I took the long-winged gull back: "Thank you for your hard work, come back first and have a good rest." "

Now I still have a small fire dragon and a city protector in my hand, the city dragon is not fast enough, it is still too difficult to deal with this kind of flying Pokémon, and the fire skill will cause double damage to the hunting phoenix butterfly, so it seems that the small fire dragon should be chosen.

"Come out, little fire dragon!"

The little fire dragon was sent out.

"In the second game, the little fire dragon sent by Zheng Yang, the challenger of the gym, came to fight against the hunting butterfly of the gym trainer Xiao Yao. Then, the second showdown begins! "

Since the jet flames are likely to be blown back by the opponent's silver whirlwind, the main consideration now should be how to get the hunting phoenix butterfly close to the little fire dragon.

"Hunting butterflies, space cutting!" Haruka took advantage of my analysis to attack.

The hunting butterfly flapped its wings and summoned a number of wind blade attacks, and in the face of these wind blade attacks, the little fire dragon jumped backwards to dodge.

This is indeed very effective in preventing yourself from being hit, but there is no place to dodge in the air, and it will be bad if the opponent uses a silver whirlwind.

Xiao Yao really noticed this, and commanded the hunting phoenix butterfly: "Good opportunity! Hunt butterflies! Unleash the Silver Whirlwind! "

Hunting butterflies and unleashing a silver whirlwind.

Faced with this, I was desperately thinking about how to resolve it, and suddenly I remembered that I had a similar situation when I fought against Mr. Daigo before, when the Wonderful Frog Seed used the surrounding environment to make a very clever treatment.

But at the moment, the little fire dragon can't use the rattan whip to control its position, how can it use the surrounding environment?

I looked around and noticed what appeared to be a rain-spilling thing directly above the gym, which I recognized as fireproof sprinklers.

"Little fire dragon! Spark at the ceiling! I shouted.

The little fire dragon didn't understand my instructions, but he did it anyway, and used his spark skill against the ceiling.

At this time, Xiao Yan, who was on the side, asked, "What is Zheng Yang doing?" You can't dodge the silver whirlwind at all, right?

Guo Jiabao saw it: "He wants to interrupt the spell casting, but this move may cause a lot of negative effects to the little fire dragon............"

Xiao Yao showed a panicked expression, she looked at her ceiling and shouted: "Suffer!" "

The sparks hit the ceiling, and the heat triggered the fire sprinkler above, and suddenly the fire sprinkler head began to spray water.

The entire dojo was instantly drenched in "rain", and the hunting butterfly could no longer fly because of the moisture on its wings, and was forced to land on the ground.

Xiao Yao looked at everything in front of him and said to me, "You are indeed very shrewd in this move, but you don't think that your little fire dragon is most afraid of water?" When

I heard this, I immediately became nervous.

Damn, I actually forgot about it! The little fire dragon is a fire system, and what he is most afraid of is water, which is poured by water like this, and the little fire dragon will definitely be very uncomfortable.

"Little Fire Dragon!" I shouted my Pokémon.

It wasn't until I saw the little fire dragon with a refreshed expression on his face that I was relieved.

Great, the little fire dragon is fine.

Wait a minute!

Something seems to be wrong!

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the little fire dragon again, only to see the little fire dragon's expression of enjoyment, and the blue flame on its tail also instantly increased a lot.

What about playing?

Why don't you have anything at all? Instead, do you enjoy it?

The scene in front of him shocked everyone present.

Xiao Yao was the first to react and asked me, "Isn't your little fire dragon naturally not afraid of water?"

Faced with this question, I quickly shook my head and denied: "No, no, it was afraid of water before, and I don't know why it seems that he has nothing to do now............ Could it be that there is a problem with your water?

"Impossible, the water in our house is all public water in the city, how can there be a problem?" The problem is this little fire dragon! Xiao Yao also denied it.

Xiao Yan, who was in the audience, was also surprised: "How can this little fire dragon not be afraid of water!"

Guo Jiabao was also stunned, he thought for a few seconds and said, "It's a problem of characteristics!"

Xiao Yan knew a little about the characteristics of Pokémon, and she asked Guo Jiabao: "Characteristics?" I remember that there were only two kinds of characteristics of the little fire dragon in the past, right?

Guo Jiabao nodded, and he replied: "I don't know too much about it, I just know that the characteristics of the little fire dragon are the power of the sun and the fierce fire." "

The Sun Power trait is judged based on the weather, and when the weather is sunny or sunny, the Pokémon's special attack will be increased by 1.5 times, but it will lose a certain amount of HP per turn.

Fierce Fire is when the Pokémon is attacked or when its HP is low, the power of the Fire skill will be greatly increased.

Guo Jiabao continued: "Do you see the fire on the tail of that little fire dragon? It's blue, which means that the little fire dragon can't understand it with such common-sense questions.

Xiao Yan asked again: "But is there any connection between the blue fire on the tail and this situation of not being afraid of water?"

Guo Jiabao guessed: "This is just my speculation, this little fire dragon is different from ordinary little fire dragons, I remember that there is a characteristic that is very similar to the current situation of the little fire dragon."

"What characteristics?" Xiao Yan asked curiously.

"Water storage characteristics!" Guo Jiabao couldn't help but smile when he said this.

Water storage Charizard, this is just a stalk on the Internet, because Charizard is most afraid of water, so some people on the Internet say that if Charizard's characteristic is water storage, then what will it become?

The effect of this trait is that a Pokémon with the Water Charge trait will not be damaged when attacked by a Water Skill and will restore 25% of its maximum HP.

Attack it with water-based skills, not to mention that you can't lose blood, the outrageous thing is that the other party can still recover blood.

Most people will think that Charizard is most afraid of water, and then attack with water-based skills, who knows that the more you attack the other party, the more energetic the other party is, who is not confused?

After Xiao Yan understood this, the whole person was shocked, and she couldn't help but want to laugh, she didn't know what she was laughing at.

Of course, these are just speculations, because according to their impressions, the little fire dragon has never had this kind of water storage property.

It's also possible that there are other features that have never been seen before.

Guo Jiabao thought of Ash's Pokémon Carapace Ninja Frog, its characteristic is an extremely rare bond evolution, and this trait may only appear in one or two Pokémon per million.

The effect of the Bond Evolution feature is that when the bond with the Trainer reaches a certain level, it is possible to evolve again without relying on the Evolution Stone.

This little fire dragon is logically one of those very, very rare cases.

I looked at the little fire dragon that was still enjoying it, and asked it tentatively, "Little fire dragon, you don't matter, right?"

When the little fire dragon heard this, he turned around and nodded at me with a smile on his face, indicating that he was fine.

"I don't know what is going on now, but now is the opportunity! Little Fire Dragon! Spray Flame on Butterfly Hunting! I shouted.

When the little fire dragon heard this, the flames in his mouth burst into flames, and he spewed towards the hunting phoenix butterfly that was still unable to fly on the ground.

The blazing flames hit the hunting butterfly, and the hunting butterfly lost the ability to continue fighting.

The referee also responded at this time: "Hunting phoenix butterflies has lost the ability to fight, so this game is won by the little fire dragon!"

"Great! Finally won the next round! "I was happy.

"Don't rejoice too soon, it's just a one-to-one tie now, and I didn't expect that to happen. You're in luck. Xiao Yao was still very calm and said to me with a smile.

She took the hunting butterfly back and pacified it.

The sprinkler stopped at this point, and Xiao Yao and I were both wet, but we didn't intend to end there.

I was also very excited, sure enough, God would not give me such an ordinary treatment, and I actually left a hand on the little fire dragon!

But now that I think about it, things are indeed a bit strange, I heard Dr. Oki say that the father of this little fire dragon seems to be very powerful, I was thinking that no matter how powerful his father is, his son may not necessarily have a future, and saying it is equivalent to saying that he didn't say it, but when I saw it today, I finally understood that it was not the meaning of combat effectiveness, but the meaning of genes!

It is very likely that the father of the little fire dragon is in that situation, so it is possible that the little fire dragon under the influence of genes will also have that kind of situation.

Now it seems that it is.

But another thing that makes me wonder is, why was the little fire dragon afraid of water before? It was the time when Captain Edson asked the long-winged gull to attack the little fire dragon with a water gun...

But then again, why did Captain Edson do that at the time? It felt as if he had guessed that this little fire dragon seemed to be not afraid of water............

Then the flame on the tail of the little fire dragon turned blue, maybe the flame on the tail turned blue as an awakening?

The more I think about it, the more I don't understand..........

Anyway, I just need to know now that the little fire dragon in my hand is not afraid of water, or it should be said that its resistance to water is relatively high.

I looked at the little fire dragon again.

Forget it, it looks like it should not be afraid of water.

I remember that Xiao Yao still has a Kami turtle, but now that the little fire dragon is not afraid of water, Xiao Yao will definitely not send out Kami turtles again.

While I was still thinking about what Pokémon Haruka would send out next, Haruka had already taken out her next Poké Ball.

Haruka looked at me and said with a smile, "Well, my next Pokémon will be him, go for it, Kirbymon!"

Xiao Yao sent out Kirbymon, and Kirbymon waved his arm energetically and slapped his bouncy belly a few times.

That's right, Xiao Yao, I remember that there was a little Kirbymon before, and now it has evolved into Kirbymon! It's not going to be easy to deal with.

Kirbymon's body color is close to blue or navy blue, its belly is white, its eyes are always narrowed, and no one has ever seen it open. The trunk is mainly made up of a fat-accumulating abdomen. The head is large and has two small pointed ears with two fangs protruding from the upper jaw. Kirbymon has thick hind legs with three claws and rounded brown grasping points, and shorter arms and five front paws. It sleeps when it is full, eats when it wakes up, and repeats itself every day. As a result, they gradually become obese and then have difficulty moving their bodies.

I took out the Pokédex:

Kirbymon, a sleepy Pokémon that evolved from a baby Kirbymon that inhabits mountains and jungles. Eating all the time outside of sleep. Kirbymon's stomach is very strong. No matter what kind of poison it is, it can be digested with gastric juice, so there is no problem in eating rotten things. You won't be full if you don't eat 400 kilograms of something in a day. A Pokémon with a docile personality that can make children use their big bellies as playgrounds.

After reading it, I asked Xiao Yao: "It should be quite edible, and the food cost should be a lot, right?"

"Ahaha......... Truly...... After evolving into Kirbymon, it seems to be able to eat more, and the daily food cost is indeed quite a lot... But it has a lot of strength and has helped me a lot. Xiao Yao scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

I smiled in response to her, and then took the little fire dragon back: "Come back first, little fire dragon."

Seeing this, Xiao Yao said, "Oh? It's a smart choice to take the little fire dragon back, so what's your third Pokémon? "

I also know very well that the little fire dragon is no match for Kirbymon, so I can only send the Guardian Dragon to deal with it.

I took out the Guardian's Poké Ball and released the Guardian, "Go, Guardian!" "

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