[Complete the quest - Purify the anomaly

] [Rewarding now

] [Gold +3000; Points +2000; Elini proficiency +6%]

At this time, the surface of the Red Maple Lake

- Because of the explosion of the source stone grenade, the lake surface is constantly bubbling with water bubbles, and the water surface is "gurgling" and surging. This scene also frightened and curious the people around him.

The horror is that strange things have happened so often lately, and no one knows whether it is dangerous or not. Curious, it's because I want to join in the fun and see what's going on. There are also many people who have recorded the situation here and posted it on the Internet to get attention.

After Xu Lai solved the peculiarities of this place, he swam towards the lake, and when he was halfway there, he saw a large group of people talking around him, and people with mobile phones taking pictures.

After a moment of stupefaction, I understood the reason. Because the water is still bubbling up the side at this time, I guess the surface of the lake must be like boiling water. The power of the source stone grenade is still very strong, and the temperature still remains in the area of the explosion after a few minutes.

"System, won't the 'Source Stone Grenade' cause serious harm? The previous hand cannon would not have this kind of splashing effect because of the bullets, so I forgot about the harm of the 'Source Stone' for a while. But now, isn't there any residual 'source stone liquid' in that area?"

[Ding~ Let this system tell you a little knowledge]

["Source Stone", as a special product of the Terra Continent, is a concentrated energy container; it is a mysterious mineral that appeared after a natural disaster swept the earth; it is the origin of a natural disaster, and it is also a product after a natural disaster. 【

The source stone particles produced after the volatilization of the "source stone" will cause the human body to be infected with the "source stone disease", which will cause the human body to slowly become a "source stone" ore.

[The above is some information on the "Source Stone", which brings diseases and disasters, but also brings the "Source Stone Technique.] So that the individual life has been given extraordinary power. [

The "source stone" here in the system does not cause natural disasters, nor is it infectious, it is a good thing for green health. Please feel free to use it with the host.

"It turns out that this is the case, when I used to play games, I only knew that the 'source stone' could be exchanged for synthetic jade, and it could be exchanged for reason. I didn't expect 'Source Stone' to have such a setting.

"But as long as it's okay and it doesn't cause any serious consequences, that's fine. Looking

at the situation on the lake, he didn't plan to go out from here. Anyway, you don't need to ventilate or anything now, so let's go ashore for a long time. Saying that, Xu Lai swam along the river and into the distance.

Some sharp-eyed people saw a figure wandering in the water and immediately exclaimed that there was someone in the water. This sound made everyone immediately look towards the bottom of the lake, but they didn't see anything for a long time. They all became angry and felt that they had been tricked. And those who exclaimed were also gloomy and hurriedly left.

Xu Lai swam underwater for a while and climbed up from under a bridge. Wring out the water stains on your clothes a little, you rode home on your beloved little sheep.

- After Xu Lai's long-term efforts to complete the system task, coupled with the training in the training space, Xu Lai's first character, Ali Lini, has reached 90% proficiency, and it will not be long before he will no longer need to consume points to play the character, and his body will be greatly improved at that time.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile on his face.

Little Amiya sat on Xu Lai's neck, holding her hair with both hands, and when she saw the smile in the mirror, she asked

, "Master, what are you laughing at?"

"Ah! No, I think of something happy."

Little Amiya wanted to ask what was going on, but before she could speak, a red alert suddenly appeared in front of Xu Lai.


[A large anomaly has been detected at the fountain main square in City B.] [

An urgent mission is now issued, please go to the host immediately to purify the peculiarity.] The

piercing alarm kept sounding in his brain, and Xu Lai, who was in a good mood, was also stunned for a moment when he saw the sudden emergency task.

The huge red exclamation mark in front of me, what the system calls a large peculiarity. Also, for the first time so far, the system has issued an urgent mission.

All of these phenomena reveal a message that this time the situation is very, very dangerous.

"System, how far away am I

from the mission site!" [The host is at the Red Maple Lake in City A at the moment, 105 kilometers away from the mission site. A route has been planned for the host.

", he's numb, 105 kilometers! Labor and management ride this broken little sheep, even if this thing doesn't need to be charged, hurry up

!" "It will take about 1 hour for labor and management to get to that place, and a lot of people will die! What do you want me to do!" Xu

Lai rode the little sheep and galloped quickly on the road, rushing to the destination of the big fountain in City B. Talking emotionally while screwing the accelerator.

[This mission is a special emergency mission, and a car has been temporarily prepared for the host-LS002 Combat Jet Motorcycle]

[Turn right at the intersection in front of the host, enter the alley and change the car. Hearing

this, Xu Lai's anxious heart was also slightly better, although he didn't know how fast this thing could run, but it was better than a little sheep.

Xu Lai followed the prompts of the system, turned right and got out of the car, and saw something covered with a tarpaulin in the alley on the side. Pull the tarpaulin apart, and a motorcycle full of sci-fi will appear in front of you.

At first glance, the whole vehicle is full of power. Ahead are a pair of huge headlights that look like the eyes of a beast. The body is wrapped in silver-white equipment, covering the internal structure and making the entire body look like a dormant beast. The tail has 6 spouts arranged in order to provide more speed.

In contact with the ground are two silver-white tires, which seem ordinary, but in fact the tires are made of special memory alloys. No matter what the ground, it can be firmly grasped and provide uninterrupted acceleration.

Looking at the fantastic motorcycle in front of him, Xu Lai's mood was extremely excited. He himself likes motorcycles very much, but the world ban on motorcycles in his previous life was too serious, and he couldn't enjoy it well. It can only be played occasionally at the training ground and on the track.

Drop the little sheep and put it into the system space, step onto the motorcycle, and hold the handlebars with both hands.

In an instant, the motorcycle started, the lights "snapped" on, and the roar of the engine also roared.

'Detected that the driver is already in position. The route has been planned. Welcome to the LS002 Combat Jet. The

sound of the vehicle sounds, the smart program has everything ready, all that remains is to twist the throttle.

Suppress your excitement, and you should be able to reach your destination quickly. This thing looks fast.

With a slight twist of the accelerator, the car rushed out of the alley and ......

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