New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 51 Leaving the Secret Room

Ginny cried and said: "Professor - oh, Professor Dumbledore - these things... these things were all done by me, but I swear, I didn't mean to. It was Riddle - Tom Riddle - he He forced me to do it, he controlled me, I...I couldn't resist...By the way, where is the diary? The diary is..."

"Miss Weasley, don't worry, Riddle's diary has been destroyed. We all know that you are innocent." Xia Ran pointed to the diary in Dumbledore's hand and comforted Ginny.

Dumbledore put the diary away and said: "You will not be expelled, Miss Weasley." After a pause, he winked at Ginny kindly and smiled: "What a pity. This is not the village of Hogsmeade, but the secret room that is unknown many miles beneath Hogwarts, otherwise I can buy you a piece of chocolate to replenish energy."

Ginny's nervousness finally seemed to ease.

"Okay, let's talk about something outside. I think Mr. and Mrs. Weasley may have arrived at Hogwarts by now, and others may be very worried about our safety," Dumbledore said.

Ginny was shocked again and stammered: "What? Father and mother... they... how could they..."

"Professor McGonagall informed them. I think it would be better if your parents stayed with you." Dumbledore said, looking at Phoenix and saying, "Fox, please."

Harry and Ginny were confused.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "We are going to take the Fox Phoenix train."

"Haha, yes, Phoenix train." Dumbledore laughed, "Charran, you catch me, Harry and Ginny will catch Charran, and Fox will take us out of the secret room."

Fawkes flew to Dumbledore's side in a whoosh, with a pair of beautiful wings fanning, his bright eyes looking particularly beautiful in the dark, and the long golden feathers behind his tail swaying.

Dumbledore stuck the sword in his waist, and Charlotte grabbed the back of Dumbledore's wizard robe. Then Harry and Ginny grabbed Charlotte again. Finally, Dumbledore reached out and grabbed the phoenix Fawkes, whose tail was surprisingly hot. feathers.

call out!

Xia Ran first felt a strange sense of relief quickly pass through his body, and with a strange sound, all of them flew upwards along the water pipe.

Harry couldn't help but cry out. Even though Ginny kept crying, he couldn't help but feel a long-lost relaxation at this time.

Xia Ran thoroughly enjoyed the joy of flying. The cold air blew past the sides of his face. After a while, the journey was over. The four of them landed on the damp floor of Weeping Myrtle's bathroom. Xia Ran was steady. When he steadied himself, the pool covering the water pipe automatically slid back to its original place, and the entrance to the secret room was hidden again.

Myrtle floated in mid-air, staring at them with wide eyes.

"So you are all still alive." She said very disappointedly.

"I'm sorry." Xia Ran smiled and said.

"Oh, if you die... I have been thinking about which one of you should agree to share this toilet with me." Myrtle said, she was so shy that her cheeks turned silver-she is a ghost after all, and non-human.

"Thank you for your kindness, Myrtle, but we must leave at this time." Dumbledore said politely, and the four of them left the bathroom and walked towards the empty corridor outside.

The students stayed in the common room while the professors hung out in groups outside the common room to protect the students from any harm.

So under the leadership of Dumbledore and Phoenix Fox, several people walked all the way to the outside of the principal's office on the eighth floor without meeting any teachers or students of Hogwarts.

The stone monster jumped aside automatically when it saw Dumbledore, and they vaguely heard crying coming from behind the spiral passage.

"Arthur and Molly have arrived." Dumbledore said, and the four of them entered the principal's office.

There were several people in the office. Mrs. Weasley was crying against her husband. The four Weasley brothers currently studying at Hogwarts: Percy, Fred, George, and Ron all looked sad. Professor McGonagall also had a serious look on her face.

Until Dumbledore and Phoenix entered the office first, startling a few people and turning around to look. Dumbledore moved to sit behind his desk, while Xia Ran also moved aside wisely, leaving Mrs. Weasley to rush towards. Her daughter moved out of the way.

"Oh, Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley screamed, rushing over and hugging Ginny tightly, followed closely by Mr. Weasley, and the couple reached out and hugged their little girl.

Percy, Fred, George, and Ron were visibly relieved.

Professor McGonagall grabbed her chest with her hands and gasped for air.

At this time, Harry was also held in Mrs. Weasley's arms.

"You saved her, Harry, you saved her too!"

"No, I don't..." Harry said blushing with embarrassment. He actually did not play any role in the battle in the Chamber of Secrets.

Xia Ran interrupted Harry and said, "No, Harry, your Parseltongue is already the greatest help to us!"

This is true. If Harry hadn't provided the Parseltongue to open the Chamber of Secrets, they might not even have been able to enter the Chamber of Secrets until now.

"Xia Ran, thank you." Mr. Weasley shook hands with Xia Ran.

"Really, Dumbledore is the main force." Xia Ran said.

Mr. Weasley thanked Dumbledore again.

"By the way, Albus, what exactly did you experience in the Chamber of Secrets?" Professor McGonagall asked a little weakly. She conjured a soft-backed chair and sat down.

Xia Ran made a chair for himself to sit on. Although he couldn't deform the too thick stone pillars in the secret room, his current level of deformation was level 4 (medium), so he could easily use a chair. of.

Dumbledore had already put down Gryffindor's sword, smiled at everyone and said, "Oh, it's a long story..."

He told how several people opened the Chamber of Secrets, how Harry provided Parseltongue to open the Chamber of Secrets, how he discovered Ginny, how he started a conversation with Riddle, and finally relied on the sword that Harry pulled out to kill the Basilisk. Xia Ran and Harry would add a few words from time to time.

"Riddle, Albus, you mean Riddle?" Professor McGonagall asked in surprise.

"Yes, Tom Riddle, the young Voldemort, and the attacks on Hogwarts in the past few months were all caused by Tom manipulating Ginny." Dumbledore said.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were suddenly startled and said: "Wha...what? Ginny...she..."

Even Professor McGonagall and the four Weasley brothers were shocked.

"Diary!" Dumbledore pointed to the diary with a hole on the table and said, "This is a dark magic item made by Voldemort when he was young. Tom kept it specially when he was still studying at Hogwarts. Leave the diary down to lure the little wizard who comes later to open the secret room."

"But, Ginny... this is just a diary. How could Ginny be controlled by a diary?" Mrs. Weasley asked in shock and confusion.

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