New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 32 The Basilisk Injury Incident

"That's it..."

Xia Ran touched his chin and said with a smile: "It's my duty!" After a pause, he smiled again: "However, I have to wait a while before I can go to the Quidditch field, at least until I have used up this Isn’t it a table meal?”

"Of course, anyway, the competition time is eleven o'clock in the morning, there is still a while." Professor McGonagall said, "We won't disturb you, Professor Frémont." She turned and walked out of Xia Ran's office.

Snape showed an ugly smile on his gloomy face, nodded to Xia Ran, and left Xia Ran's office.

Xia Ran continued to enjoy his sumptuous breakfast. He thought about it. If he remembered correctly, in this Quidditch match, one of the Bludgers was tampered with by the house elf Dobby, hoping to maim Harry. Potter, this way Harry will be expelled from Hogwarts and will not encounter the deadly danger of the basilisk.

It can only be said that Dobby had good intentions, but unfortunately his methods were very flawed, which caused Harry a lot of trouble.

"Wait!" Xia Ran suddenly frowned again and said to himself, "The night after the Quidditch match in the original space and time, the Basilisk launched a second attack. It should be at night. , I wonder if this basilisk attack will happen again because of my intrusion?"

Many students have special little magic items. There is nothing special about them. They just record the crow of the rooster. Fred and George, the Weasley twins, even specially visited Hagrid for this purpose. There were roosters in the yard - after working for a long time, they had just made many small coats of arms, and they seemed to have made a lot of money.

Xia Ranxin said that it seems that I have to be more careful, otherwise it will easily happen that others are fine but I have problems.

A terrifying creature like the basilisk has extremely powerful defenses. He felt that breaking through the basilisk's defense would be a difficult problem. He didn't have the Phoenix to send him a Sorting Hat, and Gryffindor existed in the Sorting Hat. The sword!

That was Harry's treatment. Dumbledore would never allow Harry to fall into any real danger. He believed that when Voldemort returned, Harry had the only chance of winning!

This idea is not unfounded. After all, Harry is the only living being who has survived the killing curse Avada Kedavra. His body also has a special and powerful curse cast by his mother Lily Evans before she died. As a result of magic, Voldemort failed to achieve success more than ten years ago, reduced to a form even humbler than a wandering spirit, and his power dropped to his lowest stage.

"Voldemort..." Xia Ran looked thoughtful, but suddenly smiled. Half of Voldemort's Horcruxes were the source of his Force points, and Ravenclaw's crown had been absorbed by him. Power points, Voldemort's soul fragment suffered trauma as a result, but the Horcrux had not been truly solved. As a result, he achieved level 4 (high) magic level and level 4 (medium) transfiguration level.


The time soon came to around 10:50, and there were only ten minutes left before the 11 o'clock start of the game. Xia Ran had already heard the loud noise coming from the Quidditch pitch in the distance. There were many sounds, but the castle seemed relatively quiet, because after all, there were only a few people who did not go to watch the game, and some of them were students on their way out of the castle to the stadium.


Xia Ran closed the door and prepared to go to the Quidditch pitch. He promised Professor McGonagall and Snape that he would not break his promise on such an insignificant matter.

At this time, another burst of earth-shaking cheers came from the Quidditch pitch, accompanied by many names. He vaguely heard Harry Potter, Fred Weasley, and George Weasley. , Oliver Wood, Alia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell's names, it seems that this is the time for the Gryffindor players to appear.

"Ah, I'm going to be late!"

At this moment, a gray-haired little boy ran downstairs in a hurry. He had a camera hanging around his neck. He raised it with his left hand and moved down in three steps and two steps at a time. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared. Castle corner.

Xia Ran then locked the door and placed the wand in the inner pocket of his wizard robe, where it could be easily accessed by his right hand at any time.

"You also want to go to the Quidditch match? Xia Ran, I remember that you are not very interested in this thing." A gentle voice suddenly came from the stairs. It was Dumbledore. He didn't seem to be going to Quidditch. Instead, he looked like he was going to the Great Hall to have lunch.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape invited me to take care of them. As a combat professor, I have to go, right? I'm afraid, sir, that you will deduct my salary."

"Haha!" Dumbledore said with a smile, "No, I won't deduct your salary for such a small thing, unless you waste food and..."

At this point, his words suddenly stopped, and his expression instantly became extremely solemn. In a few steps, he reached the front steps. A stiff and upright little wizard stood there, motionless, and he just picked up the camera with his left hand.

It was the little wizard who ran downstairs just now! Did he encounter a basilisk? ! Just in this moment? ?

"Colin Creevey!"

Xia Ran recognized the little wizard, the student who followed Harry Potter all day long and was ready to take pictures anytime and anywhere. To be honest, he was the only one in Hogwarts. He was also the one who was attacked by the Basilisk tonight in the original time and space. As for petrification, it's clearly not even eleven o'clock in the morning, right? ! Why did the basilisk come out now? ?

By the way, where's Ginny? ?

Xia Ran immediately ran downstairs, but there were no teachers or students on the second floor. It was deserted. There were only sounds from the empty classroom farther away, and then the Hogwarts ghost Peeves flew out of the classroom. He was holding something in his hand, but it was obvious that it had nothing to do with the basilisk.

"How is he?" Xia Ran asked when she returned to the stairs on the third floor. Dumbledore leaned down, took out his wand, and was carefully checking Colin Creevey's situation with a very solemn expression.

"Same symptoms as Mrs. Norris, they are all petrified." Dumbledore took the camera from Colin Creevey's stiff left hand. He opened the back cover of the camera with his wand, and there was a sudden smell. Heat came out of the camera, Xia Ran's nose moved slightly, and he smelled the pungent smell of burning plastic.

"Melted... but fortunately..." Dumbledore said.

Xia Ran understood what the principal meant. Without this camera to block it, Colin Creevey would have been directly staring at the basilisk. Then, what they would see at this time would have been a dead man, not what they saw in front of them. A petrified appearance.

"It seems, Xia Ran, you are right, the Chamber of Secrets has indeed been opened again!" Dumbledore said.

I'm in the hospital today, so I don't have time to write. It's already midnight for the first chapter. I'll make up the second chapter tomorrow.

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