"Technique reversal He!"

When Gojo Gojo's overlord-colored domineering aura enveloped the entire battlefield, Gojo launched an attack on the red dog.


Akainu is well aware of the terrifying nature of Gojou, even under normal conditions, he can't easily block this move, not to mention that he is now suppressed by the overlord color domineering.

The red dog immediately made a dodging motion.

However, due to the influence of the overlord color domineering, his movements were much slower, and the domineering color was also restricted, and he couldn't dodge Gojo Gojo's extremely fast move.

In a hurry, Akainu could only excite his strength with all his strength, covering his upper body with armed color domineering, and crossed his arms in front of him, trying to resist Gojo's blow.


This blow landed on the red dog, and in an instant magma splashed everywhere.

Almost without staying for time, the whole person of the red dog was bombarded by the attack and flew out.


The powerful impact made the red dog spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, and before the blood fell to the ground, it was evaporated by the hot magma.


The red dog that smashed on the ground knocked the ground out of a big hole.

"Ahem! Cough! Burst... Bastard! The

red dog that fell in the big pit was re-condensed by the scattered body, and his mouth could not bear it again, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and the navy uniform on his body was already tattered, looking very embarrassed.


Meanwhile, the other side of the Holy Land Mary Joya.

"Shell me! Blow up every one of their positions! "

After defeating the World Government's naval fleet, Estes ordered the fleet to shell the World Government's army vanguard forces intercepting them on the shore.

Because their vanguard troops had built their positions too far forward and were completely exposed to the range of Dressrosa's fleet, for a while, they were blown up to dust.

"Report General Steel Bone!"

A soldier stormed the empty office of the commander-in-chief of the World Government.

"What situation to say!"

Steel Bone Kong said.

"Dressrosa's fleet firepower is too fierce, and the naval fleet guarding the passage to the Holy Land is completely destroyed! Only a few warships escaped!

"What did you say? That's impossible! That's one of the most elite navies in the world government! How could it have collapsed so easily? Gang

Bone Kong's eyes widened when he heard the soldier's report, obviously unable to believe his words.

"Report Steel Bone Air Marshal! This information is very true! Dressrosa's fleet is now conducting a landing operation! A fierce exchange of fire was going on with the vanguard troops of our army on land.

"And how are the Vanguard's troops fighting?"

Steel Bone Kong had to accept such a fact at this moment and asked eagerly.

"In order to block the landing of the enemy, the vanguard troops built their positions too far forward, and the naval guns of Dressrosa's fleet bombarded the positions of our vanguard forces directly. Our army suffered heavy losses!

"Idiot! Knowing that the artillery of their fleet has a long range, they will also build positions within the range of their fleet!

"General, there is no way to do this, if you want to prevent them from landing, you must build the position forward, otherwise the effective range of our army's weapons is too short to cause damage at all!"

"Abominable! The world government has been developing technology for so many years! In just over a year, it was surpassed by a small country! "

Report Marshal! The vanguard troops were about to lose their support, and they asked for support!

"Support a fart! Let them retreat and retreat to the second line of defense! There is no need to stop them from landing, wait until they get ashore and fight again! "


The soldier was ordered to retreat.

"How are the other lines of defense deployed?"

Steel asked the correspondent in the office.

"Report Marshal! In addition to the first line of defense you ordered to retreat, the last four lines of defense have been basically deployed, even if Dressrosa's army lands, it can block them layer by layer! "

Very good! Order down! No one should let their guard down! Report as soon as there is a situation! This war is a large-scale war that has never been seen since the establishment of the world government, and may decide the fate of the world! There is no room for failure! Steel

Bone Empty ordered without question.

In the main ship command room of the Second Fleet of Dressrosa

, "Report Lord Esders!" The World Government's troops guarding the shore have retreated! "

It's stupid to only know about the retreat now! Order the whole army to land! The army on our troop carriers will land first, and then the navy will land, and half of the people of the Second Fleet will guard this sea area to guard the warships! The people of the other fleets all landed and fought! "



"Red dog! Don't fight anymore? If I don't fight, I'll find someone else to fight! Seeing

that Akainu had not yet stood up, Gojo urged.

"Ahem! Cough!

Akainu listened to Gojo's words and coughed again, he was not lightly injured, but not enough to stand up. It's that he deliberately doesn't stand up easily.

He found that Gojo Gojo seemed to be just playing, obviously he could take advantage of the victory to pursue and put himself to death, but he did not make a move.

However, this is in line with the red dog's wishes, and he can use this to delay time for others.

When Whitebeard is defeated, their navy can go all out against Gojo.

However, Gojo was already waiting impatiently, and apparently the idea of Akainu had failed.

Akainu slowly stood up and said

, "Gojou, why on earth are you being a pirate?"

"What reason? Is this important?

"With your ability, if you were a navy, you would have been able to wipe out the Four Emperors long ago!" Status, what do you want? Choose to be a pirate!

"Don't I have the same status and status now?"

"To be a pirate is to be feared and spurned! When the Navy can be feared and loved! Would you rather be spurned than be in the Navy?

"Hahaha! Your navy prides itself on justice! But I don't know that for some people pirates are much more righteous than navy! And your navy is just a lackey of the Draco! I decided from the beginning that I wanted to kill all the Draco, do you think I will join the Navy?

"With your spell Pirates and Dressrosa, do you think you can do it?"

"My people are attacking Mary Joa now, and we'll find out soon if they can't do it!"

"You're so confident! Draco ruled the world for so long, do you think..."

Don't delay any longer, it's useless, don't do it again, I'll find someone else! Gojo

had long seen through Akainu's trick to stall for time.

"If that's the case, then there is no way!"

The plan to delay time was discovered, and Akainu's gaze froze, his strength condensed again, and he looked at Gojo with a serious face.

A new round of fighting is imminent.

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