Lonely men and widows live in the same room.

What did the old captain think? Aren't you afraid of insecurity?

I still have a lot of things to ask him, it's too late today to talk about it, and I want to ask him about the little fire dragon and the special training.

And whether it's Captain Edson or Xiao Yan, they don't have a big reaction to the aurora phenomenon, is it because they haven't seen it?

I always feel a very bad premonition.

"Did you sleep?"

I was startled by the sudden sound on the bed next to me, causing my wooden bed to creak and make it sound a little uncomfortable.

This guy hasn't slept yet.

"No, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"Are you the one who crossed over too?"

Yes? Crossing over?


In this way, this girl is really a traverser!

"Why do you think I'm a traverser?"

"Judging by the clothes you wear, and the 'I rely on' word."

It's true that people in this place don't say "I'm reliant" in a modal word, but they do do make international gestures.

"So you're a traverser too, aren't you?"

"Well, yes. So is there a way to go back? "

Uh... No. If I had, I don't think I would be here. "

Sure enough, people who come to this world for unknown reasons want to go back, because the novelty is just for a while, and as long as the novelty passes, there will be a feeling of emptiness.

"Okay, then I'll sleep, good night." She said.

"Well, good night." I didn't gossip too much.

I glanced at her sleeping on the bed next to me, and then at the ceiling, and the sleepiness gradually invaded my consciousness, and my consciousness gradually became blurred............

"And what's next for you?"

A voice of voice scared my sleepiness away, and I shuddered a little.

I've said goodnight, and I'm still talking............

"Becoming a Pokémon Master or something...," I said, rolling over.

"Pokémon Master......... Is Pokémon's teacher? Or a high-rank Pokémon trainer? "

The highest-ranked Pokémon trainer......... It should be understood in this way, anyway, haven't you seen Pokémon before?

"No, just heard of it."

"Pikachu should be famous, right?"

"I haven't met it."

Looking at her like this, I also thought of what Captain Edson had said to me, and tried to ask her, "What are you going to do in the future?" Become the new captain?

"How is that possible!" When she heard this, she straightened herself up and shouted.

It's not too loud, but it's pretty much the same.

"Shhhh It's quieter, and the others are still sleeping. I lowered my voice to warn her.

Probably noticing that she was talking a little louder, she also changed her words and said, "I don't want to stay here for the rest of my life, and although Captain Edson treats me well, I still want to go out for a walk." "

Then I'll go talk to Captain Edson tomorrow and I'll say you're ready to go on a trip."

"Don't... Don't. She was nervous again.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Captain Edson saved my life, and I feel very uncomfortable if I don't repay him for saving my life here."

"Really? But Mr. Edson would like to let you go on a trip, huh? "

Yes......... Is that so?

"Yes, he told me personally, if you want to leave, I'll explain it to him tomorrow, you don't have to be too afraid."

The scene seemed to stand still for a moment.

It took more than ten seconds before she replied, "Then I'll leave it to you." "

Okay, I'll leave it to me."

I adjusted the quilt and the bed creaked.

I have to say that the quality of this bed is really poor, can you sleep well!

This girl's state is not very stable, is it really too much pressure? I feel like her attitude tonight is a little different from before.

Let's wait until tomorrow, there are a lot of things waiting for me tomorrow.

Thinking like this, I fell asleep...


What is your biggest fear?

What's the last thing you want to see?

What's the hardest thing you've ever experienced?

Consciousness returned to a certain time in the past, and I was messaging someone I liked, and they agreed to go on a date with me, which made me feel happy.

I don't know what gift to give the other person, after all, I don't have much experience, but as long as it's my heart, the other person will definitely feel it.

As long as I am a little braver and more proactive.

You won't miss a girl like you used to!

I'm going to change!

I clenched my fists, grabbed the gift and went to the date, and it wasn't until I was almost at the location that the other party said that there was something temporary and I couldn't come.

I should have been released as a pigeon.

There's no way, since the other party has something, there's really no way, I can only wait for the next time!

I'm in a good state of mind.

But it rained heavily that day............

I don't know when the next meeting will be, and what should I do with the gifts?

I asked her and she said she would pick it up at a nearby delivery point.

I ran to a nearby delivery point in the rain, but the people there said they were not responsible for storing the belongings.

I had no choice but to store the gift in the supermarket next to me and tip the owner.

When she received the gift and said she liked it, I was honestly happy.

Happy tears are about to flow out.

It should work!

But I found out the news of her official announcement in the circle of friends............

The world also turned gray at this moment, I couldn't see any tones, my parents seemed to be angry, but I couldn't hear what they were saying, I could only vaguely detect their mouths moving...

I...... Isn't it good enough?

But it seems that the person she likes is not good at studying?

Is it because of looks?

I shouldn't be as handsome as the other party............

Is it a personality issue?

I shouldn't be as eloquent as the other party............

It seems that I am really not as good as others.

Maybe this is just the exception?

However, the next result is still like this, and it is still ...

And so it is..........

In a trance, I saw a figure in front of me, and it was very vague, and I could only see a little outline, mainly black, and my hair was white, and there was also a little red accent.

What is your biggest fear?

I guessed it.

What's the last thing you want to see?

I seem to have a direction.

What's the hardest thing you've ever experienced?

I know.

It turned out to be....

This kind of thing..........

You're such an interesting person.

But, compared to this girl, you're still a little worse..........


"Hey, young man, it's breakfast, get up."

I slowly opened my eyes, and a sailor was waking me up.

When I woke up, I looked at the bed next to me, and she was already gone, and she seemed to have gotten up early.

When I got up, I recalled the contents of the dream, but my memory was very vague, and I knew that I had a dream that I didn't really want to recall, but I didn't know exactly what the dream was.

Forget it, it doesn't matter, as long as you know what you should do today!


"It's time to go!" The Rockets cheered.

After last night's temporary compensation, the members of Team Rocket were in good spirits and ready to set sail for their return to headquarters.

Kosaburo chose to stay and continue to take care of Amado.

Kozaburo said to his teammates, "Even if I'm not there, you have to be cautious, and as for the Pokémon that escaped, leave it to me who stays in Orange City."


The members of Team Rocket were ready to take off, and just as they were about to take off, the airship seemed to hit something, causing a huge vibration.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know!"

"The airship has received an attack from an inexplicable flying object, now switch the target to the home screen."

After switching to the home screen, the eyes of the Team Rocket players widened.

"Blazing Sky Seat!"

"Nanana......... Nani! The

Blazing Sky Seat emitted a golden glow and crashed directly into the airship, before heading away.

This trick is called the finishing touch.

It took less than three seconds for the person to react before the airship exploded.

Kozaburo was in the hospital at the moment, and the moment he heard the Liekong Seat, his brain stopped thinking, and then the communicator lost connection to the airship.

It is clear that the airship has blown up.

"Hey......... Feed! How are you doing? Say something! Saburo became excited.

"This patient's family, please be quiet, if it's too loud, we'll have to ask you to go out." The nurse on the side kindly reminded.

"Yes... I'm sorry. Saburo had to apologize.

As for why the Blazing Sky Seat appeared here and found the trail of the airship, then it has to mention the aurora.

But it is clear that no one has linked the two events...

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