Returning according to the original route, not to mention the ship is broken, the safety of the partner is the first priority.

If you put your hope in others, you will really lose the color of life.

"Devil Fruit, eat one, you need to have the ability to protect yourself. Zhong Guo was holding two Devil Fruits, and to be honest, he was still a little conflicted in his heart.

The partner can't hold back, or does the partner have to trust without reason and have their own way?

But the problem is that Xia Qi can't do anything but intelligence.

"Hehe, did you dislike me so quickly, a powerless person?" Xia Qi stared at the two devil fruits, a little dissatisfied in his heart.

"You need to protect yourself.

Xia Qi held a piece of paper, and the seagull stopped on her shoulder, "What if I told you that the five old stars are setting up

the layout?" "What is the layout?"

"Waiting for you to come to the Navy Headquarters, I guess you don't know yet, among the new generation of pirates, your bounty is ridiculously high." "

The Five Elders are ready to take advantage of you and curb the pirates' momentum. "

If you want to talk about my ability to protect myself, will I not have any ability after so many years as the queen of the Amazon Kingdom?" Xia Qi said, his arms covered with domineering weapons, and he deliberately raised them.

Zhong Guo fell into deep thought, he silently put away the Devil Fruit, "Each has its own way, since you don't want to eat the Devil Fruit, I won't persecute you, but you must have the ability to protect yourself."

"Our enemies are very strong and numerous.

Xia Qi nodded, her mature personality made her see Zhong Guo thoroughly, "Don't worry." "

Let's go to Justice Island to make a fuss first, since they want to make a knife on me, I always have to return the gift!" Zhong Guo waved his hand, proud and ambitious.

Yu Tian tugged at the corners of his mouth and complained, "Are you sure you didn't die for nothing?" "

Although the CP organization sounds bluffing, it is something that some ordinary pirates can handle, and its combat power is far inferior to yours.

"They are strange in their whereabouts, and they are proficient in the Navy Six. Xia Qi seemed to know everything, perhaps this made up for her lack of combat power.

"That's good. "Yutian is not afraid, he dares to go in the face of Roger, don't say anything about the CP organization, he is using his own way to open up the atmosphere.

"Make up your mind, then do it, goal, Justice Island!" "

Turn them upside down!" Zhong

Guo was full of fighting spirit, although the Ice Plain Law had just been obtained, he had already passed through the system, which undoubtedly increased his combat power.

Open the system template.

[Host: Zhong Guo.]

Combat Power: Emperor Vice +

Devil Fruit: Changeable Fruit - Ice Plain Law.

Domineering: Overlord color, armed color, seeing and hearing color.

Sabre: Demon Sword Muramasa.

Possession Rules: Space Laws, Fire Laws, Ice Plains Laws.

Eight quests have been completed. Zhong

Guo breathed a long sigh of relief, it's a long way!

【Assignment below

】【Tenth task: Find the fourth partner.】 【

Reward: Skyfire Tinder.】 [

Eleventh Mission: Draw Fish-Man Island under your own banner.] 【

Reward: Law of Thunder and Lightning.】 This

is good,

this is good, this is good!"

Zhong Guo secretly made up his mind, and the judicial island ahead was clearly visible.

With Xia Qi on the boat, we don't need an eternal pointer directly, okay?!

It's not that we don't have that condition, why do we want to start from scratch.

"Daguo, what are those two guarding the gate?" it was the first time that Ota had seen such a tall human.

Zhong Guo looked into the distance and gave the answer, "The members of the Giant Clan, Oyimo and Cassie.

"You know this?" Xia Qi began to look at Zhong Guo with admiration.

"The Giant Clan is so big!" Ota still sighed, but sighed, it was not false at all.

Looking at Xia Qi, Zhong Guo said, "You are on the boat, our goal is destruction."

"Well, I look forward to your triumph.

Rolling up his sleeves and taking off his cloak, "There are no ordinary residents on this Justice Island, and thank you for driving away the inhabitants here

!" "Mita

!" "Oh!"

The two jumped off the pirate ship, facing Oyimo and Cassie, the former stepped forward and scolded harshly, "This is an important place, no one is welcome to come."

Zhong Guo didn't ink, his muscles were tense, and he smashed the gate in front of him with all his strength


There was a slight sound of glass shattering, followed by the huge impact!

The two giant warriors leaned and smashed the gate open.

"It's you, Daguo.

Yutian couldn't wait, he was the best at demolishing the house and unloading the tiles, and rushed inside with his double knives.

"What kind of person!" "

Dare to break into here without permission!"


Quickly entering, Ota was confronting the five people in white suits in front of him, Zhong Guo's anger had been burning for a long time, he said: "Don't hesitate, just smash

!" "Okay!"

Ota rushed forward, slashing one at the beginning, and now he is entangled with three people with his own strength.

"Sure enough, they are all a group of scumbags, lackeys who serve the Tianlong people, and they will all die for me!" The

flames jumped, and the huge fireball shone on everyone's face, and the power of destruction swept over, and the five of them didn't even say a word, and all of them fell to the ground.

In the pain of being burned by the fire, Zhong Guo stepped aside and said coldly: "Report your number." "


"How many people are still left here?" Zhong Guo continued to ask, and before he knew it, he and Ota were already surrounded.

"Okay, I don't need to talk about it.

He counted the number of people as if Hades were on the line and was about to cross them off the book of life and death.

"CP0 to CP9, at present, CP0 and CP2, CP3, and CP4 are not here, so they should all be in the Navy Headquarters. Zhong Guo rarely showed a cruel intent, and now he could switch the law freely.

"Wipe out in the ruins, and I'll light a fire at that time, and it's a lavish funeral. "

Click... Click

!" "Bang!" The officials of the various organizations looked at Zhong Guo and Yu Tian like monkeys, and they didn't pay attention to it at all, until Zhong Guo shattered the void at this moment

! The surrounding buildings collapsed in response, and Yu Tian smiled and said, "Da Guo, you are more destructive than our mountain gods there

!" "Yu Tian Erdaoliu!" "

Taoyuan Flurry!".

The white slash came out furiously, and the feeling of sharpening the iron like mud added a lot of fear.

"Not good

!" "Quickly withdraw!" One

person shook the morale of the army, and no matter how many people there were, it would eventually collapse the army.

Seeking production in the cracks, they are now only left with fear, and they still can't remember what they and others have done.

From the main gate to the inquisition hall to the judicial tower, the strength of Zhong Guo and Yutian was completely irresistible.

Even the arrival of naval soldiers patrolling around it did not have the slightest effect.

It can't stop the trampling of this iron horse at all.

"Everyone, get out of the way

!" "Don't make fearless sacrifices!"

"Report the attack on the headquarters and the island of justice

!" "Please send troops to help!!

" "What?!" "

How many people?

" "Ah....h

Walking towards the gate, they panicked under the onslaught of flames.

Zhong Guo felt that he deserved it.

"I promised you a lavish funeral, and I did. "

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