"That's it! Eat and drink to your heart's content! Let's go train! Everybody! I said to the three Pokémon in front of me, crossing my waist.

After dinner, we plan to take advantage of the irritable mood now and begin to vent the unhappiness in our hearts by sweating.

"Run! Let's run out of Orange City first! Come back in a circle! I was the first to speak.

The fiery dragon and the moatsaur followed, and the long-winged gull flew in front of me.

The game itself seems to be unfair............ Because the long-winged gull has wings, it doesn't have to run!

Anyway, I didn't say it had to be a race, I just said it was a lap.

"Isn't it dangerous to run on a big night? Beware of tripping! Little Boary reminded me behind my back.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm watching! Won't go far! I said to her behind me as I ran.



The red Pokémon rushed out of the place where it was imprisoned and roared in all directions, indicating that the restraint was not too difficult for it.

In fact, a large part of this is due to the translucent crystal prism next to it, which made the cage where the Pokémon was held a little softer, and it was only then that the red Pokémon was once again out of control.

"What are you eating? Hurry up and stop it! "

I just want to eat

............""We really haven't eaten

............" "Just let it go, I really don't have the strength to stop it............" "

Its brute force can't be used up..."

"Let you give it food!"

"What if you don't give it food, what if you starve to death?"

"Forget it, I really don't have the energy to catch it now, install a tracker on it, and then catch it back!"

"Why don't you just anesthetize?"

"Are you in charge of carrying it in? It's so heavy, I almost got tired last time!

"Let it go, it's just a Pokémon, and those Pokémon in it are enough to explain."

The members of Team Rocket discussed this, nodded in agreement, and led the Pokémon to the exit.

Finally, after seeing the outside environment, the red Pokémon snorted at the giant airship behind it and rushed into the darkness, disappearing.............

"It's really a toss-up, it's really hard to catch this kind of over-the-top Pokémon........."A Rocket Team sighed after looking at the direction in which the Pokémon had escaped.

But I don't know if it's not just the Pokémon that escaped, but also the unknown crystal prism...


"What the hell is this running to!" I looked at the darkness around me and knew that I was lost at this moment.

I only cared about venting my dissatisfaction, and I actually ran so far, although I said that I came here voluntarily.

The little fire dragon could no longer run, and the moatsaur ran on its back, and the long-winged gull, seeing that I had stopped, also returned and landed on the branch of a tree.

"Well, let's stop for a while." I sat down on the floor and said.

The three of them also obediently gathered around me and rested next to me.

I looked at the stars and the moon in the sky, and the physical exertion made me feel a lot more relaxed for a while.

"This is freedom!" I couldn't help but sigh.

The long-winged gull also barked, and it could be seen that it was happy, after all, it wished to live like this.

The little fire dragon also responded to me, it was obvious that it was in the same mood as me at this time, happy and comfortable!

The Guardian was silent, it still looked like it had that uncomfortable feeling, and it couldn't get rid of it even if it sweated.

The evening breeze gently caressed the cheeks and bodies of each of us here, and I only felt refreshed, and the tiredness disappeared a lot.

I wiped my sweat and suddenly felt the urge to shout out, stood up, looked at the night scene in front of me, and wanted to shout!

But I still stopped, because I didn't have the courage to disturb the Pokémon or pedestrians around me.

"Oh wow!" The little fire dragon screamed next to me.

It scared me a little, and I almost shouted out thinking I was out of control.

Not far away, there were many bird-type Pokémon who were frightened by the sound of the little fire dragon and flew away from this place.

Little Fire Dragon..........

For some reason, I always want to cry...

I tried not to hold back my tears, trying to make a sound: "Ahhhh

"Oh wow!" Seeing this, the little fire dragon continued to shout.

The long-winged gull also cried: "Ah! "

Because it's the cry of a seagull Pokémon, it doesn't call for a long time, it can only be called one by one.

The Guardian also walked to the corner and shouted into the distance, "Hey—oh—"

You guys...

I tried to make a sound: "Ahh Yes! "

It feels like it's getting louder.

More and more daring!

Are you afraid of disturbing anyone? It's already bothered anyway! Whether it's a person or a Pokémon, I'll beat one over here!

I've got three Pokémon by my side!

What am I afraid of!



Whatever the hell, I'm not afraid of anything!

I'll be on my own in the future!

Children who don't rely on their parents anymore!

I'm an adult!

I'll be on my own in the future!

It's an adult from now on!

As long as I have the ability! Women or something! It's all in your hands! Never do dog licking again!

No more self-indulgence!

No more using your parents' pocket money to buy gifts for others!

Confident, confident, confident!

Come on, come on, come on!

Hold on, keep going!

I closed my eyes and roared, and after a while, I stopped, gasping for breath, and looked at the Pokémon beside me, who were clearly shocked by my voice.

What's wrong? Seeing that I usually speak so much, I didn't expect my voice to be so high!

Relaxed, relaxed.

"Haha, look at your surprised expressions... I want to laugh! Ha............ Ha............ Huh? "As I spoke, I noticed that I was actually in tears.

I wiped my tears with my hands, but I couldn't finish them, and the new tears instantly flooded my vision, until I knew that I couldn't hold on any longer, I lay down and covered my face and cried.

Suddenly, a small hand was wiping tears from my chin for me, and I let go of my hand to look at its owner.

The little fire dragon is using its own actions to help relieve the pressure in my heart, and it is also at this moment.

I hugged the little fire dragon and cried: "Little fire dragon! I'll never see my mom and dad again! I'll never see you again in this life! Woooooo "

I've been stuck in my heart, that's it............

I have never left the warm care of my parents, it is the first time I have traveled so far, the first time I have lived on my own, and the first time I have faced so many things to consider!

Just thinking about it makes me feel very uncomfortable!

How do parents ease this emotion?

Have they ever been as troubled as I am?

After all, we all spent it as children, so there must be!

I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to my parents, so I disappeared without a trace!

There is a good chance that I will not see them again in the future, and I will not be able to repay them for raising them!

I still want to eat my mother's cooking!

I still want to sleep in my own room!

Me still!

I want to see my parents again!

I cried, looked at the Protector who wanted to cry too, and hugged it.

Protector, don't blame me, I really don't have the ability anymore....

I don't have any connections or money, so I can't cure you, don't blame me...

I'm sorry..........

Suffer with me!

I don't know if I'll be able to become a good trainer...

It's too bad for me to cry like this in front of you..........

I don't know how long it took for me to recover, stop sobbing, and then shout, "Comfortable! I

stood up: "The pressure seems to have been reduced, and my mood is relaxed!" It's really worth it! Right, you three! "

The long-winged gull, the city protector and the little fire dragon were taken aback by my coherent movements, and thought that I still needed some time to relieve, but who knew that after stopping crying, they would be relieved directly!

They didn't understand why I was crying, and they probably didn't know why I couldn't see my parents anymore, so I decided to tell them the truth!

After all, they're my Pokémon!

I don't know how much they can understand, so I'll just take the general meaning.

After a while, I finished my story, and the three Pokémon looked confused, as if they really didn't understand.

Good guy, I've been talking about it for so long, it's almost the same as not talking about it, so I've said everything I should have said, just leave an impression, don't say that I have a lot of secrets!

"Ahem, such a long-winged gull, will you lead the way? It's time for us to go back too, it's okay to practice again tomorrow, don't worry! It's not an exam again! I smiled.

When the long-winged gull heard this, it nodded, flew up and began to look for directions.

It's still quite dark around here, there is no light at all, and it is all supported by the moonlight, otherwise you can't see anything.

There is also the fire on the tail of the little fire dragon.

But luck is good, there are no pits or anything like that along the way, otherwise it might be now.............

Thinking of this, I subconsciously shook my head.

What do you want to do with all this? Aren't I okay? It's okay to be idle!

"Sure enough, someone, although it sounds like you're really having some difficulties, can you think about my feelings a little bit?" A female voice came from beside me.

I was startled by the voice, and when I turned around, I saw a creature resembling a girl standing near me.

"Holy! Female ghosts? "I was so frightened that I took a few steps back.

"No, it's an ordinary person." The strange girl said in emotionless words.

Because she has black hair, she is especially like Sadako in TV.

"Then why don't you talk with emotion!" I asked again.

"I've always talked like this, and I'm sorry to scare you, but you scared people first, you know? You don't seem qualified to talk like that. The strange girl pointed at me and still expressed it in emotionless words.

Hearing her say this, I guess gradually calmed down, touched my head and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't control my emotions." "

This is a girl with long black hair and red crystal eyes.

The moonlight shone under her eyes, which made her eyes very dazzling.

The same goes for Xiao Yan's eyes, the eyes of the two of them are very similar, but they are slightly different, her eyes are a little more crystal red, and Xiao Yan's eyes are a little brighter bright red.

"I'll forgive you first, now you're in my way, let's get out of the way." The other party said.

"Oooh." I consciously gave way.

She walked past me expressionlessly, I saw her side face, from this point of view, she is indeed a beauty, the momentum of a cold beauty is completely expressed.

It's just that I always feel like this girl has seen it somewhere............

I seem to have seen her when I was shopping in Weibaizhen.

But it's still a little far from Weibai Town, just along the way?

Or am I mistaken?

Forget it, none of that matters anymore.

Suddenly, I felt the ground shake and I couldn't help but tense.

What's the situation?

Could it be that the shouting just now was too loud and the landslide occurred?

Thinking of this, I looked up and saw that something was coming from the road above!

Is it really a landslide?

Several trees above had fallen, and it was clear that something was coming.

I immediately said to my Pokémon, "Let's go back, it looks like something is coming."

When the little fire dragon dragon long-winged gull heard this, they also began to walk back.

I looked back at the girl, she was still walking the other way, it was obvious that the noise was rushing in her direction, didn't she react? Or is it because it's a little embarrassing to come here now, so she wants to take refuge on the other side?

I shook my head and told myself not to think so, but ran back.

I clutched my heart, feeling so uneasy.

After thinking for a few seconds, I stopped and rushed in a different direction, running back!

Whatever you say, you have to pull that girl over!

Now is not the time to care about face!

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