream I had just dreamed and realized that I might have had a spring dream.

It's true that I've experienced a lot of things lately, and it's normal to have this dream, so I think it's a stress relieve.

It's just that the spirit is a little weak............

I looked at my lower body, and after showing a sure expression, I was going to get up and change my clothes and wash them.

Looking back at the shield dragon sleeping on the floor, its spirit seemed to improve a lot, although I don't know what the reason is, but it is a good omen after all.

On the contrary, my spirit is a little prostration............

I put on my spare clothes and planned to take my underwear and wash it, but as soon as I went out, I saw Xiao Yan walking towards me on the other side.

I hurriedly covered the underwear in the basin to prevent her from seeing it.

I was bored with my mysteriousness and asked me, "What the hell are you doing?" "

It's okay, I'm going to do the laundry, so you know." "

Oh well, then I'll go first!" Xiao

Yan didn't hesitate to leave.

I looked at Xiao Yan's back, recalled the scene in the dream, and couldn't help but slap myself to wake myself up.

After drying the clothes, Miss Joy checked the physical condition of the shield dragon regularly, and the surprise was that the shield dragon was indeed in a much better state of mind than the previous few days.

Does this mean that the shield dragon still has the possibility of recovering on its own?

I was excited in my heart, my life has been very boring recently, and I can't stand it anymore, I came to this world to enjoy life, not to become a working boy in this world.

This may be a harbinger that you may be on a new journey to the next city.

Although I imagined it in my heart.

But I still know the actual situation very well, and the condition of the shield ankylosaurus is only improving, not fully recovered.

Maybe tomorrow the condition will start to get worse again.

But it's not a way to keep spending like this, you should let the shield dragon get in touch with the outside environment, so maybe it will make a difference.

With Miss Joy's permission, I wandered around Orange City with the Panapace.

Tang Fengcheng: Tang Fengcheng

went to the edge of Orange Hua City to near a ranch.

He learns that Pokémon have a trait called Body of Flame, which can speed up the hatching of Pokémon.

The Flame Horse is a Pokémon with this trait, so she plans to use this Pokémon trait to hatch her Pokémon eggs.

Tang Fengcheng yawned, her sleep quality has been a little worrying recently.

Xi Ling Yan:

For Xiao Yan, Zheng Yang has a lot of things to think about now, and she also wants to be independent, so she doesn't plan to stay by his side for a long time, and when the Shield Dragon is over this time, she will leave here and find her own way.

The elves I have collected so far are Frog Seeds, Zoroa, and Gala Gala.

These three little guys are all very individual.

I won't feel bored when I'm with them, not to mention that by Zheng Yang's side, I've always been in a passive state from beginning to end.

That's why she decided to explain it to him and leave here to see more Pokémon in other cities.

Fire Goose:

Since the last incident, Fire Goose has wanted to bury this incident in her heart and try not to show it in front of others.

But as soon as she thought of that milky imp, she would think about how to make him break his body to pieces.

In addition, his identity seems to be a little incomprehensible, although the other party said a lot of inexplicable things when they first met, and she felt that she understood it very well, and she also thought that she had encountered a neurotic, but it wasn't until the other party told her secret that she immediately realized that this person was probably not that simple.

After investigating the man's whereabouts, she targeted Orange City.

Because their boss seems to be busy with other things lately, and no one else is allowed to interfere without permission, so she has such free time to investigate other things.

As for what the boss wants to investigate, the fire goose has actually heard in advance, and the lava team is going to recover the meteorite from outer space.

This energy is then transferred to the vicinity of the crater.

As for the purpose, most of it is related to Groudador, and the boss's mind is still very easy to guess.


After hearing that the yellow meteorite had landed near the high mountains of Wudou City, he immediately went to the mountains to find the meteorite's whereabouts, but the members of Team Rocket had already followed closely and blocked Daigo's retreat.

It is not clear what kind of power the meteorite contains, but I think it will only be known after touching it in person.

What Daigo is doing at the moment is trying to stall as much time as possible.


Artificial Pokémon, the strongest gene, although Mewtwo was successfully made, Sakaki did not completely control it.

Let it escape.

Since then, Sakaki has been planning to subdue even stronger and rarer Pokémon.

He later asked his subordinates to find special Pokémon that were more in line with his control according to the dream genes, but there was no result, even if he captured Eevee in various forms, there was still no development, and he even lost a secret base because of this incident.

And the Pokémon he accidentally found from outer space just met his fantasy.

Having enough power to fight against the Burning Sky Seat and the ability to change his form at will makes Sakaki very satisfied.

Although there have been cases of this kind of Pokémon before, Sakaki has not witnessed it with his own eyes and has not captured it.

Although it is only the first step towards Mewtwo, it is enough.

Sakaki touched the cat boss next to him, and after a few sips of red wine, he turned his attention to the other side.

"Haven't Gaioca's Primordial Evolution Stone Fragments been found yet?" The

True Bird Secretary on the side hurriedly replied: "Due to the special magnetic field near Orange Hua City, which attracted the attention of the Lie Sky Seat, the injured Gaioca's Evolution Stone fragment does not know where it fell, but it must not be too far, and there is still Xiao Saburo on standby at the scene, who will keep in touch at any time to investigate." "

Waste, you can't do a little thing. If it doesn't end perfectly, then he must also be able to afford the consequences.

"Yes. "


Izumi: As a cadre of the water fleet, Izumi has been investigating the origin of the information, and after tracking the information, the information was cut off near Orange City.

Then news came out that there was a strong empty seat near the sky above Orange City.

This made Izumi a little nervous.

She lay down in her seat, looked at the ceiling, and thought, "What the hell are you doing, it seems interesting, wouldn't it be nice to let the water fleet do the same?"

Maybe there will be any surviving members of Team Rocket after the attack on the Burning Sky Seat, and if they are still alive, where will they be now?


But with my own ability, I am afraid that I can't investigate so much, so I can only go to the scene to observe.

"It's really not interesting, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Izumi grumbled.

Speaking of which, the old man seems to have been near Orange City during this time, and I remember adjusting his mentality.

But what he didn't know was that his physical and mental illness was the ghost of the Eclipse Feather that Izumi secretly carried for him.

It is rumored that this feather can allow nightmare Pokémon to possess and gradually collapse a person's mental state.

"Who let him always spoil our good deeds, he deserves it!" Izumi muttered to herself.

She looked at her bracelet, which carried the Z crystal, a treasure she had acquired in the Alola region.

Recently, when I have nothing to do, I will appreciate the mystery of this crystal more.

"However, after all, it is idle, so let's go over and join in the fun. "

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